Items where Schools and Departments is "Sociology & Criminology" and Year is 2012
Barnes, M., Bazalgette, L. & Lord, C. (2012). A Wider Lens. UK: Demos.
Bastos, M. T., Travitzki, R. & Puschmann, C. (2012). What Sticks with Whom? Twitter Follower-Followee Networks and News Classification. In: ICWSM'12 International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. The Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 12), 4 Jun 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
Chalaby, J. (2012). At the Origin of a Global Industry: The TV Format Trade as an Anglo-American Invention. Media, Culture & Society, 34(1), pp. 36-52. doi: 10.1177/0163443711427198
Chalaby, J. (2012). Producing tv content in a globalized intellectual property market: The emergence of the international production model. Journal of Media Business Studies, 9(3), pp. 19-39. doi: 10.1080/16522354.2012.11073550
Douhou, S., Magnus, J. R. & van Soest, A. (2012). Peer Reporting and the Perception of Fairness. De Economist, 160(3), pp. 289-310. doi: 10.1007/s10645-012-9192-y
Fleming, J. & McLaughlin, E. (2012). Through a different lens: researching the rise and fall of New Labour's ‘public confidence agenda. Policing and Society, 22(3), pp. 280-294. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2012.704921
Friedman, S. (2012). Cultural omnivores or culturally homeless? Exploring the shifting cultural identities of the upwardly mobile. Poetics, 40(5), pp. 467-489. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2012.07.001
Gash, V., Mertens, A. & Romeu-Gordo, L. (2012). The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Women’s Life-Satisfaction. The Manchester School, 80(1), pp. 51-74. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9957.2011.02255.x
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2012).
Julgamento Pelos Media: Policiamento, Ambiente Mediatico das Noticias 24/7 e a Politica da Indignacao (Portuguese translation of 'Trial By Media: Policing, The 24-7 News Mediasphere, And The Politics Of Outrage').
Comunicação & Cultura, 14,
pp. 23-57.
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2012).
Media justice: Madeleine McCann, intermediatization and "trial by media" in the British press.
Theoretical Criminology, 16(4),
pp. 395-416.
doi: 10.1177/1362480612454559
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2012).
"This is not justice": Ian Tomlinson, institutional failure and the press politics of outrage.
British Journal of Criminology, 52(2),
pp. 274-293.
doi: 10.1093/bjc/azr086
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2012).
‘Trial by Media’: Riots, Looting, Gangs and Mediatised Police Chiefs.
In: Peay, J. & Newburn, T. (Eds.),
Policing, Politics, Culture and Control: Essays in Honour of Robert Reiner.
(pp. 135-153). Hart.
Greer, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-8623-702X & McLaughlin, E. (2012).
A paedophile scandal foretold: Sir Jimmy Savile, child sexual abuse and the BBC.
British Society of Criminology Newsletter, 71(Winter),
Hakala, Jorma (2012). Regulation of manned commercial security services - A transnational comparative study of Belgium, Estonia, New York, Queensland, South Africa and Sweden. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Hawkes, C. & Webster, J. (2012). National approaches to monitoring population salt intake: a trade-off between accuracy and practicality?. PLoS One, 7(10), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046727
Iosifidis, P. (2012). Mapping digital media: digital television, the public interest, and European regulation (17). New York, USA: Open Society Foundations.
Iosifidis, P. (2012). Review: P. Lunt and S. Livingstone Media Policy Media Regulation: Governance and the Interests of Citizens and Consumers. LSE Media Policy blog,
Karamanidou, L. & Schuster, L. (2012). Realizing One's Rights under the 1951 Convention 60 Years On: A Review of Practical Constraints on Accessing Protection in Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies, 25(2), pp. 169-192. doi: 10.1093/jrs/fer053
Karsenti, B. (2012). Sociology Face to Face with Pragmatism: Action, Concept, and Person. Translated by Simon Susen. Journal of Classical Sociology, 12(3–4), pp. 398-427.
Matos, C. (2012). Media democratization in Brazil and future challenges. Journal of Critical Sociology, 38(6), pp. 863-876. doi: 10.1177/0896920512441636
Matos, C. (2012). Globalization and the mass media. In: Encyclopedia of Globalization. . Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9780470670590.wbeog369
Mercea, D. (2012). Digital prefigurative participation: the entwinement of online communication and offline participation in protest events. New Media & Society, 14(1), pp. 153-169. doi: 10.1177/1461444811429103
Merkel, J. & Oppen, M (2012). Bedeutungsvolle Orte. Eine kultursoziologische Annäherung an kreative Handlungsressourcen in Städten. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
Obolenskaya, Polina (2012). Attitudes towards family and marriage in time and context: using two British birth cohorts for comparison. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Pereira, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-4996-7234 & Ruysenaar, S. (2012).
Moving from traditional government to new adaptive governance: the changing face of food security responses in South Africa.
Food Security, 4(1),
pp. 41-58.
doi: 10.1007/s12571-012-0164-5
Ryan, L. (2012). "You must be very intelligent...?": Gender and Science Subject Uptake. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 4(2), pp. 167-190.
Son, Chang Yong (2012). Transformation of the media system under a neoliberal government (1998-2008) : introduction of pay TV and competition in South Korea. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University)
Stares, S., Deel, S. & Timms, J. (2012). Bordering on the unknown: approaches to global civil society data. In: Kaldor, M., Moore, H.L. & Selchow, S. (Eds.), Global Civil Society 2012: Ten Years of Critical Reflection. (pp. 184-202). Palgrave Macmillan. doi: DOI: 10.1057/9780230369436
Susen, S. (2012). 'Open Marxism' against and beyond the 'Great Enclosure'? Reflections on How (Not) to Crack Capitalism. Journal of Classical Sociology, 12(2), pp. 281-331. doi: 10.1177/1468795x12443547
Susen, S. (2012). Une sociologie pragmatique de la critique est-elle possible? Quelques réflexions sur « De la critique » de Luc Boltanski. Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 110(4), pp. 685-728. doi: 10.2143/RPL.110.4.2182865
Towers, J. & Walby, S. (2012). Measuring the impact of cuts in public expenditure on the provision of services to prevent violence against women. London: Trust for London/Northern Rock Foundation.
Walby, S. (2012). Sen and the measurement of justice and capabilities: A problem in theory and practice. Theory, Culture and Society, 29(1), pp. 99-118. doi: 10.1177/0263276411423033
Walby, S. & Armstrong, J. (2012). Gender quotas in management boards. European Parliament FEMM/Women's Rights Committee. 14-02-2012.
Walby, S., Armstrong, J. & Strid, S. (2012). Intersectionality: multiple inequalities in social theory. Sociology, 46(2), pp. 224-240. doi: 10.1177/0038038511416164
Walby, S. & Towers, J. (2012). Measuring the impact of cuts in public expenditure on the provision of services to prevent violence against women and girls. Safe - The Domestic Abuse Quarterly, 2012(Spring), pp. 14-17.