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Items where Author is "Smith, L."

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Number of items: 15.

Sartorius, V., Philibert, M., Klungsoyr, K. , Klimont, J., Szamotulska, K., Drausnik, Z., Velebil, P., Mortensen, L., Gissler, M., Fresson, J., Nijhuis, J., Zhang, W-H., Källén, K., Rihs, T. A., Tica, V., Matthews, R., Smith, L., Zeitlin, J., Farr, A., Alexander, S., Racapé, J., Vandervelpen, G., Coutellas, V., Kyprianou, T., Jirova, J., Sakkeus, L., Abuladze, L., Blondel, B., Vilain, A., Durox, M., Heller, G., Sziller, I., Gunnarsdóttir, J., Sól Ólafsdóttir, H., Sikora, I., O'Hara, S., Kearns, K., Cuttini, M., Loghi, M., Boldrini, R., Pappagal, M., Marchetti, S., Donati, S., Misins, J., Zile-Velika, I., Isakova, J., Lecomte, A., Pastore, J., Álvarez, D., Gatt, M., Achterberg, P. W., Broeders, L., Akerkar, R., Engjom, H., Mierzejewska, E., Barros, H., Puscasiu, L., Budianu, M-A., Cucu, A., Tica, V., Lučovnik, M., Verdenik, I., Fernandez Elorriaga, M., Zurriaga, O., Recio Alcaide, A., Nyman, A., Macfarlane, A. ORCID: 0000-0003-0977-7214, Scott, S., Monteath, K., Morgan, S., Thomas, C., Magill, S. & Ceely, G. (2024). Neonatal Mortality Disparities by Gestational Age in European Countries. JAMA Network Open, 7(8), article number e2424226. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.24226

Prendes, C. F., Rantner, B., Hamwi, T. , Stana, J., Feigin, V. L., Stavroulakis, K., Tsilimparis, N., Fernandez Prendes, C., Rantner, B., Hamwi, T., Stana, J., Feigin, P. V. L., Stavroulakis, K., Tsilimparis, N., Aboyans, P. V., Olusola Akinyemi, R., Al-Shahi Salman, P. R., Artamonov, A. A., Aujayeb, A., Baldereschi, M., Basu, S., Béjot, P. Y., Belo, L., Bennett, D. A., Srikanth Bhagavathula, A., Bikbov, B., Brenner, P. H., Luciano Caetano dos Santos, F., Carrero, P. J. J., Carvalho, P. F., Catapano, P. A. L., Charalampous, P., Christensen, P. H., Chung, S-C., Angelo Cortesi, P., Marisa Costa, V., Cyganska, M., D’Amico, E., Davletov, K., Georgieva Dokova, K., Douiri, A., Francis Fagbamigbe, A., Fischer, F., Ghith, N., Giampaoli, S., Singh Gill, P. P., Gnedovskaya, E. V., Havmoeller, R. J., Hostiuc, S., Iavicoli, P. I., Ilic, P. M. D., Isola, P. G., Jerzy Jozwiak, J., Jürisson, M., Kayode, G. A., Khan, M. A. B., Khatab, P. K., Kisa, P. A., Kivimäki, P. M., Koyanagi, A., Kulimbet, M., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, La Vecchia, P. C., Lacey, B., Lallukka, P. T., Lorkowski, P. S., Majeed, P. A., Giovanni Mantovani, P. L., Mazzaglia, G., Mentis, A-F. A., Meretoja, A., Miao Jonasson, J., Mirica, A., Mirrakhimov, P. E. M., Mohammed, S., Molokhia, M., Monasta, L., Mons, P. U., Morze, J., Irina Negoi, R., Norrving, P. B., Oancea, P. B., O’Caoimh, R., Orru, H., Padron-Monedero, A., Pedersini, P., Perico, N., Polibin, R. V., Polinder, S., Raggi, A., Rawaf, P. S., Remuzzi, P. G., Romoli, M., Sacco, P. S., Reza Saeb, P. M., Vasco Santos, J., Santric-Milicevic, P. M. M., Aleksandrovna Skryabina, A., Smith, L., Starodubova, A. V., Stevanović, A., Stranges, P. S., Teuschl, Y., Topor-Madry, R., Touvier, M., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Unim, B., Juhani Vasankari, P. T., Volovici, V., Wafa, H. A., Wang, Y., Westerman, R., Wolfe, P. C. D. A., Yesiltepe, M., Zanghì, A. & Sergeevich Zastrozhin, P. M. (2024). Burden of Stroke in Europe: An Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study Findings From 2010 to 2019. Stroke, 55(2), pp. 432-442. doi: 10.1161/strokeaha.122.042022

