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Items where Schools and Departments is "International Politics" and Year is 2013

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Number of items: 35.


Aran, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-9386-1309 (2013). Israeli Foreign Policy in Historical Perspective: State, Ethno-nationalism, Globalisation. In: Jones, C. & Petersen, T. T. (Eds.), Israel's Clandestine Diplomacies. . London/New York: Hurst/Oxford University Press.


Benton, A. L. (2013). Partisan policy promises and sector-specific stock-market performance: evidence from Mexico's 2006 presidential campaign. Business and Politics, 15(2), pp. 187-215. doi: 10.1515/bap-2012-0037


Collantes-Celador, G. (2013). Civil Society and the Bosnian Police Certification Process: Challenging ‘the Guardians'. In: Bojicic-Dzelilovic, V., Ker-Lindsay, J. & Kostovicova, D. (Eds.), Civil Society and Transitions in the Western Balkans. (pp. 177-195). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Collantes-Celador, G. (2013). Las Empresas Militares y de Seguridad Privadas durante y despues de los Conflictos de los Balcanes Occidentales: “Amenaza” o “Fuerza Bienhechora”? (Private Military and Security Companies during and after the Wars of the Western Balkans: A “Menace” or a “Force for Good”?). In: Garcia, C. & Pareja, P. (Eds.), Seguridad, Inc. Las Empresas Militares Y De Seguridad Privadas En Las Relaciones Internacionales Contemporáneas. Paz Y Seguridad. . Edicions Bellaterra.

Collantes-Celador, G. (2013). Not There Yet - Spain's Security Strategy from a Human Security Perspective. In: Kaldor, M., Martin, M. & Serra, N. (Eds.), National, European and Human Security: From Co-existence to Convergence. (pp. 89-101). UK: Routledge.


Davies, T. R. (2013). Educational internationalism, universal human rights, and international organisation: International Relations in the thought and practice of Robert Owen. Review of International Studies, 40(4), pp. 729-751. doi: 10.1017/s0260210513000429

Davies, T. R. (2013). NGOs: A Long and Turbulent History. Global: The Global Journal(15), pp. 28-34.


Gandrud, C. (2013). The diffusion of financial supervisory governance ideas. Review of International Political Economy, 20(4), pp. 881-916. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2012.727362

Gkanoutas-Leventis, Angelos (2013). The transformation of the oil market: A study of financialisation through crises. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Hager, S. B. (2013). America's Real 'Debt Dilemma'. Review of Capital as Power, 1(1), pp. 41-62.

Hirst, A. (2013). Violence, Self-authorship and the 'Death of God': The 'Traps' of the Messianic and the Tragic. MILLENNIUM-JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, 42(1), pp. 135-154. doi: 10.1177/0305829813497822

Hirst, A. & Michelsen, N. (2013). Introduction: International Relations and the 'Death of God'. MILLENNIUM-JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, 42(1), pp. 103-113. doi: 10.1177/0305829813500371

Hollis, R. (2013). Europe. In: Peters, J. & Newman, D. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. (pp. 336-345). UK: Routledge.

Hollis, R. (2013). Mubarak: the Embodiment of ‘Moderate Arab Leadership’? In: Freedman, L. & Michaels, J. (Eds.), Scripting Middle East Leaders: The Impact of Leadership Perceptions on US and UK Foreign Policy. (pp. 171-193). London: Bloomsbury Academic Press.

Hoover, J. (2013). Moral Practices: Assigning Responsibility in the International Criminal Court. Law and Contemporary Problems, 76(3), pp. 263-286.

Hoover, J. (2013). Rereading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: plurality and contestation, not consensus. Journal of Human Rights, 12(2), pp. 217-241. doi: 10.1080/14754835.2013.784663

Hoover, J. (2013). Towards a politics for human rights: Ambiguous humanity and democratizing rights. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 39(9), pp. 935-961. doi: 10.1177/0191453713498390


Jones, A. (2013). Conceptualising business mobilities: towards an analytical framework. Review in Transportation Business and Management, 9, pp. 58-66. doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2013.08.003

Jones, A. (2013). Economic Globalization. In: Cloke, P., Crang, P. & Goodwin, M. (Eds.), Introducing Human Geographies. (pp. 413-426). London, UK: Routledge.

Jones, A. (2013). Geographies of Production I: Relationality revisited and the ‘practice shift’ in economic geography. Progress in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities, 38(4), pp. 605-615. doi: 10.1177/0309132513502151

Jones, A. (2013). (Re)Conceptualising the space of markets: The case of the 2007–9 global financial crisis. Geoforum, 50, pp. 31-42. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.07.010


Kovras, I. (2013). Explaining Prolonged Silences in Transitional Justice: The Disappeared in Cyprus and Spain. Comparative Political Studies, 46(6), pp. 730-756. doi: 10.1177/0010414012463879


McDowell, C. A. (2013). ‘Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Implications for land acquisition and population relocation’. Development Policy Review, 31(6), pp. 677-695. doi: 10.1111/dpr.12030

Murphy, R. (2013). Over Here and Under-taxed: Multinationals, Tax Avoidance and You. Vintage Digital/Random House.

Murphy, R. & Reed, H. (2013). Financing the Social State: Towards a full employment economy. London, UK: The Centre for Labour and Social Studies.


Nesvetailova, A. & Palan, R. (2013). Sabotage in the financial system: Lessons from Veblen. Business Horizons, 56(6), pp. 723-732. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2013.07.009


Pagliari, S. (2013). Governing Financial Stability: the Financial Stability Board as the Emerging Pillar in Global Economic Governance. In: Moschella, M (Ed.), Handbook of Global Economic Governance. . Routledge.

Palan, R. (2013). New trends in global political economy. In: Global Political Economy. (pp. 1-18). Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203097762

Parmar, I. (2013). The 'knowledge politics' of democratic peace theory. International Politics, 50(2), pp. 231-256. doi: 10.1057/ip.2013.4

Peña, Alejandro (2013). Global and local trajectories of social standardisation: The cases of Argentina and Brazil. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

Poli, Eleonora (2013). Ideas, interests and institutions in the globalising economy: the evolution and internationalisation of antitrust. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Rosenboim, O. (2013). From the Private to the Public and Back Again: The International Thought of David Mitrany, 1940-1949. Les Cahiers européens de Sciences Po, 2, article number 02/2013.

Ryan, Holly (2013). Bringing the visual into focus: Street art and contentious politics in Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Schouenborg, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-2660-3403 (2013). Nordisk diplomati: I det skandinaviske internationale samfunds tjeneste?. Samfundsøkonomen, 2(2), pp. 18-24.


Voessing, K. ORCID: 0000-0002-7269-0317 (2013). Sozialdemokratie und Europäische Integration. Sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft(199), pp. 31-37.

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