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The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the emergence of multiplex ties

Ferriani, S., Fonti, F. & Corrado, R. (2013). The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the emergence of multiplex ties. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 11(1), pp. 7-34. doi: 10.1177/1476127012461576


The goal of this article is to shed light on the role of tie content in the evolution of multiplex ties – i.e., ties featuring both an economic and a social component – in interorganizational networks. The authors clarify and extend the theoretical framework on network multiplexity by testing the extent to which two distinct tie content-related logics – social interaction and economic exchange – and their underlying mechanisms lead to the emergence of multiplex ties. Results from a longitudinal network analysis of firms located in an Italian multimedia cluster support the authors’ hypotheses, confirming that both social and economic drivers contribute to the emergence of network multiplexity, and that social ties have a stronger impact than economic ties on this process, thus providing further insight into the microdynamics of network evolution.

Publication Type: Article
Additional Information: Ferriani, S., Fonti, F. & Corrado, R., The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the emergence of multiplex ties, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 11, (1) pp. 7-34 Copyright © 2013, the authors. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.
Publisher Keywords: Geographical clusters, microdynamics, multiplex ties, network evolution, tie content
Departments: Bayes Business School > Management
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