Items where Author is "Foy, R."
Abel, K., Agnew, E., Amos, J. , Armstrong, N. ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-0119, Armstrong-James, D., Ashfield, T., Aston, S., Baillie, J. K., Baldwin, S., Barlow, G., Bartle, V., Bielicki, J., Brown, C., Carrol, E., Clements, M., Cooke, G., Dane, A., Dark, P., Day, J., de-Soyza, A., Dowsey, A., Evans, S., Eyre, D., Felton, T., Fowler, T., Foy, R., Gannon, K., Gerada, A., Goodman, A., Harman, T., Hayward, G., Holmes, A., Hopkins, S., Howard, P., Howard, A., Hsia, Y., Knight, G., Lemoine, N., Koh, J., Macgowan, A., Marwick, C., Moore, C., O’Brien, S., Oppong, R., Peacock, S., Pett, S., Pouwels, K., Queree, C., Rahman, N., Sculpher, M., Shallcross, L., Sharland, M., Singh, J., Stoddart, K., Thomas-Jones, E., Townsend, A., Ustianowski, A., Van Staa, T., Walker, S., White, P., Wilson, P., Buchan, I., Woods, B., Bower, P., Llewelyn, M. & Hope, W. (2024).
System-wide approaches to antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial resistance in the UK: the AMR-X framework.
The Lancet Microbe, 5(5),
doi: 10.1016/s2666-5247(24)00003-x
Willis, T. A., Wright-Hughes, A., Skinner, C. , Farrin, A. J., Hartley, S., Walwyn, R., Weller, A., Althaf, M., Wilson, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-6445-654X, Gale, C. P. & Foy, R. (2023).
The detection and management of attempted fraud during an online randomised trial.
Trials, 24(1),
article number 494.
doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07517-4
Willis, T. A., Wright-Hughes, A., Weller, A. , Alderson, S. L., Wilson, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-6445-654X, Walwyn, R., Wood, S., Lorencatto, F., Farrin, A., Hartley, S., Francis, J., Seymour, V., Brehaut, J., Colquhoun, H., Grimshaw, J., Ivers, N., Feltbower, R., Keen, J., Brown, B. C., Presseau, J., Gale, C. P., Stanworth, S. J. & Foy, R. (2022).
Interventions to optimise the outputs of national clinical audits to improve the quality of health care: a multi-method study including RCT.
Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10(15),
pp. 1-284.
doi: 10.3310/qbbz1124
Wright-Hughes, A., Willis, T. A., Wilson, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-6445-654X , Weller, A., Lorencatto, F., Althaf, M., Seymour, V., Farrin, A. J., Francis, J., Brehaut, J., Ivers, N., Alderson, S. L., Brown, B. C., Feltbower, R. G., Gale, C. P., Stanworth, S. J., Hartley, S., Colquhoun, H., Presseau, J., Walwyn, R. & Foy, R. (2022).
A randomised fractional factorial screening experiment to predict effective features of audit and feedback.
Implementation Science, 17(1),
article number 34.
doi: 10.1186/s13012-022-01208-5
Foy, R., Lorencatto, F., Walwyn, R. , Farrin, A., Francis, J. J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Gould, N., McIntyre, S., Patel, R., Smith, J., During, C., Hartley, S., Cicero, R., Glidewell, L., Grant-Casey, J., Rowley, M., Deary, A., Swart, N., Morris, S., Collinson, M., Moreau, L., Bird, J., Michie, S., Grimshaw, J. M. & Stanworth, S. J. (2022).
Enhanced feedback interventions to promote evidence-based blood transfusion guidance and reduce unnecessary use of blood components: the AFFINITIE research programme including two cluster factorial RCTs.
Programme Grants for Applied Research, 10(2),
pp. 1-112.
doi: 10.3310/rehp1241
Stanworth, S. J., Walwyn, R., Grant-Casey, J. , Hartley, S., Moreau, L., Lorencatto, F., Francis, J. J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Gould, N., Swart, N., Rowley, M., Morris, S., Grimshaw, J. M., Farrin, A., Foy, R. & Collaborators, AFFINITIE (2022).
Effectiveness of Enhanced Performance Feedback on Appropriate Use of Blood Transfusions A Comparison of 2 Cluster Randomized Trials.
JAMA Network Open, 5(2),
article number e220364.
doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0364
Alderson, S, Willis, T. A., Wood, S. , Lorencatto, F., Francis, J. J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Ivers, N., Grimshaw, J. & Foy, R. (2022).
Embedded trials within national clinical audit programmes: A qualitative interview study of enablers and barriers.
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 27(1),
pp. 50-61.
doi: 10.1177/13558196211044321
Grimshaw, J. M., Ivers, N., Linklater, S. , Foy, R., Francis, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Gude, W. T. & Hysong, S. J. (2019).
