City Research Online

FeSAD: Ransomware Detection with Machine learning using Adaption to Concept Drift

Fernando, D. W. A. (2023). FeSAD: Ransomware Detection with Machine learning using Adaption to Concept Drift. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)


Ransomware classification is crucial, and the main issue with ransomware is that misclassification can have devastating effects compromising valuable data and causing significant monetary loss to organisations. In addition to damaging businesses and individuals, ransomware is a malware type that is evolving rapidly, with new families and variants constantly appearing; this can lead to misclassifications by detection systems. Modern detection systems have moved away from heuristic detection methods and use more flexible approaches such as machine learning. Machine learning is an effective way to detect malware; therefore works well when detecting ransomware. Concept drift occurs in machine learning systems; this implies that the statistical properties of the target variable have changed either suddenly or over time. Concept drift is a notable weakness of a machine-learning malware detection system. Concept drift suggests the machine learning algorithm’s rules and principles have become outdated; this phenomenon can represent ransomware evolution. The concept drift phenomenon represented by ransomware evolution presents a significant challenge for Machine Learning intrusion detection systems because of the inevitable degradation of classification models. This thesis proposes FeSAD, a ransomware detection framework designed to counteract the concept drift in ransomware; this is achieved by combining statistical properties of ransomware and benign data with feedback from the classifier to make a reliable classification under concept drift. The FeSAD framework has a feature selection algorithm for systems expected to have concept drift. In addition, there are drift detection and adaptation components to deal with concept drift. The feature selection layer is a proactive solution that generates feature sets that will remain robust over time, and the drift layer is a reactive measure that allows a detection system to reliably and accurately classify samples that show concept drift. The FeSAD framework is designed to work with most machine learning algorithms and is tested under various concept drift scenarios with ransomware and benign files from different distributions; each distribution is defined by the year of release. The FeSAD framework was tested with random forests, multi-layer perceptrons and a Bayesian network and achieved strong results by maintaining a detection rate close to 90% in all concept drift scenarios. The FeSAD framework’s strong detection results under concept drift also show that it prolongs the lifespan of a machine learning classifier by maintaining a high detection rate across different ransomware distributions.

Publication Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Departments: School of Science & Technology > Computer Science
School of Science & Technology > School of Science & Technology Doctoral Theses
Doctoral Theses
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