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Large Portions Encourage the Selection of Palatable Rather Than Filling Foods

Brunstrom, J. M., Jarvstad, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-3175-8733, Griggs, R. L. , Potter, C., Evans, N. R., Martin, A. A., Brooks, J. C. W. & Rogers, P. J. (2016). Large Portions Encourage the Selection of Palatable Rather Than Filling Foods. The Journal of Nutrition, 146(10), pp. 2117-2123. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.235184


Background: Portion size is an important driver of larger meals. However, effects on food choice remain unclear.

Objective: Our aim was to identify how portion size influences the effect of palatability and expected satiety on choice.

Methods: In Study 1, adult participants (n = 24, 87.5% women) evaluated the palatability and expected satiety of 5 lunchtime meals and ranked them in order of preference. Separate ranks were elicited for equicaloric portions from 100 to 800 kcal (100-kcal steps). In Study 2, adult participants (n = 24, 75% women) evaluated 9 meals and ranked 100–600 kcal portions in 3 contexts (scenarios), believing that 1) the next meal would be at 1900, 2) they would receive only a bite of one food, and 3) a favorite dish would be offered immediately afterwards. Regression analysis was used to quantify predictors of choice.

Results: In Study 1, the extent to which expected satiety and palatability predicted choice was highly dependent on portion size (P < 0.001). With smaller portions, expected satiety was a positive predictor, playing a role equal to palatability (100-kcal portions: expected satiety, β: 0.42; palatability, β: 0.46). With larger portions, palatability was a strong predictor (600-kcal portions: β: 0.53), and expected satiety was a poor or negative predictor (600-kcal portions: β: −0.42). In Study 2, this pattern was moderated by context (P = 0.024). Results from scenario 1 replicated Study 1. However, expected satiety was a poor predictor in both scenario 2 (expected satiety was irrelevant) and scenario 3 (satiety was guaranteed), and palatability was the primary driver of choice across all portions.

Conclusions: In adults, expected satiety influences food choice, but only when small equicaloric portions are compared. Larger portions not only promote the consumption of larger meals, but they encourage the adoption of food choice strategies motivated solely by palatability.

Publication Type: Article
Additional Information: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in The Journal of Nutrition following peer review. The version of record Jeffrey M Brunstrom, Andreas Jarvstad, Rebecca L Griggs, Christina Potter, Natalie R Evans, Ashley A Martin, Jon CW Brooks, Peter J Rogers; Large Portions Encourage the Selection of Palatable Rather Than Filling Foods, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 146, Issue 10, 1 October 2016, Pages 2117–2123, is available online at:
Publisher Keywords: portion size, expected satiety, food choice, dietary decisions, palatability, unhealthy, obesogenic
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Psychology
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