Reinvigorating stagnant science: Implementation laboratories and a meta-laboratory to efficiently advance the science of audit and feedback.
BMJ Quality and Safety, 28(5),
pp. 416-423.
doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2018-008355
Gould, N. J., Lorencatto, F., During, C. , Rowley, M., Glidewell, L., Walwyn, R., Michie, S., Foy, R., Stanworth, S. J., Grimshaw, J. M. & Francis, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895 (2018).
How do hospitals respond to feedback about blood transfusion practice? A multiple case study investigation.
PLoS ONE, 13(11),
article number e0206676.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206676
Defres, S., Keller, S. S., Das, K. , Vidyasagar, R., Parkes, L. M., Burnside, G., Griffiths, M., Kopelman, M., Roberts, N., Solomon, T., Backman, R., Baker, G., Beeching, N., Breen, R., Brown, D., Cheyne, C., Carrol, E., Davies, N., Easton, A., Eccles, M., Foy, R., Garcia-Finana, M., Granerod, J., Griem, J., Gummery, A., Harris, L., Hickey, H., Hill, H., Jacoby, A., Hardwick, H., Kierans, C., Cooper, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-3295-8593, Kneen, R., Lancaster, G., Levin, M., McDonald, R., Medina-Lara, A., Menson, E., Michael, B., Martin, N., Sadarangani, M., Pennington, A., Pollard, A., Riley, J., Salter, A. C., Thornton, M., Vincent, A. & Warlow, C. (2017).
A Feasibility Study of Quantifying Longitudinal Brain Changes in Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Encephalitis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Stereology..
PLoS ONE, 12(1),
article number e0170215.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170215
Hartley, S., Foy, R., Walwyn, R. , Cicero, R., Farrin, A., Francis, J., Lorencatto, F., Gould, N., Grant-Casey, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Glidewell, L., Michie, S., Morris, S., Stanworth, S. & Programme, AFFINITIE (2017). The evaluation of enhanced feedback interventions to reduce unnecessary blood transfusions (AFFINITIE): protocol for two linked cluster randomised factorial controlled trials. Implementation Science, 12(1), article number 84. doi: 10.1186/s13012-017-0614-8
Atkins, L., Francis, J., Islam, R. , O'Connor, D., Patey, A. M., Ivers, N. M., Foy, R., Duncan, E. M., Colquhoun, H., Grimshaw, J. M., Lawton, R. & Michie, S. (2017). A guide to using the Theoretical Domains Framework of behaviour change to investigate implementation problems. Implementation Science, 12(1), article number 77. doi: 10.1186/s13012-017-0605-9
Lorencatto, F., Gould, N., McIntyre, S. A. , During, C., Bird, J., Walwyn, R., Cicero, R., Glidewell, L., Hartley, S., Stanworth, S., Foy, R., Grimshaw, J. M., Michie, S., Francis, J. & AFFINITIE programme, . (2016). A multidimensional approach to assessing intervention fidelity in a process evaluation of audit and feedback interventions to reduce unnecessary blood transfusions: a study protocol. Implementation Science, 11(1), article number 163. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0528-x
Ivers, N. M., Sales, A. E., Colquhoun, H. , Michie, S., Foy, R., Francis, J. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2014). No more 'business as usual' with audit and feedback interventions: towards an agenda for a reinvigorated intervention. Implementation Science, 9(1), article number 14. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-14
Akl, E. A., Treweek, S., Foy, R. , Francis, J. & Oxman, A. D. (2007). NorthStar, a support tool for the design and evaluation of quality improvement interventions in healthcare. Implementation Science, 2(1), 19-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-19
Foy, R., Bamford, C., Francis, J. , Johnston, M., Lecouturier, J., Eccles, M. P., Steen, I. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2007). Which factors explain variation in intention to disclose a diagnosis of dementia? A theory-based survey of mental health professionals. Implementation Science, 2(1), 31-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-31
Foy, R., Francis, J., Johnston, M. , Eccles, M. P., Lecouturier, J., Bamford, C. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2007). The development of a theory-based intervention to promote appropriate disclosure of a diagnosis of dementia. BMC Health Services Research, 7(1), 207-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-7-207
Foy, R., Foot, B., Francis, J. , Chakravarthy, U. & Wormald, R. (2005). Trends in the provision of photodynamic therapy and clinician attitudes: a tracker survey of a new health technology. BMC Health Services Research, 5(1), 34-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-5-34
Francis, J., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Walker, A. E., Grimshaw, J. M., Foy, R., Kaner, E. F. S., Smith, L. & Bonetti, D. (2004). Constructing questionnaires based on the theory of planned behaviour: A manual for health services researchers. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.