Items where Schools and Departments is "The City Law School" and Year is 2009
Collins, R. (2009). Trust and trustworthiness in the fourth and fifth estates. International Journal of Communication, 3, pp. 61-86.
Draghici, C. (2009). L’applicazione della dottrina ‘clean hands’ all’esercizio della protezione diplomatica (The Application of the ‘Clean Hands’ Doctrine to the Exercise of Diplomatic Protection). (2009 ed.) In: Panella, L. (Ed.), La protezione diplomatica: sviluppi e prospettive (Diplomatic protection: developments and prospects). . Torino: Giappichelli.
Fahey, E. (2009). Interpretive legitimacy and the distinction between “social assistance” and “work seekers allowance”. European Law Review, 34(6), pp. 933-949.
Stychin, C. (2009). Closet Cases: ‘Conscientious Objection’ to Lesbian and Gay Legal Equality. Griffith Law Review, 18(1), pp. 17-38. doi: 10.1080/10383441.2009.10854628
Stychin, C. (2009). Faith in the future: Sexuality, religion and the public sphere. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 29(4), pp. 729-755. doi: 10.1093/ojls/gqp016