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Items where Author is "Evans, J. R."

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Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390 (2023). Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023(9), article number CD000254. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd000254.pub5

Evans, J. R., Gordon, I., Azuara‐Blanco, A. , Bowen, M., Braithwaite, T., Crosby‐Nwaobi, R., Gichuhi, S., Hogg, R. E., Li, T., Minogue, V., Parker, R., Rowe, F. J., Shah, A., Virgili, G., Ramke, J. & Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390 (2023). Identifying important questions for Cochrane systematic reviews in Eyes and Vision: Report of a priority setting exercise. Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods, 1(3), article number e12014. doi: 10.1002/cesm.12014

Perais, J., Agarwal, R., Evans, J. R. , Loveman, E., Colquitt, J. L., Owens, D., Hogg, R. E., Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390, Takwoingi, Y. & Lois, N. (2023). Prognostic factors for the development and progression of proliferative diabetic retinopathy in people with diabetic retinopathy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023(2), doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd013775.pub2

Evans, J. R., Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390, Ramke, J. , Virgili, G., Gordon, I., Lingham, G., Yasmin, S. & Keel, S. (2022). Identification and critical appraisal of evidence for interventions for refractive error to support the development of the WHO package of eye care interventions: a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics, 42(3), pp. 526-533. doi: 10.1111/opo.12963

