Items where Schools and Departments is "Institute for the Study of European Laws" and Year is 2011
Fahey, E. (2011). Does the Emperor have Financial Crisis Clothes? On the Legal basis of the European Banking Authority. The Modern Law Review, 74(4), pp. 581-595. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2011.00861.x
Truxal, S. (2011). The ICAO Assembly Resolutions on international aviation and climate change: Historic agreement, breakthrough deal and the Cancun effect. Air & Space Law, 36(3), pp. 217-242.
Wouters, J., Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 & Ramopoulos, T. (2011).
The Lisbon Treaty and the Status of the European Union in the International Arena: The May 2011 Upgrade at the UN General Assembly.
IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, 2011,
pp. 166-170.
Book Section
Draghici, C. (2011). Adoption and the European Court of Human Rights: from laissez-faire to judicial law-making. In: Panella, L. & Spatafora, E. (Eds.), Studi in Onore di Cladio Zanghi. (pp. 255-282). Giappichelli editore.
Draghici, C. (2011). The Human-Rights Compliance of UK Anti-Terrorism Legislation in the Light of Domestic and International Case Law. In: Guarino, G. & D'Anna, I. (Eds.), International Institutions and Cooperation: Terrorism, Migrations, Asylum. (pp. 673-714). Naples, Italy: Satura Editrice.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The Emsland-Stärke test of abuse of law in the law of agriculture and free movement of goods. In: De La Feria, R. (Ed.), Prohibition of Abuse of Law: A New General Principle of EU Law? (pp. 203-217). Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The Non-Proliferation Policy of the European Union. In: Evans, M. D. & Koutrakos, P. (Eds.), Beyond the Established Legal Orders: Policy Interconnections between the EU and the Rest of the World. (pp. 249-272). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The nexus between the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy and Development. In: Arnull, A., Barnard, C. & Dougan, M. (Eds.), A Constitutional Order of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood. (pp. 589-608). Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The role of law in Common Security and Defence Policy: functions, limitations and perceptions'. In: Koutrakos, P. (Ed.), European Foreign Policy - Legal and Political Perspectives. (pp. 235-258). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Woods, L. & Draghici, C. (2011). Impunity and the rule of law research: legal instruments study. London: CCLJ, City University London and CFOM, University of Sheffield.