Smith, L., Hilton, A., Walker, J. M. , Alfred, L. ORCID: 0000-0001-8087-3191, Ahankari, A. & Schölin, L. (2022). Prevention of alcohol related harm though preconception care: A scoping review of barriers and enablers. Dialogues in Health, 1, article number 100040. doi: 10.1016/j.dialog.2022.100040

Relph, S., Coxon, K., Vieira, M. C. , Copas, A., Healey, A., Alagna, A., Briley, A., Johnson, M., Lawlor, D. A., Lees, C., Marlow, N., McCowan, L., McMicking, J., Page, L., Peebles, D., Shennan, A., Thilaganathan, B., Khalil, A., Pasupathy, D., Sandall, J., Bakalis, S., Rozette, C., Canda, M., Cicero, S., Akinfenwa, O., Cox, P., Giacometti, L., Peregrine, E., Smith, L., Page, S., Janga, D., Essien, S., Hutt, R., Acheampong, Y., Trinder, B., Rimell, L., Cresswell, J., Petty, S., Ajay, B., O’Donnell, H., Wayman, E., Dhanjal, M., Noori, M., Iaschi, E., Napolitano, R., Tsikimi, I., Das, R., Ghalustians, F., Hanks, F., Camarasa, L., Samarage, H., Hiles, S., David, A., Howe, D., Seward, N., Allen, E. & Francis, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895 (2022). Effect of the Growth Assessment Protocol on the DEtection of Small for GestatioNal age fetus: process evaluation from the DESiGN cluster randomised trial. Implementation Science, 17, article number 60. doi: 10.1186/s13012-022-01228-1

Vieira, M. C., Relph, S., Muruet-Gutierrez, W. , Elstad, M., Coker, B., Moitt, N., Delaney, L., Winsloe, C., Healey, A., Coxon, K., Alagna, A., Briley, A., Johnson, M., Page, L. M., Peebles, D., Shennan, A. H., Thilaganathan, B., Marlow, N., McCowan, L., Lees, C., Lawlor, D. A., Khalil, A., Sandall, J., Copas, A., Pasupathy, D., Bakalis, B., Rozette, C., Canda, M., Cicero, S., Akinfenwa, O., Cox, P., Giacometti, L., Peregrine, E., Smith, L., Page, S., Janga, D., Essien, S., Hutt, R., Acheampong, Y., Trinder, B., Rimell, L., Cresswell, J,, Petty, S., Ajay, B., O'Donnell, H., Wayman, E., Dhanjal, M., Noori, M., Iaschi, E., Napolitano, R., Tsikimi, I., Das, R., Ghalustians, F., Hanks, F., Camarasa, L., Samarage, H., Hiles, S., David, A., Howe, D., Seward, N., Allen, E. & Francis, J. J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895 (2022). Evaluation of the Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) for antenatal detection of small for gestational age: The DESiGN cluster randomised trial. PLoS Medicine, 19(6), article number e1004004. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004004

Haidinger, G., Klimont, J., Alexander, S. , Zhang, W-H., Vandervelpen, E., Delnord, M., Kolarova, R., Yordanova, E., Rodin, U., Drausnik, Z., Filipovic-Grcic, B., Kyprianou, T., Scoutellas, V., Velebil, P., Mortensen, L. H., Sakkeus, L., Abuladze, L., Gissler, M., Blondel, B., Deneux-Tharaux, C., Durox, M., Philibert, M., Zeitlin, J., Fresson, J., Heller, G., Misselwitz, B., Antsaklis, A., Berbik, I., Olafsdottir, H. S., Kearns, K., Sikora, I., Cuttini, M., Loghi, M., Donati, S., Boldrini, R., Misins, J., Zile, I., Isakova, J., Touvrey-Lecomte, A., Billy, A., Couffignal, S., Weber, G., Gatt, M., Nijhuis, J., Broeders, L., Achterberg, P. W., Hindori-Mohangoo, A., Klungsoyr, K., Akerkar, R., Engjom, H., Szamotulska, K., Mierzejewska, E., Barros, H., Rodrigues, C., Horga, M., Tica, V., Puscasiu, L., Budianu, M-A., Cucu, A., Calomfirescu, C., Cap, J., Mandic, N. T., Verdenik, I., Zurriaga, O., Alcaide, A. R., Jane, M., Vidal, M. J., Kallen, K., Nyman, A., Rihs, T., MacFarlane, A. J. ORCID: 0000-0003-0977-7214, Wood, R., Monteath, K., Smith, L., Morgan, S., Hillen, J. & Euro-Peristat Res Network (2021). Population birth data and pandemic readiness in Europe. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 129(2), pp. 179-184. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.16946

