Items where Schools and Departments is "Institute for the Study of European Laws" and Year is 2011
Draghici, C. (2011). Adoption and the European Court of Human Rights: from laissez-faire to judicial law-making. In: Panella, L. & Spatafora, E. (Eds.), Studi in Onore di Cladio Zanghi. (pp. 255-282). Giappichelli editore.
Draghici, C. (2011). The Human-Rights Compliance of UK Anti-Terrorism Legislation in the Light of Domestic and International Case Law. In: Guarino, G. & D'Anna, I. (Eds.), International Institutions and Cooperation: Terrorism, Migrations, Asylum. (pp. 673-714). Naples, Italy: Satura Editrice.
Fahey, E. (2011). Does the Emperor have Financial Crisis Clothes? On the Legal basis of the European Banking Authority. The Modern Law Review, 74(4), pp. 581-595. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2011.00861.x
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The Emsland-Stärke test of abuse of law in the law of agriculture and free movement of goods. In: De La Feria, R. (Ed.), Prohibition of Abuse of Law: A New General Principle of EU Law? (pp. 203-217). Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The Non-Proliferation Policy of the European Union. In: Evans, M. D. & Koutrakos, P. (Eds.), Beyond the Established Legal Orders: Policy Interconnections between the EU and the Rest of the World. (pp. 249-272). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The nexus between the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy and Development. In: Arnull, A., Barnard, C. & Dougan, M. (Eds.), A Constitutional Order of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood. (pp. 589-608). Hart Publishing.
Koutrakos, P. (2011). The role of law in Common Security and Defence Policy: functions, limitations and perceptions'. In: Koutrakos, P. (Ed.), European Foreign Policy - Legal and Political Perspectives. (pp. 235-258). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Truxal, S. (2011). The ICAO Assembly Resolutions on international aviation and climate change: Historic agreement, breakthrough deal and the Cancun effect. Air & Space Law, 36(3), pp. 217-242.
Woods, L. & Draghici, C. (2011). Impunity and the rule of law research: legal instruments study. London: CCLJ, City University London and CFOM, University of Sheffield.
Wouters, J., Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 & Ramopoulos, T. (2011).
The Lisbon Treaty and the Status of the European Union in the International Arena: The May 2011 Upgrade at the UN General Assembly.
IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, 2011,
pp. 166-170.