The management of cytotoxic chemotherapy extravasation: A systematic review of the literature to evaluate the evidence underpinning contemporary practice
Harrold, K., Gould, D. J. & Drey, N. (2015). The management of cytotoxic chemotherapy extravasation: A systematic review of the literature to evaluate the evidence underpinning contemporary practice. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(6), pp. 771-800. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12363
Management of cytotoxic drug extravasation remains contentious, with differing views on the most effective management strategy. With the increasing drive to provide effective, evidence-based healthcare, while ensuring the patient experience of the treatment provided plays a significant part in the development of clinical practice guidelines, the purpose of this literature review was to both critically analyse the quality of evidence that underpins contemporary practice and to determine if the patient experience is taken into account. A literature search was undertaken sourcing publications from the 1960s to July 2014 identifying all studies detailing strategies aimed at preventing the need for surgical debridement and all studies evaluating extravasation management from the patient's perspective. No conclusive evidence was found to suggest one clinical strategy as more effective than the other. No studies were identified that evaluated outcome from the patient's perspective. It is therefore suggested that outcomes-based research should underpin contemporary extravasation management guidelines to determine what the final outcome or 'end result' is and how this impacts on the patient and that the current lack of research into the patient experience of extravasation management is an area that needs to be addressed.
Publication Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Harrold, K., Gould, D. J. & Drey, N. (2015). The management of cytotoxic chemotherapy extravasation: A systematic review of the literature to evaluate the evidence underpinning contemporary practice. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(6), pp. 771-800., which has been published in final form at 10.1111/ecc.12363. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. |
Publisher Keywords: | extravasation; management; chemotherapy; saline washout; antidotes; patient experience |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RC Internal medicine |
Departments: | School of Health & Medical Sciences > Nursing |
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