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Items where Author is "Johnston, M."

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Presseau, J., Mackintosh, J., Hawthorne, G. , Francis, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5784-8895, Johnston, M., Grimshaw, J. M., Steen, N., Coulthard, T., Brown, H., Kaner, E. F. S., Elovainio, M. & Sniehotta, F. F. (2018). Cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at healthcare professionals to improve their management of type 2 diabetes in primary care. Implementation Science, 13(1), article number 65. doi: 10.1186/s13012-018-0754-5

Johnston, M., Johnston, D., Wood, C. E. , Hardeman, W., Francis, J. & Michie, S. (2017). Communication of behaviour change interventions: Can they be recognised from written descriptions?. Psychology and Health, 33(6), pp. 713-723. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1385784

Presseau, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Tetroe, J. , Eccles, M. P., Francis, J., Godin, G., Graham, I. D., Hux, J. E., Johnston, M., Legare, F., Lemyre, L., Robinson, N. & Zwarenstein, M. (2016). A theory-based process evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial of printed educational messages to increase primary care physicians' prescription of thiazide diuretics for hypertension [ISRCTN72772651]. Implementation Science, 11(1), article number 121. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0485-4

Wood, C. E., Hardeman, W., Johnston, M. , Francis, J., Abraham, C. & Michie, S. (2016). Reporting behaviour change interventions: do the behaviour change technique taxonomy v1, and training in its use, improve the quality of intervention descriptions?. Implementation Science, 11(1), article number 84. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0448-9

Zwarenstein, M., Grimshaw, J. M., Presseau, J. , Francis, J., Godin, G., Johnston, M., Eccles, M. P., Tetroe, J., Shiller, S., Croxford, R., Kelsall, D., Paterson, J. M., Austin, P. C., Tu, K., Yun, L. & Hux, J. E. (2016). Printed educational messages fail to increase use of thiazides as first-line medication for hypertension in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN72772651]. Implementation Science, 11(1), article number 124. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0486-3

Michie, S., Wood, C. E., Johnston, M. , Abraham, C., Francis, J. & Hardeman, W. (2015). Behaviour change techniques: the development and evaluation of a taxonomic method for reporting and describing behaviour change interventions (a suite of five studies involving consensus methods, randomised controlled trials and analysis of qualitative data). Health Technology Assessment, 19(99), pp. 1-188. doi: 10.3310/hta19990

Wood, C. E., Richardson, M., Johnston, M. , Abraham, C., Francis, J., Hardeman, W. & Michie, S. (2015). Applying the behaviour change technique (BCT) taxonomy v1: a study of coder training. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 5(2), pp. 134-148. doi: 10.1007/s13142-014-0290-z

Grimshaw, J. M., Presseau, J., Tetroe, J. , Eccles, M. P., Francis, J., Godin, G., Graham, I. D., Hux, J. E., Johnston, M., Legare, F., Lemyre, L., Robinson, N. & Zwarenstein, M. (2014). Looking inside the black box: results of a theory-based process evaluation exploring the results of a randomized controlled trial of printed educational messages to increase primary care physicians' diabetic retinopathy referrals [Trial registration number ISRCTN72772651]. Implementation Science, 9(1), article number 86. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-86

Presseau, J., Hawthorne, G., Sniehotta, F. F. , Steen, N., Francis, J., Johnston, M., Mackintosh, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Kaner, E. F. S., Elovainio, M., Deverill, M., Coulthard, T., Brown, H., Hunter, M. & Eccles, M. P. (2014). Improving Diabetes care through Examining, Advising, and prescribing (IDEA): protocol for a theory-based cluster randomised controlled trial of a multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at primary healthcare professionals. Implementation Science, 9(1), article number 61. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-61

Ryan, C., Ross, S., Davey, P. , Duncan, E. M., Francis, J., Fielding, S., Johnston, M., Kerr, J., Lee, A. J., MacLeod, M. J., Maxwell, S., McKay, G. A., McLay, J. S., Webb, D. J. & Bond, C. (2014). Prevalence and Causes of Prescribing Errors: The PRescribing Outcomes for Trainee Doctors Engaged in Clinical Training (PROTECT) Study. PLoS ONE, 9(1), article number e79802. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079802

