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Items where Schools and Departments is "Journalism" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 30.


Bastos, M. T. (2015). Shares, Pins, and Tweets: News readership from daily papers to social media. Journalism Studies, 16(3), pp. 305-325. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2014.891857

Bora, Birce (2015). Representation of Turkey in the British print media: to be or not to be European. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

Bromley, M. S. (2015). A socially-responsible educational response to routine-biased technological change in journalism: Fostering employability among journalists in the United Kingdom. In: 4th Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communications, 05-10-2015 - 06-10-2015, Singapore. doi: 10.5176/2301-3710_JMComm15.60#sthash.d4AF6cn6.dpuf

Brooke, H. (2015). Gove is right: our antiquated court system produces two-nation justice. The Guardian,

Brooke, H. (2015). Mass surveillance: my part in the reform of GCHQ and UK intelligence gathering. The Guardian,

Bunce, M. (2015). Africa in the click stream: audience metrics and foreign correspondents in africa. African Journalism Studies, 36(4), pp. 12-29. doi: 10.1080/23743670.2015.1119487


Carvalho, H. (2015). Liberty and Insecurity in the Criminal Law: Lessons from Thomas Hobbes. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 11(2), pp. 249-271. doi: 10.1007/s11572-015-9369-y

Clarke, M., Brooke, H., Hennessy, P. , O'Neill, O., Omand, D., Cowley, L., Evans, J., Lane-Fox, M., Grieve, J., Hall, W., Rooker, J., Scarlett, J. & Walden, I. (2015). A Democratic Licence to Operate: Report of the Independent Surveillance Review (Whitehall Report 2-15,). London: Royal United Services Institute.

Cooper, G. (2015). Give us your ****ing money" A Critical Appraisal of TV and the Cash Nexus. In: Cooper, G. & Cottle, S. (Eds.), Humanitarianism, Communications and Change: 19 (Global Crises and the Media). (pp. 67-77). Peter Lang.

Cooper, G. (2015). Hurricanes and hashtags: How the media and NGOs treat citizens’ voices online in humanitarian emergencies. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 6(2), pp. 233-244. doi: 10.1386/iscc.6.2.233_1

Cooper, G. (2015). NGOs media and public understanding: 25 Years on an interview with Paddy Coulter former head of media at Oxfam. In: Cooper, G. & Cottle, S. (Eds.), Humanitarianism, Communications and Change: 19 (Global Crises and the Media). (pp. 79-89). New York, USA: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Cooper, G. (2015). Unlocking the gate? How NGOs mediate the voices of the marginalised in a social media context. In: Thorsen, E., Jackson, D., Savigny, H. & Alexander, J. (Eds.), Media, Margins and Civic Agency. (pp. 29-42). London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137512642_3

Cooper, G. & Cottle, S. (2015). Humanitarianism Communications and Change: Final Reflections. In: Cooper, G. & Cottle, S. (Eds.), Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. (pp. 251-264). New York, USA: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.


Ekdale, B., Singer, J., Tully, M. & Harmsen, S. (2015). Making Change: Diffusion of Technological, Relational, and Cultural Innovation in the Newsroom. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(4), pp. 938-958. doi: 10.1177/1077699015596337

Ekdale, B., Tully, M., Harmsen, S. & Singer, J. (2015). Newswork within a Culture of Job Insecurity: Producing News amidst Organizational and Industry Uncertainty. Journalism Practice, 9(3), pp. 383-398. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2014.963376


Franks, S. (2015). From pictures to policy: How does humanitarian reporting have an influence? In: Cottle, S. & Cooper, G. (Eds.), Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. Global Crises and the Media (19). (pp. 153-166). Peter Lang.


Harb, Z. (2015). Al Manar and Hezbollah: Creative instances in Propaganda Warefare. In: Hamdar, A. & Moore, L. (Eds.), Islamism and Cultural Expression in the Arab World. (pp. 189-205). Routledge.

Hewett, J. (2015). Data Journalism Grows Up. In: Felle, T., Mair, J. & Radcliffe, D. (Eds.), Data Journalism: Inside the Global Future. (pp. 27-38). UK: Abramis.

Hewett, J. (2015). Live-tweeting: the rise of real-time reporting. In: Zion, L. & Craig, D. (Eds.), Ethics for Digital Journalists: Emerging Best Practices. (pp. 115-129). USA: Routledge.


Lashmar, P. (2015). Spies and journalists: Towards an ethical framework?. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 12(3/4), pp. 4-14.


Rodgers, J. (2015). New name, old values. British Journalism Review, 26(1), pp. 44-48. doi: 10.1177/0956474815575455

Rodgers, J. (2015). Religious observance. British Journalism Review, 26(3), pp. 3-4. doi: 10.1177/0956474815604286

Rodgers, J. (2015). The downfall of the News of the World: the decline of the English newspaper and the double-edged sword of technology. In: Brake, L., Kaul, C. & Turner, M. W. (Eds.), The News of the World and the British Press, 1843-2011. Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media. (pp. 266-279). Palgrave Macmillan.

Rowlands, Barbara Ann (2015). The Emperor's New Clothes: Media Representations Of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: 1990-2005. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Singer, J. (2015). Computer-mediated Communication. In: The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. (pp. 194-199). John Wiley & Sons.

Singer, J. (2015). Leaning Conservative: Innovation and Presidential Campaign Coverage by U.S. Newspaper Websites in the Digital Age. ISOJ, 5(1),

Singer, J. (2015). On a Role: Online Newspapers, Participatory Journalism, and the U.S. Presidential Elections. In: Vos, T. P. & Heinderyckx, F. (Eds.), Gatekeeping in Transition. (pp. 85-103). New York, USA: Routledge.

Singer, J. (2015). Out of Bounds: Professional Norms as Boundary Markers. In: Carlson, M. & Lewis, S.C. (Eds.), Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation. (pp. 21-36). Oxford: Routledge.


Thurman, N. (2015). Journalism, Gatekeeping, and Interactivity. In: Coleman, S. & Freelon, D. (Eds.), A Handbook of Digital Politics. (pp. 357-374). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781782548768

Thurman, N. (2015). Real-time Online Reporting: Best Practices for Live Blogging. In: Zion, L. & Craig, D. A. (Eds.), Ethics for Digital Journalists: Emerging Best Practices. (pp. 103-114). UK: Routledge.

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