Ramke, J., Evans, J. R., Habtamu, E. , Mwangi, N., Silva, J. C., Swenor, B. K., Congdon, N., Faal, H. B., Foster, A., Friedman, D. S., Gichuhi, S., Jonas, J. B., Khaw, P. T., Kyari, F., Murthy, G. V. S., Wang, N., Wong, T. Y., Wormald, R., Yusufu, M., Taylor, H., Resnikoff, S., West, S. K., Burton, M. J., Aghaji, A., Adewole, A. T., Csutak, A., Salam, A. S., Paduca, A., Bron, A. M., Denniston, A. K., Lazo Legua, A., Halim, A., Tefera, A. W., Mwangi, A., Jenkins, A. J., Davis, A., Meddeb-Ouertani, A., Wali, A. H., Palis, A. G., Bastos de Carvalho, A., Joshi, A., Kreis, A. J., Mueller, A., Bastawrous, A., Cooper, A., Smith, A. F., Grzybowski, A., Arvind, A., Karanu, A. M., Orlina, A. O., Burnett, A., Yashadhana, A., Abeydeera, A. P., Abdurakhmanova, A., Mohamed, A., Bacchav, A., Bernhisel, A., Webson, A. W., Azuara-Blanco, A., Hossain, A., Ilhan, B., Assumpta Lucienne, B., Tousignant, B., Shamanna, B. R., Wiafe, B., Mueller, B., Caglar, C., Mpyet, C., Abraham, C. H., Cheung, C. Y., Thiel, C. L., Jan, C. L., Emedike, C., Chuluunkhuu, C., Chinyere, C., Henein, C., Gilbert, C. E., Bascaran, C., Nitulescu, C. E., Patel, D., Bachani, D., Kiage, D., Etya'ale, D., Dahdal, D., Woo Lawson, D., Godin, D., Nkanga, D. G., Ondeyo, D. M., O'Brien, D., Mutie, D. M., Alalawi, E. S. K., Mayorga, E., Bin Hashim, E., Ashrafi, E., Kishiki, E. A., Kurian, E., D'Esposito, F., Masila, F., Pena, F. Y., Büsch, F., Topouzis, F., Bandello, F., Oyediji, F. J., Thumann, G., Ezz Elarab, G., Kitema, G. F., Schlenther, G., Fefoame, G. O., Cochrane, G. M., Laganovska, G., Awan, H. R., Ansari, H. M., Philippin, H., Burn, H., Dimaras, H., Filipe, H. P., Monye, H. I., Kandel, H., Randrianarisoa, H. L., Jones, I., Murdoch, I. E., Fabian, I. D., Khan, I. A., Sharma, I. P., Elbeih, I., Mactaggart, I., Pastor, J. C., Keunen, J. E. E., Ohuma, J. A., Pithuwa Nirwoth, J., Hammou, J., Vianna, J. R., Biao, J-E., Burr, J. M., Keenan, J. D., Blijkers, J., Black, J. M., Barbosa Breda, J., Furtado, J. M., Buchan, J. C., Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390, Kempen, J. H., Ehrlich, J. R., Stern, J., Zhang, J. H., Keskinbora, K. H., Knoll, K. M., Blanchet, K., Schmid, K. L., Ono, K., Ogundimu, K., Balo, K., Somda, K. P., Yeboah, K., Amissah-Arthur, K. N., Nasehi, L., Øverland, L., Vijaya, L., Keay, L., Hamm, L. M., Mowatt, L., Harrison-Williams, L. C. M., Silva, L., Bilotto, L., Mörchen, M., Rabiu, M., Zondervan, M., Chagunda, M., Sandinha, M. T., Yee Melgar, M., Salas Vargas, M., Daniell, M. D., Katibeh, M., Broom, M., Collins, M. E., Alp, M. N., Kwarteng, M. A., Belkin, M., Gichangi, M., Sylvanowicz, M., Wu, M., Cano, M. R., Shalaby, M., Duggal, M., Khairallah, M., Batur, M., Bikbov, M. M., Ramappa, M., Pamarathi, N., Khachatryan, N., Muhammad, N., Kennedy, N., Murray, N., Beare, N. A. V., Astbury, N., Carnt, N. A., St Rose, N. A., Barker, N. H., Pehere, N. K., Uche, N. J., Lois, N., Awe, O. O., Mujica, O. J., Okolo, O. E., Rani, P. K., Ruamviboonsuk, P., Ndiaye, P. A., Dhakhwa, P., Rozsival, P., Mbulawa, P. K., Keane, P. A., Jones, P. R., Holland, P., Nukella, P. B., Burgess, P. I., O'Dwyer, P. A., Piyasena, P., Bastola, P., Morjaria, P., Nasimee, Q., Rambacal, R. A. T., Das, R., Khandekar, R. B., Azad, R., Bashshur, R., Sousa, R. A. R. C., Oenga, R., Gurung, R., Geneau, R., Jacobs, R. J., Finger, R. P., Guymer, R. H., Sevciuc, R., Khanna, R. C., George, R., Graham, R., Kawasaki, R., Ho, S. M., Mishra, S. K., Buttan, S., Block, S. S., Talero, S., Yoon, S., Joseph, S., Safi, S., Dodson, S., Munoz, S. R., Bakayoko, S., Mohammadi, S. F., Muez, S. A., Pardhan, S., Hopkins, S., Sheu, S-J., Coulibaly, S. M., Schellini, S. A., Arunga, S., Bush, S. R., Sivaprasad, S., Salomao, S. R., Marmamula, S., Onwubiko, S. N., Misra, S. L., Kuyyadiyil, S., Kulkarni, S., khanal, S., Yasmin, S., Pavljasevic, S. N., Gilbert, S. S., Braithwaite, T., Ghidirimschi, T., Ravilla, T., Fricke, T. R., Cogliati, T., Kassa, T., Peto, T., Dibb, U., Lansingh, V. C., Hu, V. H., Sheffield, V. M., Mathenge, W., Dean, W. H., Nolan, W., Hiratsuka, Y., Mahsood, Y. J. & Sapkota, Y. (2022). Grand Challenges in global eye health: a global prioritisation process using Delphi method. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(1), e31-e41. doi: 10.1016/s2666-7568(21)00302-0

Evans, J. R., Gordon, I., Lawrenson, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390 , Parker, R., Rowe, F. J., Virgili, G., Li, T., Ramke, J. & Cochrane Eyes and Vision Priority Setting Steering Group (2021). Identifying priority review questions for Cochrane Eyes and Vision: protocol for a priority setting exercise. BMJ Open, 11(6), article number e046319. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046319

Perais, J., Agarwal, R., Hogg, R. , Lawrenson, J. G. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390, Evans, J. R., Takwoingi, Y. & Lois, N. (2020). Prognostic factors for the development and progression of proliferative diabetic retinopathy in people with diabetic retinopathy (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020(11), article number CD013775. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd013775

