Items where Author is "Taylor, S."
McCarthy, L. ORCID: 0000-0001-6299-4651 & Taylor, S. (2023).
Misogyny and Organization Studies.
Organization Studies, 45(3),
pp. 457-473.
doi: 10.1177/01708406231213964
Silkens, M. E. W. M. ORCID: 0000-0001-8279-1341, Alexander, K., Viney, R. , O'Keeffe, C., Taylor, S., Noble, L. M. & Griffin, A. (2023).
A national qualitative investigation of the impact of service change on doctors' training during Covid-19.
BMC Medical Education, 23(1),
article number 174.
doi: 10.1186/s12909-023-04143-1
Rookes, T. A., Barat, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7300-805X, Turner, R. & Taylor, S. (2022).
Reporting dose in complex self-management support interventions for long-term conditions: is it defined by researchers and received by participants? A systematic review.
BMJ Open, 12(8),
article number e056532.
doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056532
McCarthy, L., Soundararajan, V. & Taylor, S. (2021). The hegemony of men in global value chains: Why it matters for labour governance. Human Relations, 74(12), pp. 2051-2074. doi: 10.1177/0018726720950816
Ball, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8739-090X, Newton, S., Rohricht, F. , Steed, L., Birch, J., Dodds, J., Cantalapiedra Calvete, C., Taylor, S. & Rivas, C. (2020).
mHealth: providing a mindfulness app for women with chronic pelvic pain in gynaecology outpatient clinics: qualitative data analysis of user experience and lessons learnt.
BMJ Open, 10(3),
article number e030711.
doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030711
Mortlock, A-M., Puzzo, I. ORCID: 0000-0002-4480-5519, Taylor, S. , Kumari, V., Young, S., Sengupta, S. & Das, M. (2017).
Enrichment activities in the medical school psychiatry programme - could this be a key to engaging medical students in psychiatry? A study from a high secure forensic psychiatric UK hospital.
BMC Psychiatry, 17(1),
article number 83.
doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1236-z
Willmott, H. C., Djelic, M-L., Spicer, A. , Parker, M., Perrow, C., Pugh, D. S., Spender, J-C., Gond, J-P., ten Bos, R., Beverungen, A., Calas, M. B., Thompson, G. F., Morgan, G., Clegg, S. R., McSweeney, B., Ahonen, P., Hancock, P., Czarniawska, B., Gospel, H., Pitsis, T. S., Taylor, S., Land, C., Shukaitis, S., Simpson, A. V., Keenoy, T., Vachhani, S., Taskin, L., Cheney, G., Bencherki, N., Perret, V., Allard-Poesi, F., Palpacuer, F., Espinosa, J., Jacobs, D. C., Brewis, J., King, D., Wainwright, T., Thanem, T., Jarvis, W., Hoedemaekers, C., Glynos, J., Towers, I., Mansell, S., Cabantous, L., Cooke, B. M., Marens, R., Munro, I., Komlik, O., Weir, K., Lilley, S., Cailluet, L., Chabrak, N., Huzzard, T., Alakavuklar, O. N., Mowles, C., Murphy, J., Le Goff, J., Slater, R., Cambre, M-C., Velez-Castrillon, S., Laouisset, D. E., Schmidt, S. M., Erturk, I., Meyer, A. D., Kuhn, T., Huault, I., Tchalian, H., Clarke, T., Cassiers, I., Chanteau, J-P., Malaurent, J., Cooper, D. J., O'Reilly, D., Pirson, M., Srinivas, N., de Souza Rosa Filho, D., Faria, A., Mir, R., Serrano Archimi, C., Cairns, G., Tennent, K., Doherty, D., Wartzman, R., Liew, P., Hlupic, V., Bourguignon, A., O’Mahoney, J., Riaz, S., Al-Amoudi, I., Montiel, O., McKenna, S., Bosch, H. V. D., Rees, C., Bell, E., Kyriakidou, O., Cathcart, A., Ridley-Duff, R. R., Stevenson, L., Kornelakis, A. & Veldman, J. (2016). The Modern Corporation Statement on Management. Cass Business School, City, University of London,
Conor, B., Gill, R. & Taylor, S. (2015). Gender and creative labour. The Sociological Review, 63(1_supp), pp. 1-22. doi: 10.1111/1467-954x.12237