Items where Author is "Willmott, H."
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2024).
Pluralism not Triangulation: A Commentary on Joep Cornelissen’s “The Problem with Propositions”.
Academy of Management Review,
doi: 10.5465/amr.2023.0381
Tourish, D. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2023).
Despotic leadership and ideological manipulation at Theranos: Towards a theory of hegemonic totalism in the workplace.
Organization Studies, 44(11),
pp. 1801-1824.
doi: 10.1177/01708406231171801
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2022).
Critical essay: Blinding faith – Paradoxes and pathologies of opacity in peer review.
Human Relations, 75(9),
pp. 1741-1769.
doi: 10.1177/00187267211016752
Veldman, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-8615-5844 & Willmott, H.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2022).
Social Ontology of the Modern Corporation: Its Role in Understanding Organizations.
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 78,
pp. 165-189.
doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X20220000078009
Tirapani, A. N. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2022).
Revisiting conflict: Neoliberalism at work in the gig economy.
Human Relations, 76(1),
pp. 53-86.
doi: 10.1177/00187267211064596
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2021).
Not the 'from the editors': On guarding 'topness'.
Organization, 29(1),
pp. 178-196.
doi: 10.1177/1350508420972091
Gindis, D., Veldman, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-8615-5844 & Willmott, H.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2020).
Convergent and divergent trajectories of corporate governance.
Competition & Change, 24(5),
pp. 399-407.
doi: 10.1177/1024529420944017
Veldman, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-8615-5844 & Willmott, H.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2020).
Performativity and convergence in comparative corporate governance.
Competition and Change, 24(5),
pp. 408-428.
doi: 10.1177/1024529419857382
Bell, E. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2019).
Ethics, politics and embodied imagination in crafting scientific knowledge.
Human Relations, 73(10),
pp. 1366-1387.
doi: 10.1177/0018726719876687
Lok, J. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2019).
Embedded Agency in Institutional Theory: Problem or Paradox.
Academy of Management Review, 44(2),
pp. 470-473.
doi: 10.5465/amr.2017.0571
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
Madness and Mindfulness.
In: Stanley, S., Purser, P. E. & Singh, N. N. (Eds.),
Handbook of Ethical Foundations of Mindfulness.
(pp. 259-281). Cham: Springer.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-76538-9_14
Levilain, K., Parker, S., Ridley-Duff, R. R. , Segrestin, B., Veldman, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-8615-5844 & Willmott, H.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
Protecting Long-term Commitment: Legal and Organizational Means.
In: Driver, C. & Thompson, G. (Eds.),
Corporate Governance in Contention.
(pp. 42-65). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
Madness and Mindfulness: How the "Personal" is "Political".
In: Stanley, S., Purser, R. E. & Singh, N. (Eds.),
Handbook of Ethical Foundations of Mindfulness.
(pp. 259-281). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Chowdhury, R. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
Microcredit, the corporatization of nongovernmental organizations, and academic activism: The example of Professor Anu Muhammad.
Organization, 26(1),
pp. 122-140.
doi: 10.1177/1350508418768002
Munir, K., Ayaz, M., Levy, D. L. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
The role of intermediaries in governance of global production networks: Restructuring work relations in Pakistan’s apparel industry.
Human Relations, 71(4),
pp. 560-583.
doi: 10.1177/0018726717722395
Mehrpouya, A. & Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2018).
Making a Niche: The Marketization of Management Research and the Rise of 'Knowledge Branding'.
Journal of Management Studies, 55(4),
pp. 728-734.
