City Research Online

Items where Schools and Departments is "Healthcare Services Research & Management" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 22.


Aitken, L. M., Burmeister, E., Lang, J. , Chaboyer, W. & Richmond, T. S. (2010). Characteristics and outcomes of injured older adults after hospital admission. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(3), pp. 442-449. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.02728.x


Clarkson, J. E., Ramsay, C. R., Eccles, M. P. , Eldridge, S., Grimshaw, J. M., Johnston, M., Michie, S., Treweek, S., Walker, A. E., Young, L., Black, I., Bonetti, D., Cassie, H., Francis, J., MacKenzie, G., MacPherson, L., McKee, L., Pitts, N., Rennie, J., Stirling, D., Tilley, C., Torgerson, C. & Vale, L. D. (2010). The translation research in a dental setting (TRiaDS) programme protocol. Implementation Science, 5(1), 57-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-57

Craig, G. M. (2010). Horror and Disgust: gastrostomy feeding and identity transformation. Radical Psychology, 8(1),

Cuthbertson, B. H., Francis, J., Campbell, M. K. , Seppelt, I., Macintyre, L. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2010). A study of the perceived risks, benefits and barriers to the use of SDD in adult critical care units (The SuDDICU study). Trials, 11(1), 117-. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-117


Dickinson, H. O., Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P. , Francis, J. & Johnston, M. (2010). Statistical considerations in a systematic review of proxy measures of clinical behaviour. Implementation Science, 5(1), 20-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-20

Dong, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-2225-7256, Rowland, I., Tuohy, K. M. , Thomas, L. V. & Yaqoob, P. (2010). Effects of Lactobacillus casei Shirota on immune function. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 3rd Immunonutrition Workshop, 21-24 Oct 2009, Girona, Spain. doi: 10.1017/s0029665110000327


Elford, J., McKeown, E., Doerner, R. , Nelson, S., Low, N. & Anderson, J. (2010). Sexual health of ethnic minority MSM in Britain (MESH project): design and methods. BMC Public Health, 10(1), article number 419. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-419


Francis, J., Johnston, M., Robertson, C. , Glidewell, L., Entwistle, V., Eccles, M. P. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2010). What is an adequate sample size? Operationalising data saturation for theory-based interview studies. Psychology & Health, 25(10), pp. 1229-1245. doi: 10.1080/08870440903194015


Godin, P. & Davies, J. (2010). On a scale of one to five, how satisfied are you with the forensic mental health care services you received? In: Byrt, R., Coffey, M., Kettles, M. & Woodes, P. (Eds.), Forensic Mental Health Nursing: Ethics, Debates, Dilemas. (pp. 247-250). UK: Quay Books.


Hurt, C. S., Banerjee, S., Tunnard, C. , Whitehead, D. L., Tsolaki, M., Mecocci, P., Kloszewska, I., Soininen, H., Vellas, B. & Lovestone, S. (2010). Insight, cognition and quality of life in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 81(3), pp. 331-336. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2009.184598


Ivers, N. M., Tu, K., Francis, J. , Bransley, J., Shah, B., Upshur, R., Kiss, A., Grimshaw, J. M. & Zwarenstein, M. (2010). Trial of Goal-setting and Action-Plans to increase the effectiveness of audit and feedback interventions in primary care. Study protocol. Implementation Science, 5(1), article number 98. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-98


Jamtvedt, G., Herbert, R. D., Flottorp, S. , Odgaard-Jensen, J., Håvelsrud, K., Barratt, A., Mathieu, E., Burls, A. & Oxman, A. D. (2010). A pragmatic randomised trial of stretching before and after physical activity to prevent injury and soreness. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(14), pp. 1002-1009. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2009.062232


Kolehmainen, N., MacLennan, G., Francis, J. & Duncan, E. A. S. (2010). Clinicians' caseload management behaviours as explanatory factors in patients' length of time on caseloads: a predictive multilevel study in paediatric community occupational therapy. BMC Health Services Research, 10(1), 249-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-10-249

Kyratsis, Y., Ahmad, R. & Holmes, A. H. (2010). Understanding the Process of Innovation Adoption in 12 NHS trusts – technology selection, procurement and implementation to help reduce HCAIs. London: Medical Research Council.


Laudicella, M., Olsen, K. R. & Street, A. (2010). Examining cost variation across hospital departments--a two-stage multi-level approach using patient-level data. Social Science & Medicine, 71(10), pp. 1872-1881. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.06.049


McKenzie, J. E., O'Connor, D. A., Page, M. J. , Mortimer, D. S., French, S. D., Walker, B. F., Keating, J. L., Grimshaw, J. M., Michie, S., Francis, J. & Green, S. E. (2010). Improving the care for people with acute low-back pain by allied health professionals (the ALIGN trial): A cluster randomised trial protocol. Implementation Science, 5(1), 86-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-86

McKeown, E., Nelson, S., Anderson, J. , Low, N. & Elford, J. (2010). Disclosure, discrimination and desire: experiences of Black and South Asian gay men in Britain. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 12(7), pp. 843-856. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2010.499963

Mulligan, K., Jones, N., Woodhead, C. , Davies, M., Wessely, S. & Greenberg, N. (2010). Mental health of UK military personnel while on deployment in Iraq. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197(5), pp. 405-410. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077263


Parmar, D., Baruwa, E.M., Zuber, P. & Kone, S. (2010). Impact of wastage on single and multi-dose vaccine vials: implications for introducing pneumococcal vaccines in developing countries. Human Vaccines, 6(3), pp. 270-278. doi: 10.4161/hv.6.3.10397

Parmar, D., Souares, A., Savadogo, G. & Sauerborn, R. (2010). Does community-based health insurance protect household assets?. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy, 28-06-2010 - 01-07-2010, Athens, Greece.

Pilling, D. (2010). Adoption of e-government by disadvantaged groups in the United States and United Kingdom. In: Reddick, C. G. (Ed.), Comparative E-Government. (pp. 201-220). London, UK: Springer.


Thomas, Nicola (2010). The development and evaluation of a self-management package for people with diabetes at risk of chronic kidney disease. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)

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