Items where Schools and Departments is "Institute for the Study of European Laws" and Year is 2021
Costa, M. & Peers, S. (2021). The Old Dog Learns New Tricks: Reinvigorating Infringement Proceedings to Enhance the Effectiveness of EU Law. European Law Review, 46(2), pp. 228-241.
Fahey, E. ORCID: 0000-0003-2603-5300 & Terpan, F. (2021).
Torn between institutionalisation and judicialisation: the demise of the EU-US privacy shield.
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 28(2),
pp. 205-244.
doi: 10.2979/indjglolegstu.28.2.0205
Kendrick, M. ORCID: 0000-0001-7707-0400 (2021).
The EU Transatlantic agenda on ‘fair’ corporate taxation: Is a digital services tax a workable ‘Plan B’?.
EU Law Live, Weekend Edition, 52,
pp. 19-24.
Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2021).
Book Review: The battle for international law: South-North perspectives on the decolonization era.
Law Teacher, 55(3),
pp. 414-416.
doi: 10.1080/03069400.2021.1876483
Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2021).
Book review: EU Powers Under External Pressure: How the EU’s External Actions Alter its Internal Structures, by Christina Eckes. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019).
Common Market Law Review, 58(6),
pp. 1920-1922.
Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2021).
Is EU Law International? Case c-741/19 Republic of Moldova v Komstroy LLC and the Autonomy of the EU Legal Order.
European Papers, 6(3),
pp. 1255-1268.
Yong, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-3939-6781 (2021).
EU Citizenship at the Edges of Freedom of Movement.
European Law Review, 46(3),
pp. 406-409.
Book Section
Soneca, V. & Koutrakos, P. ORCID: 0000-0002-2346-4057 (2021).
The Future of the Istanbul Convention before the CJEU.
In: Levrat, N., Kaspiarovich, Y., Kaddous, C. & Wessel, R. A. (Eds.),
The EU and its Member States’ Joint Participation in International Agreements.
(pp. 189-206). London, UK: Hart Publishing.
Internet Publication
Fahey, E. ORCID: 0000-0003-2603-5300 (2021).
Whither transatlantic trade? The future of institutional solutions
EU Law Live (Weekend Edition).
Working Paper
Fahey, E. ORCID: 0000-0003-2603-5300 (2021).
The Rise and Fall of International Law in the Post-Lisbon AFSJ Legislation Cycles (City Law School Research Paper 2021/10).
London, UK: City Law School, City, University of London.
Germain, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-6039 & Yong, A.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3939-6781 (2021).
Written evidence from the Gender & Sexualities Research Centre (GSRC) at City, University of London for Women’s Health Strategy (City Law School Research Paper 2021/05).
London, UK: City Law School.
Hervey, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-8310-9022, Antova, I., Flear, M. , McHale, J., Speakman, E. & Matthew, W. (2021).
Health ‘Brexternalities’: The Brexit effect on health and health care outside the UK (City Law School research paper 2021/04).
London, UK: The City Law School.
Karaivanova, I., Blunt, G. D. ORCID: 0000-0002-9569-090X, Couture-Ménard, M-È. , Bernier, L., Breton, M., Ménard, J. F., Pires de Vasconcelos, N., Gilbar, R., Karako-Eyal, N., Tomlinson, J., Meers, J., Cardo, V., Boelle, J., Baek, B-S., Yeh, D.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8324-5342, Chen, B., Jacob, M-., Ferraz, O., Littler, J.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8496-6192, De Visser, M., Ashford, C., Renz, F., Liu, S-J. S., Tuitt, P., Yong, A.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3939-6781 & Germain, S.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-6039 (2021).
Beyond the Virus: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Inequalities raised by COVID-19 (City Law School Research Paper 2021/07).
London, UK: The City Law School.