City Research Online

Understanding the Process of Innovation Adoption in 12 NHS trusts – technology selection, procurement and implementation to help reduce HCAIs

Kyratsis, Y., Ahmad, R. & Holmes, A. H. (2010). Understanding the Process of Innovation Adoption in 12 NHS trusts – technology selection, procurement and implementation to help reduce HCAIs. London: Medical Research Council.


This study was commissioned by the Department of Health (DH) and looks at 12 trusts, recipients of the „DH Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI) Technology Innovation Award for outstanding contributions to fighting infections 2009‟ (HCAI Technology Innovation Award). The award sum was £150,000 for each Strategic Health Authority (SHA) regions. The award was split equally amongst three trusts in one of the SHA region. Hence nine trusts received £150,000 each, and three received £50,000 each in February 2009. The trusts were given free reign to use the award to procure technologies that could help reduce HCAIs. The trusts were nominated by each SHA on the basis of having excelled in either turnaround or “best in class” concerning infection prevention performance in the fiscal year 2008/9.

The award was given as part of the DH‟s HCAI Technology Innovation Programme which aims to speed up the development and adoption of new technologies that could help combat HCAIs, particularly MRSA and C. difficile. The Programme was launched in January 2008, is being run by the Department of Health in collaboration with the NHS and comprises several workstreams including: Smart Ideas, Showcase Hospitals, Design Bugs Out, Smart Solutions, Product Surgeries

Whilst a number of technologies exist to address HCAIs and a number of programmes are in place to facilitate innovation adoption, overall, the NHS has been a slow adopter of innovative technology. This award provided an invaluable opportunity to add to learning about the adoption of technologies in the area of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC).

Publication Type: Report
Publisher Keywords: Innovation, Technology, Procurement, Adoption, Implementation, Infection Control
Subjects: R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Healthcare Services Research & Management
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