Lawrenson, J. G. ORCID: 0000-0002-2031-6390, Evans, J. R. & Downie, L. E. (2019). A Critical Appraisal of National and International Clinical Practice Guidelines Reporting Nutritional Recommendations for Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Are Recommendations Evidence-Based?. Nutrients, 11(4), article number 823. doi: 10.3390/nu11040823

Verschuere, B., Meijer, E. H., Jim, A. , Hoogesteyn, K., Orthey, R., McCarthy, R. J., Skowronski, J. J., Acar, O. A., Aczel, B., Bakos, B. E., Barbosa, F., Baskin, E., Bègue, L., Ben-Shakhar, G., Birt, A. R., Blatz, L., Charman, S. D., Claesen, A., Clay, S .L., Coary, S. P., Crusius, J., Evans, J. R., Feldman, N., Ferreira-Santos, F., Gamer, M., Gomes, S., González-Iraizoz, M, Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Isoni, A., Jessup, R. K., Kirchler, M., klein Selle, N., Koppel, L., Kovacs, M., Laine, T., Lentzos, F., Loschelder, D. L., Ludvig, E. A., Lynn, M. L., Martin, S. D., McLatchie, N. M., Mechtel, M., Nahari, G., Özdogru, A. A., Pasion, R., Pennington, C. R., Roets, A., Rozmann, N., Scopelliti, I., Spiegelman, E., Suchotzki, K., Sutan, A., Szecsi, P., Tinghög, G., Tisserand, J-C., Tran, U. S., Van Hiel, A., Vanpaemel, W., Västfjäll, D., Verliefde, T., Vezirian, K., Voracek, M., Warmelink, L., Wick, K., Wiggins, B. J., Wylie, K. & Yıldız, E. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(3), pp. 299-317. doi: 10.1177/2515245918781032

McCarthy, R. J., Skowronski, J. J., Verschuere, B. , Meijer, E. H., Jim, A., Hoogesteyn, K., Orthey, R., Acar, O. A., Aczel, B., Bakos, B. E., Barbosa, F., Baskin, E., Bègue, L., Ben-Shakhar, G., Birt, A. R., Blatz, L., Charman, S. D., Claesen, A., Clay, S .L., Coary, S. P., Crusius, J., Evans, J. R., Feldman, N., Ferreira-Santos, F., Gamer, M., Gerlsma, C., Gomes, S., González-Iraizoz, M, Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Huntjens, R. J. C., Isoni, A., Jessup, R. K., Kirchler, M., klein Selle, N., Koppel, L., Kovacs, M., Laine, T., Lentz, F., Loschelder, D. L., Ludvig, E. A., Lynn, M. L., Martin, S. D., McLatchie, N. M., Mechtel, M., Nahari, G., Özdogru, A. A., Pasion, R., Pennington, C. R., Roets, A., Rozmann, N., Scopelliti, I., Spiegelman, E., Suchotzki, K., Sutan, A., Szecsi, P., Tinghög, G., Tisserand, J-C., Tran, U. S., Van Hiel, A., Vanpaemel, W., Västfjäll, D., Verliefde, T., Vezirian, K., Voracek, M., Warmelink, L., Wick, K., Wiggins, B. J., Wylie, K. & Yıldız, E. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(3), pp. 321-336. doi: 10.1177/2515245918777487

Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. (2017). Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for preventing age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(7), article number CD000253. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd000253.pub4

Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. (2017). Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(9), article number CD000254. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd000254.pub4

Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. (2014). A review of the evidence for dietary interventions in preventing or slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 34(4), pp. 390-396. doi: 10.1111/opo.12142

Lawrenson, J. & Evans, J. R. (2013). Advice about diet and smoking for people with or at risk of age-related macular degeneration: a cross-sectional survey of eye care professionals in the UK. BMC Public Health, 13(1), article number 564. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-564

Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. (2012). Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for preventing age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11(6), doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd000254.pub3

Evans, J. R. & Lawrenson, J. (2012). Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11(6), doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd000253.pub3

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