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Items where Schools and Departments is "School of Communication & Creativity" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 47.


Armstrong, N. (2010). unsaying


Bawden, D. (2010). Alas poor ARIST: reviewing the information sciences. Journal of Documentation, 66(5), pp. 625-626.

Bawden, D. (2010). Big (information) history. Journal of Documentation, 66(6), pp. 785-786.

Bawden, D. (2010). Brian Vickery and the uneasy information scientists. Journal of Documentation, 66(3), pp. 305-306.

Bawden, D. (2010). Bush, Goldberg, Memex and the revision of history. Journal of Documentation, 66(4), pp. 473-474. doi: 10.1108/jd.2010.27866daa.001

Bawden, D. (2010). Documenting Babel. Journal of Documentation, 66(2), pp. 177-178.

Bawden, D. (2010). Information dates. JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION, 66(1), pp. 5-6.

Bawden, D. & Robinson, L. (2010). CoLIS in London, 2010: Reflections on the 7th conceptions of library and information science conference. Information Research, 15(3),

Brownell, A. (2010). The English piano in the Classical Period: Its Music, Performers, and Influences. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Clarke, J., Dykes, J., Hemsley-Flint, F. , Medyckyj-Scott, D., Sietinsone, L., Slingsby, A., Urwin, T. & Wood, J. (2010). vizLegends : Re-Imagining Map Legends with Visualization. Paper presented at the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference (GISRUK 2010), 14 - 16 Apr 2010, University College London, London, UK.

Cottrell, S.J. (2010). Ethnomusicology and the Music Industries: an overview. Ethnomusicology Forum, 19(1), pp. 3-25.

Cottrell, S.J. (2010). The rise and rise of phonomusicology. In: Bayley, A. (Ed.), Recorded Music: Performance, Culture and Technology. (pp. 15-36). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.


Dean, C., Donnellan, C. & Pratt, A.C. (2010). Tate Modern: pushing the limits of regeneration. City, Culture and Society, 1(2), pp. 79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.ccs.2010.08.003

Dykes, J., Wood, J. & Slingsby, A. (2010). Rethinking Map Legends with Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(6), pp. 890-899. doi: 10.1109/tvcg.2010.191


Einbond, A. & Schwarz, D. (2010). Spatializing Timbre With Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis. In: ICMC. International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2010, June 1–5, 2010, New York, USA.


Guitry, Amy Beth (2010). The Baroque flute as a modern voice : Extended techniques and their practical integration through performance and improvisation. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Hassiotis, K. (2010). A critical edition of the 48 studies for oboe, op. 31 by Franz Wilhelm Ferling (1796-1874), based on original historical evidence and viewed within the context of the evolution of didactic material for oboe, with particular reference to nineteenth-century performing practices.. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Inskip, C. (2010). Upbeat and Quirky, With a Bit of a Build: Communicating Meaning and Meeting Information Needs in the Music Industry. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

Inskip, C., MacFarlane, A. & Rafferty, P. (2010). Creative professional users musical relevance criteria. Journal of Information Science, 36(4), pp. 517-529. doi: 10.1177/0165551510374006

Inskip, C., MacFarlane, A. & Rafferty, P. (2010). Organising music for movies. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 62(4/5), pp. 489-501. doi: 10.1108/00012531011074726

Inskip, C., MacFarlane, A. & Rafferty, P. (2010). Towards the disintermediation of creative music search: Analysing queries to determine important facets. In: International Journal of Digital Libraries. Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (WEMIS 2009), 01 - 02 October 2009


Lim, Lemy Sungyoun (2010). The Reception of Women Pianists in London, 1950-60. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


MacFarlane, A., Al-Wabil, A., Marshall, C. R. , Albrair, A., Jones, S. A. & Zaphiris, P. (2010). The effect of dyslexia on information retrieval: A pilot study. Journal of Documentation, 66(3), pp. 307-326. doi: 10.1108/00220411011038421

MacFarlane, A., Secker, A., May, P. & Timmis, J. (2010). An experimental comparison of a genetic algorithm and a hill-climber for term selection. Journal of Documentation, 66(4), pp. 513-531. doi: 10.1108/00220411011052939

Mbaye, J. F. (2010). AURA ou de la production politique de la musique hip hop. Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 49(49), pp. 147-160. doi: 10.7202/1001415ar


Narsesian, S. (2010). Football Fans, Their Information, The Web And The Personal Home Page. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)


Pace, I. (2010). Militarisation, Industrialisation and the growth of the Symphony Orchestra in the Nineteenth Century. Paper presented at the The Symphony Orchestra as Cultural Phenomenon, 01-07-2010 - 03-07-2010, Institute of Musical Research, London, UK.

