Items where Author is "Kamuriwo, D. S."
Machokoto, M. ORCID: 0000-0001-8903-0019, Gyimah, D., Kadzima, M. & Kamuriwo, D. S.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9389-6990 (2024).
Ripple effects of innovation: How does peer influence shape corporate innovation across countries?.
The British Accounting Review,
article number 101514.
doi: 10.1016/
Kamuriwo, D. S. ORCID: 0000-0001-9389-6990, Muradoglu, G., Sivaprasad, S. & Malki, I. (2024).
Stock returns, industry concentration and firm expenditure decisions.
Journal of Economics and Business, 131,
article number 106195.
doi: 10.1016/j.jeconbus.2024.106195
Bellavitis, C., Hommel, U. & Kamuriwo, D. S. (2019). Mitigation of Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Venture Capital Financing: The Influence of the Country’s Institutional Setting. Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), pp. 1328-1349. doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12391
Bellavitis, C., Filatotchev, I., Kamuriwo, D. S. & Vanacker, T. (2017). Entrepreneurial finance: new frontiers of research and practice: Editorial for the special issue Embracing entrepreneurial funding innovations. Venture Capital, 19(1-2), pp. 1-16. doi: 10.1080/13691066.2016.1259733
Kamuriwo, D. S., Baden-Fuller, C. & Zhang, J. (2017). Knowledge development approaches and breakthrough innovations in technology-based new firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(4), pp. 492-508. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12393
Bellavitis, C., Kamuriwo, D. S. & Hommel, U. (2017). Mitigating agency risk between investors and ventures’ managers. Journal of General Management, 43(1), pp. 33-43. doi: 10.1177/0306307017722937
Mazzola, E., Perrone, G. & Kamuriwo, D. S. (2016). Network Positions and the Probability of Being Acquired: An Empirical Analysis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry. British Journal of Management, 27(3), pp. 516-533. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12174
Kamuriwo, D. S. & Baden-Fuller, C. (2016). Knowledge integration using product R&D outsourcing in biotechnology. Research Policy, 45(5), pp. 1031-1045. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2016.02.009
Mazzola, E., Perrone, G. & Kamuriwo, D. S. (2016). The interaction between inter-firm and interlocking directorate networks on firm's new product development outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), pp. 672-682. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.08.033
Burchardt, J., Hommel, U., Kamuriwo, D. S. & Billitteri, C. (2016). Venture capital contracting in theory and practice: Implications for entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 40(1), pp. 25-48. doi: 10.1111/etap.12104
Chizema, A., Kamuriwo, D. S. & Shinozawa, Y. (2015). Women on corporate boards around the world: Triggers and barriers. Leadership Quarterly, 26(6), pp. 1051-1065. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2015.07.005
Mazzola, E., Perrone, G. & Kamuriwo, D. S. (2015). Network embeddedness and new product development in the biopharmaceutical industry: The moderating role of open innovation flow. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, pp. 106-119. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.10.002
Kamuriwo, D. S. & Baden-Fuller, C. (2014). Note to instructors: Sparrow therapeutics exit strategy. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 38(3), pp. 708-712. doi: 10.1111/etap.12003_2
Kamuriwo, D. S. & Baden-Fuller, C. (2014). Sparrow therapeutics exit strategy. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 38(3), pp. 691-708. doi: 10.1111/etap.12003
Bellavitis, C., Filatotchev, I. & Kamuriwo, D. S. (2014). The effects of intra-industry and extra-industry networks on performance: A case of venture capital portfolio firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 35(2), pp. 129-144. doi: 10.1002/mde.2647