City Research Online

Water wave-structure interaction for small amplitude structural oscillations

El Kaddah, N.H. (1983). Water wave-structure interaction for small amplitude structural oscillations. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


The water wave/structure interaction is a complex phenomenon, which affects the prediction of the dynamic response of offshore structures. The problem arises from the interdependence of the structural response and the wave force. This interdependence is usually represented by the effect of the relative velocity and relative acceleration used in the wave force formula. This work is carried out to investigate the effect of the water wave/structure interaction on circular cylinder for small Keulegan-Carpenter numbers and structural amplitude of oscillation. In order to achieve this an extensive experimental program, in conjunction with theoretical study was undertaken. The study indicates that the use of modified Morison's equation taking into consideration the velocity and acceleration of the structure is not needed to predict the structural deflection. But significant difference in the force coefficients for free and fixed structure have obtained experimentally.

Publication Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Departments: School of Science & Technology > Engineering
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