Items where City Author is "Hewett, J. C."
Hewett, J. (2017). Collaborative learning: from CAR to data journalism and Hacks/Hackers. In: Mair, J., Keeble, R. L., Lucero, M. & Moore, M. (Eds.), Data Journalism: past, present and future. (pp. 5-22). Bury St Edmunds: Abramis.
Hewett, J. (2016). Learning to teach data journalism: Innovation, influence and constraints. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 17(1), pp. 119-137. doi: 10.1177/1464884915612681
Hewett, J. (2015). Data Journalism Grows Up. In: Felle, T., Mair, J. & Radcliffe, D. (Eds.), Data Journalism: Inside the Global Future. (pp. 27-38). UK: Abramis.
Hewett, J. (2015). Live-tweeting: the rise of real-time reporting. In: Zion, L. & Craig, D. (Eds.), Ethics for Digital Journalists: Emerging Best Practices. (pp. 115-129). USA: Routledge.
Hewett, J. (2013). Using Twitter to integrate practice and learning in journalism education: Could social media help to meet the twin challenge of both dimensions?. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 2(2), pp. 333-346. doi: 10.1386/ajms.2.2.333_1