Zeitlin, J., Durox, M., Macfarlane, A. J. ORCID: 0000-0003-0977-7214 , Alexander, S., Heller, G., Loghi, M., Nijhuis, J., Sól Ólafsdóttir, H., Mierzejewska, E., Gissler, M., Blondel, B., Haidinger, G., Klimont, J., Vandervelpen, G., Zhang, W-H., Jordanova, E., Kolarova, R., Filipovic‐Grcic, B., Drausnik, Z., Rodin, U., Kyprianou, T., Scoutellas, V., Velebil, P., Mortensen, L., Sakkeus, L., Heino, A., Chantry, A., Deneux Tharaux, C., Lack, N., Antsaklis, A., Berbik, I., Bonham, S., Kearns, K., Sikora, I., Cuttini, M., Misins, J., Zile, I., Isakova, J., Billy, A., Couffignal, S., Lecomte, A., Weber, G., Gatt, M., Achterberg, P., Broeders, L., Hindori‐Mohangoo, A., Akerkar, R., Klungsøyr, K., Szamotulska, K., Barros, H., Horga, M., Tica, V., Cap, J., Tul, N., Verdenik, I., Bolumar, F., Jané, M., Alcaide, A. R., Vidal, M. J., Zurriaga, O., Kallen, K., Nyman, A., Berrut, S., Riggenbach, M., Rihs, T. A., Smith, L., Woods, R., Delnord, M. & Hocquette, A. (2020). Using Robson's Ten‐Group Classification System for comparing caesarean section rates in Europe: an analysis of routine data from the Euro‐Peristat study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 128(9), pp. 1444-1453. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.16634

Paton, A., Armstrong, N. ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-0119, Smith, L. ORCID: 0000-0001-9470-0793 & Lotto, R. (2020). Parents’ decision-making following diagnosis of a severe congenital anomaly in pregnancy: Practical, theoretical and ethical tensions. Social Science & Medicine, 266, article number 113362. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113362

Smith, S., Porteous, T., Bond, C. , Francis, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Lee, A. J., Lowrie, R., Scotland, G., Sheikh, A., Thomas, M., Wyke, S. & Smith, L. (2020). The Help for Hay Fever community pharmacy-based pilot randomised controlled trial for intermittent allergic rhinitis. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 30(1), article number 23. doi: 10.1038/s41533-020-0180-4

Swinburn, K., Best, W., Beeke, S. , Cruice, M. ORCID: 0000-0001-7344-2262, Smith, L., Willis, E. P., Ledingham, K., Sweeney, J. & McVicker, S. J. (2018). A concise patient reported outcome measure for people with aphasia: the aphasia impact questionnaire 21. Aphasiology, 33(9), pp. 1035-1060. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2018.1517406

Blondel, B., Cuttini, M., Hindori-Mohangoo, A. D. , Gissler, M., Loghi, M., Prunet, C., Heino, A., Smith, L., van der Pal-de Bruin, K., Macfarlane, A. J. & Zeitlin, J. (2017). How do late terminations of pregnancy affect comparisons of stillbirth rates in Europe? Analyses of aggregated routine data from the Euro-Peristat Project. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 125(2), pp. 226-234. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.14767

Gardner, B., Smith, L., Lorencatto, F. , Hamer, M. & Biddle, S. J. H. (2016). How to reduce sitting time? A review of behaviour change strategies used in sedentary behaviour reduction interventions among adults. Health Psychology Review, 10(1), pp. 89-112. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2015.1082146

Porteous, T., Wyke, S., Smith, S. , Bond, C. B., Francis, J., Lee, A. J., Lowrie, R., Scotland, G., Sheikh, A., Thomas, M. & Smith, L. (2013). 'Help for Hay Fever', a goal-focused intervention for people with intermittent allergic rhinitis, delivered in Scottish community pharmacies: study protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(217), doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-217

Francis, J., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Whitty, P., Grimshaw, J. M., Kaner, E. F. S., Smith, L. & Walker, A. E. (2008). Explaining the effects of an intervention designed to promote evidence-based diabetes care: a theory-based process evaluation of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Implementation Science, 3(1), 50-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-3-50

Francis, J., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Walker, A. E., Grimshaw, J. M., Foy, R., Kaner, E. F. S., Smith, L. & Bonetti, D. (2004). Constructing questionnaires based on the theory of planned behaviour: A manual for health services researchers. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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