Items where Author is "Gordon, A. L."
Thomas, S., Littleboy, K., Foubert, J. , Nafilyan, V., Bannister, N., Routen, A., Morriss, R., Khunti, K., Armstrong, N. ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-0119, Gray, L. J. & Gordon, A. L. (2024).
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital episodes for falls and fractures associated with new-onset disability and frailty in England: a national cohort study.
Age and Ageing, 53(4),
article number afae071.
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afae071
Devi, R., Martin, G. P., Banerjee, J. , Gladman, J. R. F., Dening, T., Barat, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7300-805X & Gordon, A. L. (2023).
Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative study.
BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(11),
pp. 665-675.
doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014345
Kelly, S., Cowan, A., Akdur, G. , Irvine, L., Peryer, G., Welsh, S., Rand, S., Lang, I. A., Towers, A-M., Spilsbury, K., Killett, A., Gordon, A. L., Hanratty, B., Jones, L., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Goodman, C. & Burton, J. K. (2023).
Outcome measures from international older adult care home intervention research: a scoping review.
Age and Ageing, 52(5),
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad069
Burton, J. K., Wolters, A. T., Towers, A. M. , Jones, L., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Gordon, A. L., Irvine, L., Hanratty, B., Spilsbury, K., Peryer, G., Rand, S., Killett, A., Akdur, G., Allan, S., Biswas, P. & Goodman, C. (2022).
Developing a minimum data set for older adult care homes in the UK: exploring the concept and defining early core principles.
The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(3),
doi: 10.1016/s2666-7568(22)00010-1
Peryer, G., Kelly, S., Blake, J. , Burton, J. K., Irvine, L., Cowan, A., Akdur, G., Killett, A., Brand, S. L., Musa, M. K., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Gordon, A. L. & Goodman, C. (2022).
Contextual factors influencing complex intervention research processes in care homes: a systematic review and framework synthesis.
Age and Ageing, 51(3),
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afac014
Musa, M., Akdur, G., Brand, S. , Killett, A., Spilsbury, K., Peryer, G., Burton, J., Gordon, A. L., Hanratty, B., Towers, A-M., Irvine, L., Kelly, S., Jones, L., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761 & Goodman, C. (2022).
The uptake and use of a minimum data set (MDS) for older people living and dying in care homes: a realist review.
BMC Geriatrics, 22(1),
article number 33.
doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02705-w
Devi, R., Chadborn, N., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761 , Banerjee, J., Goodman, C., Dening, T., Gladman, J. R. F., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Long, A., Usman, A., Housley, G., Lewis, S., Glover, M., Gage, H., Logan, P., Martin, F. C. & Gordon, A. L. (2021).
How quality improvement collaboratives work to improve healthcare in care homes: a realist evaluation.
Age Ageing, 50(4),
pp. 1371-1381.
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afab007
Bunn, F., Goodman, C., Corazzini, K. , Sharpe, R. ORCID: 0000-0003-4897-697X, Handley, M., Lynch, J, Meyer, J.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Dening, T. & Gordon, A. L. (2020).
Setting Priorities to Inform Assessment of Care Homes' Readiness to Participate in Healthcare Innovation: A Systematic Mapping Review and Consensus Process..
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3),
article number 987.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph17030987
Edvardsson, D., Baxter, R., Corneliusson, L. , Anderson, R.A., Beeber, A., Boas, P. V., Corazzini, K.N., Gordon, A. L., Hanratty, B., Jacinto, A., Lepore, M., Leung, A. Y. M., McGilton, K., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Schols, J., Schwartz, L. M., Shepherd, V., Skoldunger, A., Thompson, R., Toles, M., Wachholz, P., Wang, J., Wu, B. & Zúñiga, F. (2019).
Advancing Long-Term Care Science Through Using Common Data Elements: Candidate Measures for Care Outcomes of Personhood, Well-Being, and Quality of Life.
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 5,
pp. 1-15.
doi: 10.1177/2333721419842672
Corazzini, K.N., Anderson, R.A., Bowers, B.J. , Chu, C.H., Edvardsson, D., Fagertun, A., Gordon, A. L., Leung, A. Y. M., McGilton, K. S., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Siegel, E. O., Thompson, R., Wang, J., Wei, S., Wu, B. & Lepore, M. J. (2019).
Toward Common Data Elements for International Research in Long-term Care Homes: Advancing Person-Centered Care.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20(5),
pp. 598-603.
doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.01.123
Devi, R., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Banerjee, J. , Goodman, C., Gladman, J. R. F., Dening, T., Chadborn, N., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Long, A., Usman, A., Housely, G., Bowman, C., Martin, F., Logan, P., Lewis, S. & Gordon, A. L. (2018).
Quality improvement collaborative aiming for Proactive HEAlthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH).
BMJ Open, 8(11),
article number e023287.
doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023287
Goodman, C., Davies, S. L., Gordon, A. L. , Dening, T., Gage, H., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Schneider, J., Bell, B., Jordan, J., Martin, F., Iliffe, S., Bowman, C., Gladman, J. R. F., Victor, C., Mayrhofer, A., Handley, M. & Zubair, M. (2017).
Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings.
Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(29),
pp. 1-204.
doi: 10.3310/hsdr05290
Goodman, C., Sharpe, R., Russell, C. , Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Gordon, A. L., Dening, T., Corazzini, K.N., Lynch, J. & Bunn, F. (2017).
Care home readiness: a rapid review and consensus workshops on how organisational context affects care home engagement with health care innovation.
UK: NHS England.
Goodman, C., Dening, T., Gordon, A. L. , Davies, S. L., Meyer, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5378-2761, Martin, F. C., Gladman, J. R. F., Bowman, C., Victor, C., Handley, M. J., Gage, H., Iliffe, S. & Zubair, M. (2016).
Effective health care for older people living and dying in care homes: a realist review.
BMC Health Services Research, 16(1),
article number 269.
doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1493-4
Iliffe, S., Davies, S. L., Gordon, A. L. , Schneider, J., Dening, T., Bowman, C., Gage, H., Martin, F. C., Gladman, J. R. F., Victor, C., Meyer, J. & Goodman, C. (2016). Provision of NHS generalist and specialist services to care homes in England: review of surveys. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 17(02), pp. 122-137. doi: 10.1017/s1463423615000250
Goodman, C., Davies, S. L., Gordon, A. L. , Meyer, J., Dening, T., Gladman, J. R. F., Iliffe, S., Zubair, M., Bowman, C., Victor, C. & Martin, F. C. (2015). Relationships, Expertise, Incentives, and Governance: Supporting Care Home Residents' Access to Health Care. An Interview Study From England. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(5), pp. 427-432. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2015.01.072
Gordon, A. L., Goodman, C., Dening, T. , Davies, S. L., Gladman, J. R. F., Bell, B. G., Zubair, M., Handley, M. J., Meyer, J., Bowman, C., Gage, H., Iliffe, S. R., Martin, F. C., Schneider, J. & Victor, C. (2014). The Optimal Study: Describing the Key Components of Optimal Health Care Delivery to UK Care Home Residents: A Research Protocol. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(9), pp. 681-686. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.06.011