Pratt, A.C. (2010). Creative cities: Tensions within and between social, cultural and economic development. A critical reading of the UK experience. City, Culture and Society, 1(1), pp. 13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.ccs.2010.04.001

Pratt, A.C. (2010). Review essay: Simon Frith, Sound effects: youth, leisure and the politics of rock‘n’roll. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 16(1), pp. 66-67. doi: 10.1080/10286630902946738


Robinson, L. (2010). Renewing Albania's libraries. Journal of Documentation, 66(5), p. 775.

Robinson, L. & Bawden, D. (2010). Information (and library) science at City University London; 50 years of educational development. Journal of Information Science, 36(5), pp. 631-654. doi: 10.1177/0165551510383086

Robinson, L., Calvert, A., Bawden, D. , Urquart, C., Bray, C. & Amosford, J. (2010). Understanding our value: assessing the nature of the impact of library services. Library and Information Research, 33(105), pp. 62-89.

Robinson, L. & Karamuftuoglu, M. (2010). The nature of information science: changing models. Information Research, 15(4),

Robinson, L. & Maguire, M. (2010). The rhizome and the tree: changing metaphors for information organisation. Journal of Documentation, 66(4), pp. 604-613. doi: 10.1108/00220411011052975


Sadeh, T. (2010). A Model of Scientists’ Information Seeking and a User-Interface Design. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

Slingsby, A., Dykes, J. & Wood, J. (2010). Rectangular Hierarchical Cartograms for Socio-Economic Data. Journal of Maps, 6(1), pp. 330-345. doi: 10.4113/jom.2010.1090

Slingsby, A., Dykes, J., Wood, J. & Radburn, R. (2010). OAC Explorer: Interactive exploration and comparison of multivariate socioeconomic population characteristics. Paper presented at the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, 14 - 16 Apr 2010, University College London, London, UK.

Slingsby, A., Wood, J. & Dykes, J. (2010). Treemap Cartography for showing Spatial and Temporal Traffic Patterns. Journal of Maps, 6(1), pp. 135-146. doi: 10.4113/jom.2010.1071

Slingsby, A., Wood, J., Dykes, J. , Clouston, D. & Foote, M. (2010). Visual analysis of sensitivity in CAT models: interactive visualisation for CAT model sensitivity analysis. Paper presented at the Accuracy 2010 Symposium, 20 - 23 Jul 2010, Leicester, UK.


Tidhar, D., Mauch, M. & Dixon, S. (2010). High precision frequency estimation for harpsichord tuning classification. In: ICASSP. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 14-03-2010 - 19-03-2010, Dallas, USA. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5496213


Vuohelainen, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-9369-8190 (2010). ‘“Cribb’d, Cabined and Confined”: Fear, Claustrophobia and Modernity in Richard Marsh’s Urban Gothic Fiction’. The Journal of Literature and Science, 3(1), pp. 23-36. doi: 10.12929/jls.03.1.03

Vuohelainen, M. (2010). Introduction. In: Vuohelainen, M. (Ed.), The Goddess: A Demon, by Richard Marsh. (pp. vii-xxxiii). Kansas City: Valancourt Books.


Wiley, C. (2010). Biography and the New Musicology. Paper presented at the (Auto)Biography as a Musicological Discourse: The Ninth International Conference of The Departments of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, 19 - 22 April 2008, Belgrade, Serbia.

Wood, J., Dykes, J. & Slingsby, A. (2010). Visualisation of Origins, Destinations and Flows with OD Maps. Cartographic Journal, The, 47(2), pp. 117-129. doi: 10.1179/000870410x12658023467367

Wood, J., Radburn, R. & Dykes, J. (2010). vizLib: Using The Seven Stages of Visualization to Explore Population Trends and Processes in Local Authority Research. Paper presented at the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, 14 - 16 Apr 2010, University College London, London, UK.

Wood, J., Slingsby, A. & Dykes, J. (2010). Designing visual analytics systems for disease spread and evolution: VAST 2010 mini challenge 2 and 3 award: Good overall design and analysis. In: IEEE VAST. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 25 - 26 Oct 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, US. doi: 10.1109/VAST.2010.5652689

Wood, J., Slingsby, A. & Dykes, J. (2010). Layout and colour transformations for visualizing OAC data. Paper presented at the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, 14 - 16 Apr 2010, University College London, London, UK.

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