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Items where Author is "Denis, A."

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Number of items: 34.

Denis, A. (2018). Keynes and Marx: some points of contact. In: Dow, S., Jespersen, J. & Tily, G. (Eds.), The General Theory and Keynes for the 21st century. (pp. 171-182). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781786439888.00020

Denis, A. (2017). The Austrians and the Arrow Impossibility Theorem. Paper presented at the 49th annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference, 4-5 Sept 2017, London, UK.

Denis, A. (2017). Book review: Contending Perspectives in Economics. A Guide to Contemporary Schools of Thought by: John T. Harvey. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 8(1), pp. 105-108.

Denis, A. (2017). Private Property or Several Control: a Rejoinder. Review of Political Economy, 29(3), pp. 432-439. doi: 10.1080/09538259.2017.1359383

Denis, A. (2016). Keynes and Marx: some points of contact. Paper presented at the Victoria Chick and the General Theory at 80, 11 Jul 2016, London, UK.

Denis, A. & Toporowski, J. (2016). Microfoundations: Introduction. Review of Political Economy, 28(1), pp. 90-91. doi: 10.1080/09538259.2016.1108127

Denis, A. (2015). Francis Horner and the Bullion debates. Paper presented at the UK HET conference/THETS conference 2015, 2-4 Sep 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

Denis, A. (2015). Economic calculation: private property or several control?. Review of Political Economy, 27(4), pp. 606-623. doi: 10.1080/09538259.2015.1083189

Denis, A. (2015). Microfoundations. Review of Political Economy, 28(1), pp. 134-152. doi: 10.1080/09538259.2016.1108132

Denis, A. (2015). Was the School of Salamanca proto-Austrian?. Paper presented at the The Scottish Economic Society annual conference, 13-15 Apr 2015, Perth, Scotland.

Denis, A. (2014). Methodological individualism and society: Hayek’s evolving view. In: Nell, G. (Ed.), Austrian Economic Perspectives on Individualism and Society. (pp. 7-20). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Denis, A. (2014). Economic calculation: private property or several control?. Paper presented at the 46th Annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference, 03-09-2014 - 05-09-2014, London, UK.

Denis, A. (2013). Pluralism in Economics Education. In: Jespersen, J. & Madsen, M. O. (Eds.), Teaching Post Keynesian Economics. (pp. 88-105). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Denis, A. (2013). Microfoundations. Paper presented at the Microfoundations, 02-07-2013 - 04-07-2013, University of Greenwich, UK.

Denis, A. (2010). A century of methodological individualism part 1: Schumpeter and Menger (10/02). London, UK: Department of Economics, City University London.

Denis, A. (2010). A century of methodological individualism part 2: Mises and Hayek (10/03). London, UK: Department of Economics, City University London.

Denis, A. (2009). Editorial: Pluralism in Economics Education. International Review of Economics Education, 8(2), pp. 6-22. doi: 10.1016/s1477-3880(15)30071-2

Denis, A. (2008). Dialectics and the Austrian School: A Surprising Commonality in the Methodology of Heterodox Economics?. The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 1(2), pp. 151-173.

Denis, A. (2007). The hypostatisation of the concept of equilibrium in neoclassical economics. In: Mosini, V. (Ed.), Equilibrium in Economics Scope and Limits. Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy, 83. (pp. 261-279). Oxford, UK: ROUTLEDGE.

Denis, A. (2006). Collective and individual rationality: Robert Malthus’s heterodox theodicy. History of Economic Ideas, 14(2), pp. 9-31. doi: 10.1400/57563

Denis, A. (2006). Review of Bruce Caldwell (2004) 'Hayek’s Challenge: an Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek'. Review of Political Economy, 18(4), pp. 571-586. doi: 10.1080/09538250600915774

Denis, A. (2006). Review of Nicola Giocoli (2003) 'Modelling Rational Agents: From Interwar Economics To Early Modern Game Theory'. Economics and Philosophy, 22(1), pp. 159-166. doi: 10.1017/S0266267106210824

Denis, A. (2006). The hypostatisation of the concept of equilibrium in neoclassical economics (06/02). London, UK: Department of Economics, City University London.

Denis, A. (2005). The Invisible Hand of God in Adam Smith. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 23 A(1), pp. 1-32. doi: 10.1016/s0743-4154(05)23001-8

Denis, A. (2004). Two rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire. Journal of Economic Methodology, 11(3), pp. 341-357. doi: 10.1080/1350178042000252983

Denis, A. (2003). Collective and individual rationality: Robert Malthus’s heterodox theodicy (03/09). London, UK: Department of Economics, City University London.

Denis, A. (2003). Methodology and policy prescription in economic thought: a response to Mario Bunge. Journal of Socio-Economics, 32(2), pp. 219-226. doi: 10.1016/s1053-5357(03)00020-9

Denis, A. (2003). Two rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire (03/10). London, UK: Department of Economics, City University London.

Denis, A. (2002). Was Hayek a Panglossian evolutionary theorist? A reply to Whitman. Constitutional Political Economy, 13(3), pp. 275-285. doi: 10.1023/a:1016173117330

Denis, A. (2002). Collective and individual rationality: Maynard Keynes' methodological standpoint and policy prescription. Research in Political Economy, 20, pp. 187-215. doi: 10.1016/s0161-7230(02)20006-1

Denis, A. (2001). Collective and Individual Rationality: Some Episodes in the History of Economic Thought. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University, London)

Denis, A. (2000). Epistemology, observed particulars and providentialist assumptions: The fact in the history of political economy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 31(2), pp. 353-361. doi: 10.1016/s0039-3681(00)00005-4

Denis, A. (1999). Was Adam Smith an individualist?. History of the Human Sciences, 12(3), pp. 71-86. doi: 10.1177/09526959922120351

Denis, A. (1994). Rationality. In: Arestis, P. & Sawyer, M. C. (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to Radical Political Economy. . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

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