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Items where City Author is "Oswick, Cliff"

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Number of items: 20.

Biscaro, C., Bruni, E., Cornelissen, J. & Oswick, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-4574-2708 (2024). Metaphor and Organization Studies: Going Beyond Resonance to Further Theory and Practice. Organization Studies, doi: 10.1177/01708406251314572

Oswick, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-4574-2708 (2024). Generative Artificial Intelligence and Generative Conversations: Contrasting Futures for Organizational Change?. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 60(2), pp. 225-229. doi: 10.1177/00218863241232412

Oswick, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-4574-2708 & Oswick, R. (2022). Of Definitions, Demarcation, and Disaggregation: Some Comments on the Dynamic Application of Diagnostic and Dialogic Organization Development. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 58(1), pp. 153-156. doi: 10.1177/00218863211060880

Oswick, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-4574-2708, Biscaro, C., Bruni, E. & Cornelissen, J. (2021). Reconceptualizing Conceptual Engineering. Academy of Management Review, 49(2), pp. 429-431. doi: 10.5465/amr.2021.0031

Baughen, A., Oswick, C. & Oswick, R. (2020). Rethinking ‘Organizational Effectiveness’ as a Core Premise of Organization Development: Beyond Narrow Organizational Interests and Towards Wider Soulful Interventions. Journal of Change Management, 20(4), pp. 333-341. doi: 10.1080/14697017.2020.1746684

Oswick, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-4574-2708, Grant, D. & Oswick, R. (2020). Categories, Crossroads, Control, Connectedness, Continuity, and Change: A Metaphorical Exploration of COVID-19. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(3), pp. 284-288. doi: 10.1177/0021886320936257

Oswick, C. (2020). Practitioners Corner: A Call to Action!. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(2), pp. 137-139. doi: 10.1177/0021886320908633

Oswick, R. & Oswick, C. (2020). Positive Perspectives on Organizing and Organizational Change: A Conversation with Gretchen Spreitzer. Journal of Change Management, 20(1), pp. 24-34. doi: 10.1080/14697017.2020.1702759

Floris, M., Grant, D. & Oswick, C. (2019). A discourse perspective on creating organizational knowledge: the case of strategizing. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 59, pp. 141-156. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20190000059008

Oswick, C. & Grant, D. (2016). Re-Imagining Images of Organization: A Conversation With Gareth Morgan. Journal of Management Inquiry, 25(3), pp. 338-343. doi: 10.1177/1056492615591854

Oswick, C. (2015). Guest Editorial: Engaging With Employee Engagement in HRD Theory and Practice. Human Resource Development Review, 14(1), pp. 8-16. doi: 10.1177/1534484314558743

Fleming, P. & Oswick, C. (2014). Educating consent? A conversation with Noam Chomsky on the university and business school education. ORGANIZATION, 21(4), pp. 568-578. doi: 10.1177/1350508413514748

By, R.T., Oswick, C. & Burnes, B. (2014). Looking Back and Looking Forward: Some Reflections on Journal Developments and Trends in Organizational Change Discourse. Journal of Change Management, 14(1), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1080/14697017.2014.886871

Oswick, C. & Noon, M. (2014). Discourses of diversity, equality and inclusion: Trenchant formulations or transient fashions?. British Journal of Management, 25(1), pp. 23-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00830.x

Oswick, C. (2013). Reflections: OD or Not OD that is the Question! A Constructivist's Thoughts on the Changing Nature of Change. Journal of Change Management, 13(4), pp. 371-381. doi: 10.1080/14697017.2013.776728

By, R.T., Burnes, B. & Oswick, C. (2013). Creating a Leading Journal and Maintaining Academic Freedom. Journal of Change Management, 13(1), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1080/14697017.2013.768439

Phillips, N. & Oswick, C. (2012). Organizational Discourse: Domains, Debates, and Directions. Academy of Management Annals, 6(1), pp. 435-481. doi: 10.1080/19416520.2012.681558

Oswick, C., Fleming, P. & Hanlon, G. (2011). From borrowing to blending: Rethinking the processes of organizational theory building. Academy of Management Review, 36(2), pp. 318-337. doi: 10.5465/amr.2009.0155

Ybema, S., Keenoy, T., Oswick, C. , Beverungen, A., Ellis, N. & Sabelis, I. (2009). Articulating identities. Human Relations, 62(3), pp. 299-322. doi: 10.1177/0018726708101904

Cornelissen, J. P., Oswick, C., Christensen, L. T. & Phillips, N. (2008). Metaphor in organizational research: Context, modalities and implications for research introduction. Organization Studies, 29(1), pp. 7-22. doi: 10.1177/0170840607086634

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