Items where Author is "Gawer, A."
Harraca, M., Castello, I. ORCID: 0000-0001-8386-3570 & Gawer, A. (2023).
How Digital Platforms Organize Immaturity: A Socio-Symbolic Framework of Platform Power.
Business Ethics Quarterly, 33(3),
pp. 440-472.
doi: 10.1017/beq.2022.40
Harraca, M., Castello, I. ORCID: 0000-0001-8386-3570 & Gawer, A. (2022).
How do Digital Platforms Organize Immaturity: Towards an Integrative Framework for Platform Power.
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1),
doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.11518abstract
Bogers, M., Zobel, A. K., Afuah, A. , Almirall, E., Brunswicker, S., Dahlander, L., Frederiksen, L., Gawer, A., Gruber, M., Haefliger, S., Hagedoorn, J., Hilgers, D., Laursen, K., Magnusson, M. G., Majchrzak, A., McCarthy, I. P., Moeslein, K. M., Nambisan, S., Piller, F. T., Radziwon, A., Rossi-Lamastra, C., Sims, J. & Ter Wal, A. L. J. (2016). The open innovation research landscape: established perspectives and emerging themes across different levels of analysis. Industry and Innovation, 24(1), pp. 8-40. doi: 10.1080/13662716.2016.1240068