A simpler structure for local spatial channels revealed by sustained perifoveal stimuli
Kontsevich, L.L. & Tyler, C. W. (2013). A simpler structure for local spatial channels revealed by sustained perifoveal stimuli. Journal of Vision, 13(1), article number 22. doi: 10.1167/13.1.22
A new evaluation of the local structure of spatial channels with sustained stimuli in perifoveal retina employs the masking sensitivity approach to minimize analytic assumptions. The stimuli were designed to address the range of channel tunings of the predominantly sustained response system in the near periphery. Under these conditions, the range of identifiable channels spanned a narrow range of spatial frequencies, from roughly 2–8 cpd at 2° eccentricity to 1–4 cpd at 8° eccentricity. The analysis showed that there are no sustained channels tuned below 2 cpd for the central visual field. This two-octave range of channel tuning is much narrower than is conventionally assumed. For local sustained stimuli, human peripheral spatial processing therefore appears to be based on a simpler channel structure than is often supposed.
Publication Type: | Article |
Departments: | School of Health & Medical Sciences > Optometry & Visual Sciences |
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