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Items where City Author is "Furnari, Santi"

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Number of items: 25.

Calic, G., Neville, F., Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 (2025). Seeing the whole: Configurational cognition and new venture resource mobilization. Strategic Management Journal, 46(2), pp. 309-347. doi: 10.1002/smj.3654

Wiedner, R., Dacin, T. & Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 (2024). Custodianship across Generations: Preserving the Practice of Vinyl Record Manufacturing. Academy of Management Journal, 67(6), pp. 1428-1462. doi: 10.5465/amj.2022.0605

Slager, R., Chuah, K., Gond, J-P. ORCID: 0000-0002-9331-6957 (2023). Tailor-to-Target: Configuring Collaborative Shareholder Engagements on Climate Change. Management Science, 69(12), pp. 7693-7718. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2023.4806

Aversa, P. ORCID: 0000-0003-3175-9477, Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 & Jenkins, M. (2022). The Primordial Soup: Exploring the Emotional Micro-Foundations of Cluster Genesis. Organization Science, 33(4), pp. 1340-1371. doi: 10.1287/orsc.2021.1484

Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604, Crilly, D., Misangyi, V. (2020). Capturing Causal Complexity: Heuristics for Configurational Theorizing. Academy of Management Review, 46(4), pp. 778-799. doi: 10.5465/amr.2019.0298

Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 (2019). Situating frames and institutional logics: The social situation as a key institutional micro-foundation. In: Haacke, P., Sieweke, J. & Wessel, L. (Eds.), Microfoundations of Institutions (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 65B). (pp. 193-209). Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing Group. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X2019000065B015

Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 & Rolbina, M. (2018). Brokerage Styles and Interaction Rituals in Creative Projects: Towards an Interactionist Perspective on Brokerage. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 55, pp. 17-45. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20180000055002

Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604 (2018). When does an issue trigger change in a field? A comparative approach to issue frames, field structures and types of field change. Human Relations, 71(3), pp. 321-348. doi: 10.1177/0018726717726861

Greckhamer, T., Furnari, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-3212-6604, Fiss, P. (2018). Studying Configurations with QCA: Best Practices in Strategy and Organization Research. Strategic Organization, 16(4), pp. 482-495. doi: 10.1177/1476127018786487

Furnari, S., Misangyi, V., Greckhamer, T. (2017). Embracing Causal Complexity: The Emergence of a Neo-Configurational Perspective. Journal of Management, 43(1), pp. 255-282. doi: 10.1177/0149206316679252

Furnari, S. (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(3), NP29-NP32. doi: 10.1177/0001839216655772

Luedicke, M. K., Husemann, K.C., Furnari, S. (2016). Radically Open Strategizing: How the Premium Cola Collective Takes Open Strategy to the Extreme. Long Range Planning, 50(3), pp. 371-384. doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2016.07.001

Furnari, S. (2016). Institutional fields as linked arenas: Inter-field resource dependence, institutional work and institutional change. Human Relations, 69(3), pp. 551-580. doi: 10.1177/0018726715605555

Aversa, P., Furnari, S. & Haefliger, S. (2015). Business model configurations and performance: A qualitative comparative analysis in Formula One racing, 2005-2013. Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(3), pp. 655-676. doi: 10.1093/icc/dtv012

Furnari, S. (2015). A Cognitive Mapping Approach to Business Models: Representing Causal Structures and Mechanisms. Advances in Strategic Management, 33, pp. 207-239. doi: 10.1108/s0742-332220150000033025

Furnari, S. (2014). Interstitial Spaces: Microinteraction Settings and the Genesis of New Practices Between Institutional Fields. Academy of Management Review (AMR), 39(4), pp. 439-462. doi: 10.5465/amr.2012.0045

Furnari, S. (2014). A Framing Perspective on Field Emergence: Constructing Institutional Fields as Settlements. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), article number 14505. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.244

Grandori, A. & Furnari, S. (2013). Configurational Analysis and Organization Design: Towards a Theory of Structural Heterogeneity. In: Fiss, P. C., Cambré, B. & Marx, A. (Eds.), Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research. (pp. 77-105). Emerald Group Publishing.

Soda, G. & Furnari, S. (2012). Exploring the topology of the plausible: Fs/QCA counterfactual analysis and the plausible fit of unobserved organizational configurations. Strategic Organization, 10(3), pp. 285-296. doi: 10.1177/1476127012452826

Furnari, S. (2012). Interstitial Brokers and Institutional Change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2012.138

Furnari, S. (2011). Exaptation and Innovation in Architecture: The Case of Chicago's Millennium Park. In: Grandori, A. & Gaillard Giordani, L. (Eds.), Organizing Entrepreneurship. (pp. 37-38). London, UK: Routledge.

Grandori, A. & Furnari, S. (2009). Types of Complementarity, Combinative Organization Forms and Structural Heterogeneity: Beyond Discrete Structural Alternatives. In: Morroni, M. (Ed.), Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm: Co-operation and Outsourcing in a Globalised Market. (pp. 63-86). London, UK: Edward Elgar.

Grandori, A. & Furnari, S. (2008). A Chemistry of Organization: Combinatory Structural Analysis and Design. Organization Studies, 29(3), pp. 459-485. doi: 10.1177/0170840607088023

Furnari, S. (2007). Modeling Multidimensional Fit through Boolean Algebra: New Methods for Combinative Organization Design. In: Golzio, L. E. & Fabbri, T. M. (Eds.), Relazioni di Lavoro e Forme Organizzative: Nuovi Modelli Progettuali. (pp. 19-38). Rome, Italy: Carrocci.

Soda, G. & Furnari, S. (2004). Le Dinamiche Temporali della Condivisone di Conoscenza in contesti di lavoro virtuale: uno studio empirico longitudinale. In: Knowledge management e successo aziendale. . Arti Grafiche Friulane: Accademia italiana di economia aziendale.

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