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Resonantly damped oscillations of longitudinally stratified coronal loops

Dymova, M. V. & Ruderman, M. S. (2006). Resonantly damped oscillations of longitudinally stratified coronal loops. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 457(3), pp. 1059-1070. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361:20065051


Soon after coronal loop oscillations were observed by TRACE spacecraft for the first time in 1999, various theoretical models have been put forward to explain the rapid damping of the oscillations of these intriguing objects. Coronal loop oscillations are often interpreted as fast kink modes of a straight cylindrical magnetic flux tube with immovable edges modelling dense photospheric plasma at the ends of the loop. Taking this model as a basis we use cold plasma approximation and consider the tube to be thin to simplify the problem and be able to deal with it analytically. In its equilibrium state the tube is permeated by a homogeneous magnetic field directed along the tube axis. We include the effect of stratification in our model supposing that plasma density varies along the tube. There is also density inhomogeneity in the radial direction confined in a layer with thickness much smaller than the radius of the tube. Considering the system of linearized MHD equations we study the dependence of the spectrum of tube oscillations and its damping due to resonant absorption on the parameters of the unperturbed state. The implication of the obtained results on coronal seismology is discussed.

Publication Type: Article
Additional Information: © ESO 2006
Publisher Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) , waves, plasmas
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Q Science > QB Astronomy
Q Science > QC Physics
Departments: School of Science & Technology
School of Science & Technology > Mathematics
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