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Validation of the cognitive recovery assessments with the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Scale in patients with low-baseline cognition

Bowyer, A. J., Heiberg, J., Sessler, D. I. , Newman, S. P. ORCID: 0000-0001-6712-6079, Royse, A. G. & Royse, C. F. (2018). Validation of the cognitive recovery assessments with the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Scale in patients with low-baseline cognition. Anaesthesia, 73(11), pp. 1382-1391. doi: 10.1111/anae.14402


Patients with pre-surgery cognitive impairment cannot currently be assessed for cognitive recovery after surgery using the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Scale (PostopQRS),as they would mathematically be scored as recovered. The group nonetheless represent a frail cohort at high risk of recovering poorly. We aimed to validate a novel method to score cognitive recovery in patients with low baseline cognition, using the number of low-score tests rather than their numerical values. Face validity was demonstrated in 86 participants in whom both PostopQRS and an 11-item neuropsychological battery were performed. The PostopQRS agreed with neuropsychological categorization of low versus normal cognition 74% of the time, with all but 5 incorrectly coded participants deviating by only 1 neurocognitive test. Cognitive recovery over time was comparable for groups with differing baseline cognitive function, irrespective of whether PostopQRS or neuropsychological methods were used. Discriminant validation was demonstrated in a post hoc analysis of the Steroids in Cardiac Surgery (SIRS) substudy by allocating groups to normal (n=246) or low baseline cognition (n=231) stratified by cognitive recovery on day 1. Recovery was similar for participants with low and normal baseline cognition. Postoperative length of stay was longer in patients with failed cognitive recovery whether they had normal (10.4±10.0 vs. 8.0±5.9 days, P=0.02) or low baseline cognition (12.0±11.1 vs. 8.2±4.7 days, P<0.01). Overall quality of recovery, as well as cognitive, emotive, and physiological recovery in those who recovered was independent of baseline cognition. The modified scoring method for the PostopQRS cognitive domain therefore demonstrates acceptable face and discriminant validity.

Publication Type: Article
Publisher Keywords: Anaesthesia, POCD, ageing: CNS changes, cardiac surgery, cognitive recovery
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
R Medicine > RT Nursing
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Healthcare Services Research & Management
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