Items where Author is "Hope, W."
Abel, K., Agnew, E., Amos, J. , Armstrong, N. ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-0119, Armstrong-James, D., Ashfield, T., Aston, S., Baillie, J. K., Baldwin, S., Barlow, G., Bartle, V., Bielicki, J., Brown, C., Carrol, E., Clements, M., Cooke, G., Dane, A., Dark, P., Day, J., de-Soyza, A., Dowsey, A., Evans, S., Eyre, D., Felton, T., Fowler, T., Foy, R., Gannon, K., Gerada, A., Goodman, A., Harman, T., Hayward, G., Holmes, A., Hopkins, S., Howard, P., Howard, A., Hsia, Y., Knight, G., Lemoine, N., Koh, J., Macgowan, A., Marwick, C., Moore, C., O’Brien, S., Oppong, R., Peacock, S., Pett, S., Pouwels, K., Queree, C., Rahman, N., Sculpher, M., Shallcross, L., Sharland, M., Singh, J., Stoddart, K., Thomas-Jones, E., Townsend, A., Ustianowski, A., Van Staa, T., Walker, S., White, P., Wilson, P., Buchan, I., Woods, B., Bower, P., Llewelyn, M. & Hope, W. (2024).
System-wide approaches to antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial resistance in the UK: the AMR-X framework.
The Lancet Microbe, 5(5),
doi: 10.1016/s2666-5247(24)00003-x
Charani, E., McKee, M., Ahmad, R. ORCID: 0000-0002-4294-7142 , Balasegaram, M., Bonaconsa, C., Buckland Merrett, G., Busse, R., Carter, V., Castro-Sanchez, E.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3351-9496, Franklin, B. D., Georgiou, P., Hill-Cawthorne, K., Hope, W., Imanaka, Y., Kambugu, A., Leather, A., Mbamalu, O., McLeod, M., Mendelson, M., Mpundu, M., Rawson, T. M., Ricciardi, W., Rodriguez-Manzano, J., Singh, S., Tsioutis, C., Uchea, C., Zhu, N. & Holmes, A. H. (2021).
Optimising antimicrobial use in humans – review of current evidence and an interdisciplinary consensus on key priorities for research.
Lancet Regional Health Europe, 7,
article number 100161.
doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100161
Rawson, T. M., Moore, L. S. P., Hernandez, B. , Charani, E., Castro-Sanchez, E. ORCID: 0000-0002-3351-9496, Herrero, P., Hayhoe, B., Hope, W., Georgiou, P. & Holmes, A. H. (2017).
A systematic review of clinical decision support systems for antimicrobial management: are we failing to investigate these interventions appropriately?.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 23(8),
pp. 524-532.
doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.02.028