Items where Author is "Matos, C."
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2024).
Making sense of reproductive health messages in the Global South: A case study of Brazil’s NGO Reprolatina.
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 19(2-3),
pp. 237-254.
doi: 10.1386/macp_00085_1
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2023).
Use of focus groups research on health communications messages on SRHR: experiences of empowerment from the Global South in the age of misinformation on gender and minority rights.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2020).
NGO’s and advocacy communications on sexual and reproductive health and rights: from the North to the South.
Feminist Media Studies, 22(2),
pp. 183-204.
doi: 10.1080/14680777.2020.1841813
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2019).
Book review: The Technoscientific witness of rape - contentious histories of law, feminism and forensic science.
American Journal of Sociology, 125(March ),
pp. 310-312.
doi: 10.1086/703550
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2019).
The Technoscientific Witness of Rape: Contentious Histories of Law, Feminism, and Forensic Science. By Andrea Quinlan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. Pp. x+254. $66.00 (cloth); $29.95 (paper)..
American Journal of Sociology, 125(1),
pp. 310-312.
doi: 10.1086/703550
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2019).
Feminist media studies across borders: re-visiting studies within the Brazilian national context.
Journal of International Women's Studies, 20(2),
pp. 11-25.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2018).
Facing Poverty and Marginalization: Fifty years of Critical Research in Brazil ‐ edited by Kontopodis, Michalis, Magalhaes, Maria C. and Coracini, Maria Jose.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37(3),
pp. 387-388.
doi: 10.1111/blar.12827
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2018).
Re-thinking feminism and democratic politics: the potential of online networks for social change and gender equality in Brazil.
Mediopolis, 7(7),
pp. 17-30.
doi: 10.14195/2183-6019_7_1
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2017).
Democracy, pluralism and the media in Latin America: from public communications to women’s use of new technologies. (1 ed.)
In: Riggirozzi, P. & Wylde, C. (Eds.),
Handbook of South American Governance.
(pp. 275-285). Oxford, UK: Routledge.
doi: 10.4324/9781315661162
Matos, C. (2017). New Brazilian feminism and online networks: cyberfeminism, protest and the female "Arab Spring". International Sociology, 32(3), pp. 417-434. doi: 10.1177/0268580917694971
Matos, C. (2017). Rosalind Gill: “We don’t just want more cake, we want the whole bakery!”. MATRIZes : Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade de São Paulo, 11(2), pp. 137-160. doi: 10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v11i2p137-160
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591
Globalization, gender politics and the media (1 ed.). Maryland, USA: Rowman and Littlefield/Lexington Books.
Matos, C. (2016). Harbinger of modernity. Marcos Aguinis and the democratization of Argentina in Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 15(3), pp. 528-529. doi: 10.1080/14725886.2016.1186377
Matos, C. (2015). The Brazillian Road Movie: Journeys of (Self) Discovery. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 34(3), pp. 394-395. doi: 10.1111/blar.12336
Matos, C. (2015). Media reform in Latin America revisited: where do we go from here? In: Flew, T., Iosifidis, P. & Steemers, J. (Eds.), Global Media and National Policies. (pp. 156-172). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2014).
PSB and media reform in Brazil in comparative perspective.
In: Guerrero, M. A. & Ramirez, M. M. (Eds.),
Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America.
(pp. 208-225). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
doi: 10.1057/9781137409058_12
Matos, C. (2014). Public service broadcasting and media reform in Brazil in comparative perspective. In: Guerrero, M.A. & Márquez-Ramírez, M. (Eds.), Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America. (pp. 226-242). Palgrave Macmillan.
Matos, C. (2014). Brazilian society and politics post-World Cup 2014: Global and local media narratives for democratization. International Journal of Digital Television, 5(3), pp. 255-259. doi: 10.1386/jdtv.5.3.255_7
Matos, C. (2014). The Internet for the Public Interest: Overcoming the digital divide in Brazil. In: Martens, C., McChesney, R. & Vivaveres, E (Eds.), The International Political Economy of Communication: Media and Power in South America. . Palgrave Macmillan.
Matos, C. (2014). The colourful reality of Brazilian society – it’s more than football and samba. TheConversation,
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2013).
Media Democratization in Brazil Revisited.
In: Nederveen Pieterse, J. (Ed.),
Brazil Emerging: inequality and emancipation.
. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2013).
Televisão, CulturA Popular e Identidade Latino- AmericanA E Brasileira.
In: Matos, C.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (Ed.),
Mídia e política na América Latina.
(pp. 197-234). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Civilização Brasileira.
Matos, C. (2013). Gender politics, blogging and the 2010 Brazilian elections. Paper presented at the Political Studies Association (PSA) Conference, Cardiff.
Matos, C. (2013). Inequality and emancipation: Brazil’s changing role in the world. Paper presented at the Pre-ICA London Conference, London.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2012).
Audience perceptions of quality programming and the public media.
Media and Politics in Latin America: Globalization, Democracy and Identity.
(pp. 113-137). London, UK: I. B. Tauris.
Matos, C. (2012). Globalization and the mass media. In: Encyclopedia of Globalization. . Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9780470670590.wbeog369
Matos, C. (2012). Media democratization in Brazil and future challenges. Journal of Critical Sociology, 38(6), pp. 863-876. doi: 10.1177/0896920512441636
Matos, C. (2011). Media and democracy in Brazil. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 8(1),
Matos, C. (2009). Comparing Media Systems: the role of the public media in the digital age. The Global Studies Journal, 2(3),
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591
Journalism and Political Democracy in Brazil. Maryland, USA: Lexington Books.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591
Jornalismo e política democrática no Brasil. Sao Paulo: Publifolha.
Matos, C. (2004). Lula is pop!: an analysis of a celebrity politician. Journal of Culture and Communications of the Federal University of Bahia, pp. 181-203.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591
Community engagement with health messages on reproductive health in an age of misinformation and political polarisation: A case study of the US NGO Open Arms in Florida.
In: Simoes, R. & Amaral, I. (Eds.),
Young Adulthood Across Platforms.
. Leeds, England: Emerald Publishing.
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591, Orrego Dunleavy, V. & Oliveira, J.
Discourses of care, wellbeing and women’s rights: a case study of Saving Mothers’ Comadronas’ understanding of reproductive health in Guatemala in the misinformation age.