City Research Online

Items where Schools and Departments is "Computer Science" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 36.


Amálio, N. & Spanoudakis, G. (2008). From Monitoring Templates to Security Monitoring and Threat Detection. 2008 Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, 7, pp. 185-192. doi: 10.1109/securware.2008.58

Gucunski, N., Slabaugh, G. G., Wang, Z. , Fang, T. & Maher, A. (2008). Impact echo data from bridge deck testing: Visualization and interpretation. Transportation Research Record, 2050(1), pp. 111-121. doi: 10.3141/2050-11

Jimeno, A., Jimenez-Ruiz, E. ORCID: 0000-0002-9083-4599, Lee, V. , Gaudan, S., Berlanga, R. & Rebholz-Schuhmann, D. (2008). Assessment of disease named entity recognition on a corpus of annotated sentences. BMC Bioinformatics, 9(S3), article number S3. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-s3-s3

Kotti, M., Benetos, E. & Kotropoulos, C. (2008). Computationally Efficient and Robust BIC-Based Speaker Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing, 16(5), pp. 920-933. doi: 10.1109/tasl.2008.925152

Makri, S., Blandford, A. & Cox, A. L. (2008). Using information behaviors to evaluate the functionality and usability of electronic resources: From Ellis's model to evaluation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(14), pp. 2244-2267. doi: 10.1002/asi.20927

Murphy, R. A., Mondragon, E. ORCID: 0000-0003-4180-1261 & Murphy, V. A. (2008). Rule learning by rats. Science, 319(5871), pp. 1849-1851. doi: 10.1126/science.1151564

Odry, B., Kiraly, A. P., Slabaugh, G. G. , Novak, C. L., Naidich, D. L. & Lerallut, J. (2008). Active contour approach for accurate quantitative airway analysis. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 6916, article number 691613. doi: 10.1117/12.772592

Slabaugh, G. G., Fang, T., McBagonluri, F. , Zouhar, A., Melkisetoglu, R., Xie, H. & Unal, G. B. (2008). 3-D shape modeling for hearing aid design. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25(5), pp. 98-102. doi: 10.1109/msp.2008.926653

Unal, G. B., Bucher, S., Carlier, S. G. , Slabaugh, G. G., Fang, T. & Tanaka, K. (2008). Shape-Driven Segmentation of the Arterial Wall in Intravascular Ultrasound Images. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 12(3), pp. 335-347. doi: 10.1109/titb.2008.920620

Unal, G. B., Nain, D., Slabaugh, G. G. & Fang, T. (2008). Customized Design of Hearing Aids Using Statistical Shape Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5241(2008), pp. 518-526. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85988-8_62

Unal, G. B. & Slabaugh, G. G. (2008). Estimation of Vector Fields in Unconstrained and Inequality Constrained Variational Problems for Segmentation and Registration. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31(1), pp. 57-72. doi: 10.1007/s10851-008-0064-7

Unal, G. B. & Slabaugh, G. G. (2008). Guidewire tracking in x-ray videos of endovascular interventions. 2008 IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, 1, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/siu.2008.4632624

Book Section

Benetos, E., Siatras, S., Kotropoulos, C. , Nikolaidis, N. & Pitas, I. (2008). Movie analysis with emphasis to dialogue and action scene detection. In: Maragos, P., Potamianos, A. & Gros, P. (Eds.), Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text. (pp. 157-177). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-76316-3_7

Wang, Z., Slabaugh, G. G., Zhou, M. & Fang, T. (2008). Automatic tracing of blood flow velocity in pulsed Doppler images. In: IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2008. CASE 2008. (pp. 218-222). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/COASE.2008.4626568

Conference or Workshop Item

Abufadel, A., Slabaugh, G. G., Unal, G. B. , Zhang, L. & Odry, B. (2008). Interacting Active Rectangles for Estimation of Intervertebral Disk Orientation. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006., 20-08-2006 - 24-08-2008, Hong Kong.

Bawden, D. (2008). How real is the Google generation?. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of NAPLE (National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe), October 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Bawden, D., Robinson, L. & Calvert, A. (2008). Value and impact: New trends in evaluating library and information services. Paper presented at the 3rd Joint Conference of Slovene Special and Academic Libraries, October 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Benetos, E. & Kotropoulos, C. (2008). A tensor-based approach for automatic music genre classification. In: 16th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2008: 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 25 - 29 Aug 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Hunt, S., Askarov, A., Sabelfeld, A. & Sands, D. (2008). Termination-insensitive noninterference leaks more than just a bit. In: Proc. 13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'08). 13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Oct 2008, Malaga, Spain.

