Items where Schools and Departments is "Journalism" and Year is 2014
Brooke, H. (2014). Research Focus: MPs' Expenses Scandal. Reputation, Michae(11), pp. 9-10.
Evans, R. (2014). Can Universities Make Good Journalists?. Journalism Education, 3(1), pp. 66-87.
Franks, S. (2014). Reporting famine; changing nothing. British Journalism Review, 25(3), pp. 61-66. doi: 10.1177/0956474814550602
Honigsbaum, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-1891-8763 (2014).
The art of medicine In search of sick parrots: Karl Friedrich Meyer, disease detective.
The Lancet, 383(9932),
pp. 1880-1881.
doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(14)60905-3
Lashmar, P. (2014). How to humiliate and shame: a reporter's guide to the power of the mugshot. Social Semiotics, 24(1), pp. 56-87. doi: 10.1080/10350330.2013.827358
Lonsdale, S. (2014). Man of Letters, Literary Lady, Journalist or Reporter?. Media History, 21(3), pp. 265-279. doi: 10.1080/13688804.2014.991384
Lonsdale, S. (2014). “Roast Seagull and other Quaint Bird Dishes” The development of features and “lifestyle” journalism in British newspapers during the First World War. Journalism Studies, 16(6), pp. 800-815. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2014.950474
Recuero, R., Bastos, M. T. & Zago, G. (2014). Narrative and violence: the Brazilian Autumn coverage on Twitter. Matrizes, 8(2), doi: 10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v8i2p191-217
Rodgers, J. (2014). From Stalingrad to Grozny: Patriotism, political pressure, and literature in the war reporting of Vassily Grossman and Anna Politkovskaya. Media, War and Conflict, 7(1), pp. 23-36. doi: 10.1177/1750635213514965
Rodgers, J. (2014). Passing the test of time. British Journalism Review, 25(3), pp. 56-60. doi: 10.1177/0956474814550601
Rodriguez, N.S. & Blumell, L. (2014). What a year! the framing of marriage equality through media's selected sources in 2013. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 38(4), pp. 341-359. doi: 10.1177/0196859914551767
Schifferes, S., Newman, N., Thurman, N. , Corney, D., Goker, A. S. & Martin, C. (2014). Identifying and verifying news through social media: Developing a user-centred tool for professional journalists. Digital Journalism, 2(3), pp. 406-418. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2014.892747
Singer, J. (2014). TRAJECTORIES: Trajectories in Digital Journalism: Embracing Complexity. Journalism Studies, 15(6), pp. 689-710. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2014.952971
Singer, J. (2014). User-Generated Visibility: Secondary gatekeeping in a shared media space. New Media and Society, 16(1), pp. 55-73. doi: 10.1177/1461444813477833
Thurman, N. & Newman, N. (2014). The Future of Breaking News Online? A study of live blogs through surveys of their consumption, and of readers' attitudes and participation. Journalism Studies, 15(5), pp. 655-667. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2014.882080
Tumber, H. (2014). Journalism and the Invasion of Grenada 30 Years On: A Retrospective. Round Table, 103(1), pp. 55-64. doi: 10.1080/00358533.2013.874163
Tumber, H. & Ayton, P. (2014). Media bias and the Scottish referendum: BBC gets the blame as usual. The Conversation,
Vuohelainen, M. (2014). Bernard Heldmann and the Union Jack, 1880-83: The making of a professional author. Victorian Periodicals Review, 47(1), pp. 105-142. doi: 10.1353/vpr.2014.0010
Book Section
Bunce, M. (2014). International news and the image of Africa: new storytellers, new narratives? In: Images of Africa: Creation, Negotiation and Subversion. (pp. 42-62). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2014).
Righting Wrongs: Citizen Journalism and Miscarriages of Justice.
In: Thorsen, E. & Allan, S. (Eds.),
Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives - Volume 2.
(pp. 39-50). New York, USA: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
doi: 10.3726/978-1-4539-1357-4
Rodgers, J. (2014). From Perestroika to Putin: Journalism in Russia. In: Bennett, J. & Strange, N. (Eds.), Media Independence: Working with Freedom or Working for Free? Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies. (pp. 223-242). Abingdon: Routledge.
Tasiu Abubakar, A. (2014). British public diplomacy: A case study of the BBC Hausa Service. In: Mirchandani, R. & Abubakar, A. (Eds.), Britain’s International Broadcasting. CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy. (pp. 31-49). California, USA: Figueroa Press.
Thurman, N. & Rodgers, J. (2014). Citizen Journalism in Real Time: Live Blogging and Crisis Events. In: Thorsen, E. & Allan, S. (Eds.), Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives, Volume 2. (pp. 81-95). New York: Peter Lang.
Conference or Workshop Item
Rodgers, J. (2014). From Stalingrad to Grozny: patriotism, political pressure, and literature in the war reporting of Vassily Grossman and Anna Politkovskaya. Paper presented at the Media, War & Conflict's Fifth Anniversary Conference,, 11-04-2013 - 12-04-2013, Royal Holloway, London, UK.
Hermida, A. (2014). Open journalism: dynamics of change and continuity in news work in the 21st century. (Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Townend, J. (2014). Defamation, privacy & the ‘chill:’ A socio-‐legal study of the relationship between media law and journalistic practice in England and Wales, 2008-‐13. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Waterhouse, R.T. (2014). Satanic abuse, false memories, weird beliefs and moral panics. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Wheelwright, J. (2014). Writing in the borderlands: A critical review of literary journalism and historiography, 1989-2011. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)