City Research Online

Child Health Information in the South East Region

Hilder, L., Ahmed, S. & Macfarlane, A. J. (2005). Child Health Information in the South East Region. London, UK: City University London.


Aims and objectives

This project was commissioned by the South East Public Health Observatory to review and map the sources of information available about children and the child health data that are available from routine systems the South East Region. The project had two main components: 1. A review of data collected routine about children, including both local data available from national systems and data collected in local systems. 2. A two-part questionnaire survey to ascertain what data were held locally. The first part sought to identify the people within each PCT in the South East Region who were responsible for specific aspects of children’s services. The second part was to send a questionnaire to the people who were identified, to enquire about the local data they held or used.


Routinely collected data A number of routine data systems containing data about children were identified and several more were under development. In many cases data from them were not routinely published. Others published data but did not disaggregate the below regional level. The National Congenital Anomaly System publishes data for strategic health authorities, data about children with special education needs are published for local education authorities, and data about maternity care are published by NHS trust. Birth and death registration data are available as individual records and tabulations for primary care trusts for use within the NHS only, although less detailed data are available for electoral wards and local authorities.

Publication Type: Report
Additional Information: © 2005 City University London. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without either prior written permission in writing from the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying. In the United Kingdom such licenses are issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency: 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP.
Subjects: R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics
R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics > RJ101 Child Health. Child health services
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Midwifery & Radiography
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