Michie, S., Richardson, M., Johnston, M. , Abraham, C., Francis, J., Hardeman, W., Eccles, M. P., Cane, J. & Wood, C. E. (2013). The Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy (v1) of 93 Hierarchically Clustered Techniques: Building an International Consensus for the Reporting of Behavior Change Interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46(1), pp. 81-95. doi: 10.1007/s12160-013-9486-6

Duncan, E. M., Francis, J., Johnston, M. , Davey, P., Maxwell, S., McKay, G. A., McLay, J. S., Ross, S., Ryan, C., Webb, D. J. & Bond, C. (2012). Learning curves, taking instructions, and patient safety: using a theoretical domains framework in an interview study to investigate prescribing errors among trainee doctors. Implementation Science, 7(1), 86-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-7-86

Hawthorne, G., Hrisos, S., Stamp, E. , Elovainio, M., Francis, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Hunter, M., Johnston, M., Presseau, J., Steen, N. & Eccles, M. P. (2012). Diabetes care provision in UK primary care practices. PLoS One, 7(7), article number e41562. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041562

Eccles, M. P., Hrisos, S., Francis, J. , Stamp, E., Johnston, M., Hawthorne, G., Steen, N., Grimshaw, J. M., Elovainio, M., Presseau, J. & Hunter, M. (2011). Instrument development, data collection and characteristics of practices, staff and measures in the Improving Quality of Care in Diabetes (iQuaD) study. Implementation Science, 6(1), 61-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-6-61

Michie, S., Abraham, C., Eccles, M. P. , Francis, J., Hardeman, W. & Johnston, M. (2011). Strengthening evaluation and implementation by specifying components of behaviour change interventions: a study protocol. Implementation Science, 6(1), 10-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-6-10

Dickinson, H. O., Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P. , Francis, J. & Johnston, M. (2010). Statistical considerations in a systematic review of proxy measures of clinical behaviour. Implementation Science, 5(1), 20-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-20

Francis, J., Johnston, M., Robertson, C. , Glidewell, L., Entwistle, V., Eccles, M. P. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2010). What is an adequate sample size? Operationalising data saturation for theory-based interview studies. Psychology & Health, 25(10), pp. 1229-1245. doi: 10.1080/08870440903194015

Clarkson, J. E., Ramsay, C. R., Eccles, M. P. , Eldridge, S., Grimshaw, J. M., Johnston, M., Michie, S., Treweek, S., Walker, A. E., Young, L., Black, I., Bonetti, D., Cassie, H., Francis, J., MacKenzie, G., MacPherson, L., McKee, L., Pitts, N., Rennie, J., Stirling, D., Tilley, C., Torgerson, C. & Vale, L. D. (2010). The translation research in a dental setting (TRiaDS) programme protocol. Implementation Science, 5(1), 57-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-57

Hrisos, S., Dickinson, H. O., Eccles, M. P. , Francis, J. & Johnston, M. (2009). Are there valid proxy measures of clinical behaviour?. Implementation Science, 4, 37-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-4-37

Eccles, M. P., Hrisos, S., Francis, J. , Steen, N., Bosch, M. & Johnston, M. (2009). Can the collective intentions of individual professionals within healthcare teams predict the team's performance: developing methods and theory. Implementation Science, 4(1), 24-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-4-24

Eccles, M. P., Hawthorne, G., Johnston, M. , Hunter, M., Steen, N., Francis, J., Hrisos, S., Elovainio, M. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2009). Improving the delivery of care for patients with diabetes through understanding optimised team work and organisation in primary care: Study protocol. Implementation Science, 4(1), 22-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-4-22

Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P., Francis, J. , Bosch, M., Dijkstra, R., Johnston, M., Grol, R., Kaner, E. F. S. & Steen, I. (2009). Using psychological theory to understand the clinical management of type 2 diabetes in Primary Care: a comparison across two European countries. BMC Health Services Research, 9(1), 140-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-9-140

Francis, J., Tinmouth, A., Stanworth, S. , Grimshaw, J. M., Johnston, M., Hyde, C., Brehaut, J., Stockton, C., Fergusson, D. & Eccles, M. P. (2009). Using theories of behaviour to understand transfusion prescribing in three clinical contexts in two countries: Development work for an implementation trial (protocol). Implementation Science, 4(1), 70-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-4-70

Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Francis, J., Kaner, E. F. S., Steen, N. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2008). Developing the content of two behavioural interventions. Using theory-based interventions to promote GP management of upper respiratory tract infection without prescribing antibiotics #1. BMC Health Services Research, 8(1), 11-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-11

Francis, J., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Whitty, P., Grimshaw, J. M., Kaner, E. F. S., Smith, L. & Walker, A. E. (2008). Explaining the effects of an intervention designed to promote evidence-based diabetes care: a theory-based process evaluation of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Implementation Science, 3(1), 50-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-3-50

Langston, A. L., Johnston, M., Francis, J. , Robertson, C., Campbell, M. K., Entwistle, V., Marteau, T., MacLennan, G., Weinman, J., McCallum, M., Miedzybrodzka, Z., Charnock, K. & Ralston, S. (2008). Protocol for stage 2 of the GaP study (genetic testing acceptability for Paget’s disease of the bone): a questionnaire study to investigate whether relatives of people with Paget’s disease would accept genetic testing and preventive treatment if they were available. BMC Health Services Research, 8(1), 116-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-116

Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Francis, J., Kaner, E. F. S., Steen, N. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2008). An intervention modelling experiment to change GPs' intentions to implement evidence-based practice: using theory-based interventions to promote GP management of upper respiratory tract infection without prescribing antibiotics #2. BMC Health Services Research, 8(1), 10-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-10

Grimshaw, J. M., Zwarenstein, M., Tetroe, J. , Godin, G., Graham, I. D., Lemyre, L., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M., Francis, J., Hux, J. E., O'Rourke, K., Legare, F. & Presseau, J. (2007). Looking inside the black box: a theory-based process evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial of printed educational materials (the Ontario printed educational message, OPEM) to improve referral and prescribing practices in primary care in Ontario, Canada. Implementation Science, 2(1), 38-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-38

Francis, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Zwarenstein, M. , Eccles, M. P., Shiller, S., Godin, G., Johnston, M., O'Rourke, K., Presseau, J. & Tetroe, J. (2007). Testing a TheoRY-inspired MEssage ('TRY-ME'): a sub-trial within the Ontario Printed Educational Message (OPEM) trial. Implementation Science, 2(1), article number 39. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-39

Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M., Hrisos, S. , Francis, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Steen, N. & Kaner, E. F. S. (2007). Translating clinicians' beliefs into implementation interventions (TRACII): A protocol for an intervention modeling experiment to change clinicians' intentions to implement evidence-based practice. Implementation Science, 2(1), 27-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-27

Foy, R., Bamford, C., Francis, J. , Johnston, M., Lecouturier, J., Eccles, M. P., Steen, I. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2007). Which factors explain variation in intention to disclose a diagnosis of dementia? A theory-based survey of mental health professionals. Implementation Science, 2(1), 31-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-2-31

Foy, R., Francis, J., Johnston, M. , Eccles, M. P., Lecouturier, J., Bamford, C. & Grimshaw, J. M. (2007). The development of a theory-based intervention to promote appropriate disclosure of a diagnosis of dementia. BMC Health Services Research, 7(1), 207-. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-7-207

Eccles, M. P., Hrisos, S., Francis, J. , Kaner, E. F. S., Dickinson, H. O., Beyer, F. & Johnston, M. (2006). Do self-reported intentions predict clinicians' behaviour: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 1(1), 28-. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-1-28

Conference or Workshop Item

Hrisos, S., Eccles, M. P., Francis, J. , Dickinson, H. O., Kaner, E. F. S., Beyer, F. & Johnston, M. (2009). Are there valid proxy measures of clinical behaviour? a systematic review. Paper presented at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 10 Dec 2007, Warwick, UK. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-4-37


Francis, J., Eccles, M. P., Johnston, M. , Walker, A. E., Grimshaw, J. M., Foy, R., Kaner, E. F. S., Smith, L. & Bonetti, D. (2004). Constructing questionnaires based on the theory of planned behaviour: A manual for health services researchers. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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