Items where Author is "Schmitz, H."
Schmitz, A., Ondreka, N., Poleschinski, J. , Fischer, D., Schmitz, H., Klein, A., Bleckmann, H. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018).
The peregrine falcon's rapid dive: on the adaptedness of the arm skeleton and shoulder girdle.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 204(8),
pp. 747-759.
doi: 10.1007/s00359-018-1276-y
Schmitz, A., Ponitz, B., Brücker, C. , Schmitz, H., Herweg, J. & Bleckmann, H. (2015). Morphological properties of the last primaries, the tail feathers, and the alulae of Accipiter nisus, Columba livia, Falco peregrinus, and Falco tinnunculus. Journal of Morphology, 276(1), pp. 33-46. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20317
Book Section
Davies, T. R., Schmitz, H., Raggo, P. , Xie, L., Appe, S., Barragan-Teran, D. & Owinga, B. (2016). Transnational Associations and INGOs: Macro-Associations. In: Smith, D., Stebbins, R. & Grotz, J. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. (pp. 874-893). London: Palgrave Macmillan.