City Research Online

The Citizen Diplomats and their Pathways to Diplomatic Power

Moise, R. ORCID: 0000-0002-2578-9832 & Anton, A. (2021). The Citizen Diplomats and their Pathways to Diplomatic Power. In: Pedro Sebastiao, S. & Spinola de Carvalho, S. (Eds.), Diplomacy, Organisations and Citizens. (pp. 219-254). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-81877-7_13


This chapter focuses on individual, citizen diplomats who reached a global level of notoriety and explores their representational work in order to identify pathways to diplomatic power. We applied Sharp’s taxonomy of citizen diplomats (Sharp, International Studies Perspectives 2:131–150, 2001), adapting traditional models of soft power and public diplomacy (Nye, The Future of Power. Public Affairs, New York, 2011) and employing a multiple case design focusing on descriptive case studies (Yin, Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods. SAGE, Los Angeles, 2018). We, therefore, selected global citizens who reflect the challenges and trends of contemporary citizen diplomacy (Cooper, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 8:125–132, 2007, p. 126): a sense of purpose, an ability to interact with high-level state officials, and a global reach. By building specific case studies drawn from diplomatic actions of highly visible individuals, our focus was to explore the conversion process of soft power as a possible pathway to diplomatic power in terms of policymaking rather than awareness, a dimension often associated with the soft power of citizens.

Publication Type: Book Section
Additional Information: This chapter has been published in Diplomacy, Organisations and Citizens by Springer.
Publisher Keywords: citizen diplomacy, citizen diplomats, soft power, conversion
Subjects: J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Departments: School of Communication & Creativity
School of Communication & Creativity > Media, Culture & Creative Industries
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