City Research Online

Health psychology in brain injury rehabilitation services

Eldred, C.E. (2006). Health psychology in brain injury rehabilitation services. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


The work carried out in this portfolio was completed while working as a Health Psychologist in Training within a vocational rehabilitation service for adults with acquired brain injury All pieces of work were carried out within this setting expect for the consultancy unit which was carried out within a pilot service delivered by an Adult Disability Team ofa local Social Services. Individuals with acquired brain injury often do not have full understanding of the nature. degree or impact of their deficits. One aim of rehabilitation is to develop this awareness in order that the individual can identify and achieve realistic goals. The focus of the first two research studies in this portfolio was to examine the relationship between awareness, mood and quality of life and to develop a model of the psychological impact of increased awareness, acceptance and adjustment in adults with acquired brain injury undertaking a vocational rehabilitation programme. Literature relating to treatment models and interventions to manage awareness and wa, used to develop a training package which was delivered to a vocational rehabilitation staff team. Further research investigated the changes in mood and health experienced by significant others of adults with acquired brain injury. The importance of provision of information and professional support for family members was highlighted. The benefit of psychosocial intervention for stroke caregivers, one population of family caregivers of adults with acquired brain injury, was investigated through systematic review. Individuals with acquired brain injury attending vocational rehabilitation present with a range of health psychology needs including issues relating to fatigue, stress and chronic pain. The development of a group stress management-training programme, an individual stress management intervention to promote health gains and the introduction of a pain management programme are reported in this portfolio. Vocational goals will not be realistic option for all individuals following a brain injury. However, there is a need for services to provide personal development and me:'ll1ingful activity for these individuals. The delivery of consultancy services to a pilot, arts for health, project will be described.

Publication Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Psychology
Doctoral Theses
School of Health & Medical Sciences > School of Health & Medical Sciences Doctoral Theses
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