Items where Schools and Departments is "Media, Culture & Creative Industries" and Year is 2012
Bawden, D. (2012). On the gaining of understanding; syntheses, themes and information analysis. Library and Information Research, 36(112),
Beard, C. & Bawden, D. (2012). University libraries and the postgraduate student: Physical and virtual spaces. New Library World, 113(9/10), pp. 439-447. doi: 10.1108/03074801211273911
Mera, M. (2012). Outing the Score: Music, narrative and collaborative process in Little Ashes. Music, Sound and the Moving Image, 6(1), pp. 93-110. doi: 10.3828/msmi.2012.8
Pace, I. (2012). Maintaining Disorder: Some Technical and Aesthetic Issues Involved in the Performance of Ligeti’s E´ tudes for Piano. Contemporary Music Review, 31(2-3), pp. 177-201. doi: 10.1080/07494467.2012.717359
Pietras, M. & Robinson, L. (2012). Three views of the "musical work": Bibliographical control in the music domain. Library Review, 61(8/9), pp. 551-560. doi: 10.1108/00242531211292060
Pratt, A.C. (2012). The cultural and creative industries: organisational and spatial challenges to their governance. Die Erde, 143(4), pp. 317-334.
Roland, L. & Bawden, D. (2012). The Future of History: Investigating the Preservation of Information in the Digital Age. Library & Information History, 28(3), pp. 220-236. doi: 10.1179/1758348912z.00000000017
Wheelwright, J. (2012). Gopnik Review. The Independent,
Wheelwright, J. (2012). Livesey review. The Independent,
Wheelwright, J. (2012). Ru Review. The Independent,
Wiley, C. (2012). Marianna Martines: A woman composer in the Vienna of Mozart and Haydn. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 35(2), pp. 285-286. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-0208.2011.00404.x
Wood, J., Isenberg, P., Isenberg, T. , Dykes, J., Boukhelifa, N. & Slingsby, A. (2012). Sketchy rendering for information visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), pp. 2749-2758. doi: 10.1109/tvcg.2012.262
Book Section
Cottrell, S.J. (2012). Musical Performance in the Twentieth Century: an overview. In: Lawson, C. & Stowell, R. (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Musical Performance. . Cambridge.
MacFarlane, A., Albrair, A., Marshall, C. R. & Buchanan, G. (2012). Phonological working memory impacts on information searching: an investigation of dyslexia. In: Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium. (pp. 27-34). New York, USA: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2362724.2362734
Matos, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3591 (2012).
Audience perceptions of quality programming and the public media.
Media and Politics in Latin America: Globalization, Democracy and Identity.
(pp. 113-137). London, UK: I. B. Tauris.
Pace, I. (2012). Instrumental performance in the nineteenth century. In: Lawson, C. & Stowell, R. (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Musical Performance. (pp. 643-695). Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CHOL9780521896115.027
Pratt, A.C. (2012). Factory, Studio, Loft: there goes the neighbourhood? In: Baum, M. & Christiaanse, K. (Eds.), City as Loft: Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development. (pp. 25-31). Zurich: gta Verlag.
Pratt, A.C. (2012). The cultural economy and the global city. In: Taylor, P., Derudder, B., Hoyler, M. & Witlox, F. (Eds.), International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities. (pp. 265-274). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Pratt, A.C. (2012). A world turned upside down: the creative economy, cities and the new austerity. In: Beauclair, A. & Mitchell, E. (Eds.), Smart, Creative, Sustainable, Inclusive: Territorial Development Strategies in the Age of Austerity. (pp. 13-19). UK: Regional Studies Association.
Pratt, A.C., Borrione, P., Lavanga, M. & D’Ovidio, M. (2012). International Change and technological evolution in the Fashion Industry. In: Agnoletti, M., Carandini, A. & Santagata, W. (Eds.), Essays and Research: International Biennial of Culture and Environmental Heritage. (pp. 359-376). Florence: Badecchi & Vivaldi.
Wiley, C. (2012). Putting the Music Back into Michael Jackson Studies. In: Smit, C. R. (Ed.), Michael Jackson: Grasping the Spectacle. (pp. 101-116). Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Armstrong, N. (2012). making one leaf transparent and then another
Conference or Workshop Item
Bawden, D. (2012). Thomas Jefferson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and information history for the future. Paper presented at the 50th anniversary conference of the CILIP Library and Information History Group, 6 Nov 2012, London, UK.
Einbond, A., Trapani, C. & Schwarz, D. (2012). Precise pitch control in Real Time Corpus-Based concatenative synthesis. In: ICMC. ICMC 2012: Non-Cochlear Sound, 9 September - 14 September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Goodwin, S. & Dykes, J. (2012). Visualising Variations in Household Energy Consumption. Poster presented at the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 14 - 19 Oct 2012, Seattle, Washington, US.
MacFarlane, A., Albrair, A., Marshall, C. R. & Buchanan, G. (2012). Phonological working memory impacts on information searching: An investigation of dyslexia. In: IIiX 2012 - Proceedings 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium: Behaviors, Interactions, Interfaces, Systems. 4th Information Interaction in Context: 2012, 21-08-2012 - 24-08-2012, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Pace, I. (2012). Tempo and its modifications in the music of Brahms from primary sources and evidence of early performers. Paper presented at the Symposium 'Über das Forteilen und Zurückhalten. Zur Tempogestaltung in der Musik des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts', 31-03-2012, Berlin, Germany.
Internet Publication
Pace, I. (2012). Frank Cox on Richard Taruskin's The Oxford History of Western Music
Lingas, A. ORCID: 0000-0003-0083-3347 (2012).
Cappella Romana Live in Greece. From Constantinople to California: Renaissance Cretan Chant and Polyphony — Modern Choral Works by Adamis, Bogdanos, Cardiasmenos, Desby, Michaelides and Zes,.
Portland, USA: Cappella Romana.
Pace, I. ORCID: 0000-0002-0047-9379 (2012).
CD recording - Lauren Redhead, Robin and Marian
Point Engraved Edition.
Haynes, D. (2012). Access to Personal Data in Social Networks : measuring the effectiveness of approaches to regulation (Transfer report) (MPhil to PhD transfer). London, UK: Department of Information Science, City University London.
Berköz, Levent Donat (2012). A gendered musicological study of the work of four leading female singer-songwriters: Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, and Tori Amos. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Hammond, C. (2012). To Conceal or Reveal: left-hand pianism with particular reference to Ravel's Concerto pour la main gauche and Britten's Diversions. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Khosravi, Peiman (2012). Spectral spatiality in the acousmatic listening context. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Mayor, Charlie (2012). The classification of gene products in the molecular biology domain: Realism, objectivity, and the limitations of the Gene Ontology. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Papakonstantinou, Stylianos (2012). Technological framework for ubiquitous interactions using context–aware mobile devices. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Poirier, Elizabeth Suzanne Rachel (2012). Slow information in theory and practice: a qualitative exploration into the implications of a Slow perspective of human information behaviour. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University, London)