Items where Schools and Departments is "Institute for the Study of European Laws" and Year is 2010
Draghici, C. (2010). The Human Costs of the Iraq War and US International Responsibility. In: Guarino, G. & D'Anna, I. (Eds.), International conflicts and human rights: Caucasus, Balkans, Middle East and Horn of Africa (Napoli Colloquium, 2-4 July 2009). (pp. 733-773). Napoli: Satura Editrice.
Fahey, E. (2010). Swimming in a sea of law: Reflections on water borders, Irish (-British)-Euro Relations and opting-out and opting-in after the Treaty of Lisbon. Common Market Law Review, 47(3), pp. 673-707.
Koutrakos, P. (2010). The Interpretation of Mixed Agreements. In: Hillion, C. (Ed.), Mixed Agreements Revisited - The EU and its Member States in the World. (pp. 116-137). Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2010). The Notion of Necessity in the Law of the European Union. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 41, pp. 193-218. doi: 10.1007/978-90-6704-737-1_8
Strumia, F. ORCID: 0000-0002-0361-7327 (2010).
Tensions at the Borders in the U.S. and the E.U.: the Quest for State Distinctiveness and Immigrant Inclusion.
American University International Law Review, 25(5),
pp. 969-1030.
Truxal, S. (2010). At the sidelines of implementing the EU ETS: objections to ‘validity’. International Trade Law and Regulation, 16(4), pp. 28-36.