doi: 10.1111/joms.12336
Willmott, H. (2018). Can It? On Expanding Institutional Theory by Disarming Critique. Journal of Management Inquiry, 28(3), pp. 350-353. doi: 10.1177/1056492617744893
Willmott, H. (2017). Changing institutions: Critical Management Studies as a Social Movement. In: Malin, V., Murphy, J. & Siltaoja, M. (Eds.), Getting Things Done (Dialogues in Critical Management Studies, Volume 2). (pp. 123-163). Emerald Group Publishing. doi: DOI: 10.1108/S2046-6072(2013)0000002011
Veldman, J. & Willmott, H. (2017). Social ontology and the modern corporation. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(5), pp. 1489-1504. doi: 10.1093/cje/bex043
Lazonick, W., Blankenburg, S., Froud, J. , O’Sullivan, M. A., Sauviat, C., Reberioux, A., Chang, H-J., Mazzucato, M., Thompson, G. F., Keen, S., Quattrone, P., May, C., Lancastle, N., Czarniawska, B., Knights, D., Horn, L., Talmud, I., Komlik, O., Schwardt, H., Robson, K., Hines, T., Wright, R. E., Houston, M., Ali Dikerdem, M., Boland, M., Djelic, M-L., O'Rourke, B. K., Kaul, N., Holmwood, J., Kuhn, T., Ainley, P., Sherpa, D., Welch, P., Reader, K., Culik, J., McSorley, K., Edmond, N., Fleetwood, S., M. Fischer, A., Delalieux, G., Syna Desivilya, H., Leech, D., Loughlin, M., Maley, W., Wield, D., Nissanke, M., Brown, R., Addis, M., Farquhar, S. S., Cooper, D. J., Carter, C., Sabaratnam, M., Aluchna, M., Gill, R., Bryer, A., Beusch, P., Harfoush, N., Vrolijk, H., Cooke, B., Pirson, M., Jacobs, D. C., Contu, A., Chabrak, N., Ireland, P., Matthaei, J., Bavoso, V., Ali, T., Massa, L., Gindis, D., Smith, M., Chanteau, J-P., Coles, R. F., Palazzi, M., Martin, R. L., Willmott, H. & Veldman, J. (2016). The Modern Corporation Statement on Economics. London, UK: The Modern Corporation Project.
Morgan, G., Soederberg, S., Plehwe, D. , Horn, L., Jessop, B., Nölke, A., Radice, H. K., van Apeldoorn, E. B., Vitols, S., Cioffi, J. W., Davis, G. F., Kuhn, T., Chanteau, J-P., O'Reilly, D., Liew, P., Chabrak, N., Houston, M., Kaul, N., Ali, T., Morgan, B., Stevenson, L., Willmott, H. & Veldman, J. (2016). The Modern Corporation Statement on Politics. London, UK: The Modern Corporation Project.
Collison, D., Jansson, A., Larsson-Olaison, U. , Power, D. M., Cooper, C., Gray, R., Ferguson, J., Sikka, P., Millo, Y., Jonnergård, K., Djelic, M-L., Quattrone, P., Cooper, D. J., Carter, C., Liew, P., Coles, R. F., Robson, K., Chabrak, N., Stevenson, L., Willmott, H. & Veldman, J. (2016). The Modern Corporation Statement on Accounting. London, UK: The Modern Corporation Project.
Willmott, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-1321-7041 (2016).
Interrogating the crisis: financial instruments, public policy and corporate governance.
In: Erturk, I. & Gabor, D. (Eds.),
The Routledge Companion to Banking Regulation and Reform.
(pp. 84-108). Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Willmott, H. & Veldman, J. (2016). Reimagining the Corporation: The Relevance of Legal, Economic and Political Imaginaries. In: Haslam, J. & Sikka, P. (Eds.), Pioneers of Critical Accounting: A Celebration of the Life of Tony Lowe. (pp. 231-257). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Veldman, J. & Willmott, H. (2016). The cultural grammar of governance: The UK Code of Corporate Governance, reflexivity, and the limits of 'soft' regulation. Human Relations, 69(3), pp. 581-603. doi: 10.1177/0018726715593160
Veldman, J. (2016). Corporation: Reification of the corporate form. In: Mir, R., Willmott, H. & Greenwood, M. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies. (pp. 333-342). London, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203795248
Murphy, J. & Willmott, H. (2015). The Rise of the 1%: An Organizational Explanation. In: Elites on Trial. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 43. (pp. 25-53). Emerald. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X20150000043013
Willmott, H. & Weiskopf, R. (2014). Michel Foucault (1926-1984). In: Helin, J., Hernes, T., Hjorth, D. & Holt, R. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. (pp. 515-533). Oxford University Press.
Willmott, H. (2013). OT and Power: The Significance of Value-Orientations and a Plea for Pluralism. Tamara Journal of Critical Organisation Inquiry, 11(2), pp. 53-66.
Veldman, J. & Willmott, H. (2013). What is the corporation and why does it matter?. M@n@gement, 16(5), pp. 605-620. doi: 10.3917/mana.165.0605