Hunt, S. & Clark, D. (2008). Non-interference for deterministic interactive programs. In: Proc. 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust. 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2008), Oct 2008, Malaga, Spain.

Hunt, S. & Sands, D. (2008). Just forget it - The semantics and enforcement of information erasure. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. European Symposium on Programming, 29 Mar 2008 - 6 Apr 2008, Budapest, Hungary.

Kloukinas, C., Lekeas, G. & Stathis, K. (2008). From Agent Game Protocols to Implementable Roles. Paper presented at the Sixth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems - EUMAS, 18 - 19 Dec 2008, Bath, UK.

Kloukinas, C., Spanoudakis, G. & Mahbub, K (2008). Estimating Event Lifetimes for Distributed Runtime Verification. In: SEKE. 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1 - 3 Jul 2008, Redwood City, CA, US.

Panagakis, I., Benetos, E. & Kotropoulos, C. (2008). Music genre classification: a multilinear approach. In: Bello, JP, Chew, E & Turnbull, D (Eds.), ISMIR. International Symposium Music Information Retrieval, 14 - 18 September 2008, Philadelphia, USA.

Siveroni, I., Zisman, A. & Spanoudakis, G. (2008). Property specification and static verification of UML models. In: Jakoubi, S, Tjoa, S & Weippl, ER (Eds.), ARES 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AVAILABILITY, SECURITY AND RELIABILITY. Availability, Reliability and Security, 2008. ARES 08. Third International Conference on, 4 - 7 Mar 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Slabaugh, G. G., Unal, G. B., Fang, T. , Rossignac, J. & Whited, B. (2008). Variational Skinning of an Ordered Set of Discrete 2D Balls. In: Chen, F & Jüttler, B (Eds.), GMP. 5th International Conference, GMP 2008., 23-04-2008 - 25-04-2008, Hangzhou, China. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-79246-8_34

Spachos, D., Zlantintsi, A., Moschou, V. , Antonopoulos, P., Benetos, E., Kotti, M., Tzimouli, K., Kotropoulos, C., Nikolaidis, N., Maragos, P. & Pitas, I. (2008). MUSCLE movie-database: a multimodal corpus with rich annotation for dialogue and saliency detection. In: 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Multimodal Corpora: From Models of Natural Interaction to Systems and Applications, 27 May 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.

Spanoudakis, G., Kloukinas, C. & Androutsopoulos, K. (2008). Dynamic verification and control of mobile peer-to-peer systems. In: Proceedings - The 3rd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, ICIMP 2008. 3rd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, 29 Jun - 5 Jul 2008, Bucharest, Romania.

Tsigkritis, T. & Spanoudakis, G. (2008). A Temporal Abductive Diagnostic Process for Runtime Properties Violations. In: Roth-Berghofer, T, Schulz, S, Leake, DB & Bahls, D (Eds.), ExaCt. Third International Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt 2008), July 21-22, 2008, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.

Unal, G. B., Nain, D., Slabaugh, G. G. & Fang, T. (2008). Customized Design of Hearing Aids Using Statistical Shape Learning. In: Metaxas, DN, Axel, L, Fichtinger, G & Székely, G (Eds.), MICCAI (1). 11th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2008), 06-09-2008 - 10-09-2008, New York, USA. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85988-8_62

Wang, Z., Slabaugh, G. G., Zhou, M. & Fang, T. (2008). Automatic tracing of blood flow velocity in pulsed Doppler images. In: CASE. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2008 (CASE 2008), 23-08-2008 - 26-08-2008, Washington D.C., USA. doi: 10.1109/COASE.2008.4626568


Honingh, A. (2008). A geometrical approach to find the preferred intonation of chords (TR/2008/DOC/02). .

Honingh, A. & Weyde, T. (2008). Integrating Convexity and Compactness into the ISSM: Melodic Analysis of Music (TR/2008/DOC/03). .

Renou, L. & d'Avila Garcez, A. S. (2008). Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: A Geometric Approach. Technical Report (TR/2008/DOC/01). Department of Computing, City University London: .


Nandakumar, R. (2008). Robust control design using quantitative feedback theory. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

Ren, L. (2008). Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: A Geometric Approach. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

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