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Items where Schools and Departments is "Academic Programmes" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 47.


Allbon, E. (2015). Infiltrate and Conquer: Showing the World What Librarians Can Do. Legal Information Management, 15(4), pp. 218-224. doi: 10.1017/s1472669615000560


Barelli, M. (2015). Development projects and indigenous peoples' land: Defining the scope of free, prior and informed consent. In: Handbook of Indigenous Peoples' Rights. (pp. 69-82). Oxford, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203119235

Barelli, M. (2015). The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: a Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property Rights. In: Rimmer, M. (Ed.), Indigenous Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research. (pp. 47-63). UK: Edward Elgar.

Bennett, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-9826-3356 (2015). Privacy, third parties and judicial method: Wainwright 's legacy of uncertainty. Journal of Media Law, 7(2), pp. 251-277. doi: 10.1080/17577632.2015.1108586

Bonadio, E. (2015). Brands, Morality and Public Policy: Some Reflections on the Ban on Registration of Controversial Trademarks. Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, 19(1), pp. 43-61.

Bonadio, E. (2015). The Impact of Lifestyle Regulation on Intellectual Property: Packaging Appropriation Measures and Other IP-Restrictive Measures. In: Alemanno, A. & Garde, A. (Eds.), Regulating Lifestyle Risks: The Eu, Alcohol, Tobacco and Unhealthy Diets. (pp. 215-236). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bonadio, E. & Rovati, A. M. (2015). The Court of Justice of the European Union Clarifies When Human Embryonic Stem Cells Can Be Patented. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 6(2), pp. 293-295. doi: 10.1017/Si867299X00004608

Boon, A. (2015). Regulation and discipline. In: Boon, A. (Ed.), Lawyers’ Ethics and Professional Responsibility. (pp. 63-104). Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Choo, A. L.-T. (2015). Year in Review 2014: England and Wales. In: Hill, S. C., Tanovich, D. M. & Strezos, L. P. (Eds.), McWilliams' Canadian Criminal Evidence. (APP2-1). Canada: Sweet and Maxwell.

Chuah, J. C. T. (2015). Contents. In: Furmston, M. (Ed.), Butterworths Common Law Series: Law of Contract. Butterworths Common Law Series. . London, UK: LexisNexis.

Chuah, J. C. T. (2015). Contents of a Contract. In: The Law of Contract. The Common Law Series. . LexisNexis.

Chuah, J. C. T. (2015). Renegotiating shipping contracts and contractual remedies in times of economic hardship. Revue de Droit du Commerce International et des Transports, 2(2015), pp. 110-142.

Clayton, N. A. (2015). Failures in the prudential regulation of banks in the UK and US: will the lessons be learnt?. Law and Financial Markets Review, 9(2), pp. 130-153. doi: 10.1080/17521440.2015.1052669

Collins, D. A. (2015). Globalized Localism: Canada's Government Procurement Commitments under CETA. Journal of Transnational Dispute Management, 2016(2), pp. 1-11.

Costa, M. (2015). Accountability through Transparency and the Role of the Court of Justice. Paper presented at the CELS Lunchtime Seminar, 28-01-2015 - 28-01-2015, Cambridge, UK.


Draghici, C. (2015). The Blanket Ban on Assisted Suicide: Between Moral Paternalism and Utilitarian Justice. European Human Rights Law Review, 2015(3), pp. 286-297.

Duncan, N. J. (2015). A future for legal education: Personal and professional development and ethics. Nottingham Law Journal, 24,, 67.-78.


Echebarria Fernández, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-9339-689X (2015). Action Research and Efficient Maritime Transport Contract Negotiation. In: Arnt Nielsen, P., Koerver Schmidt, P. & Dyppel Weber, K. (Eds.), Erhvervsretlige emner : Juridisk Institut CBS. (pp. 49-63). Copenhagen, Denmark: Djøf Forlag.


Fahey, E. (2015). The EU’s Participation in the Global Legal Order as a Postnational Democracy: Manifestations of Sovereignty. UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper No. 04,

Fahey, E. (2015). Introduction: Framing the actors of postnational rule-making. In: Fahey, E. & Curtin, D. (Eds.), The Actors of Postnational Rule-Making: Contemporary challenges of European and International Law. (pp. 1-24). UK: Routledge.


Gale, S. E. (2015). Qualified privilege in defamation and the evolution of the doctrine of reportage. The Tort Law Review, 23(1), pp. 16-31.

Goold, P. (2015). Is Copyright Infringement a Strict Liability Tort?. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 30(1), pp. 305-383. doi: 10.15779/Z38MP32

Griffiths, M. D. & Carran, M. (2015). Are Online Penny Auctions a Form of Gambling. Gaming Law Review and Economics, 19(3), pp. 190-196. doi: 10.1089/glre.2015.1934

Gultutan, D. A. (2015). Review and Analysis of Interim Measures Available to Foreign Arbitrators in Turkey. McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution,

Gultutan, D. A. (2015). The common law pre-contractual duty of disclosure and the test of materiality: Carter to Pan Atlantic - A factual analysis. Insurance Law Journal, pp. 168-180.

Gultutan, D. A. (2015). The concepts of 'without prejudice' and 'confidentiality' under Turkish and English law. Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi (Banking and Commercial Law Journal),


Hamill, S. (2015). "Common Law Property Theory and Jurisprudence in Canada". Queen's Law Journal, 40(2), pp. 679-703.

Hamill, S. (2015). Prohibition Plebiscites on the Prairies: (Not-So) Direct Legislation and Liquor Control in Alberta, 1915 to 1932. Law and History Review, 33(2), pp. 377-410. doi: 10.1017/s0738248015000097

Helmers, C., Lefouili, Y. & McDonagh, L. (2015). Evaluation of the Reforms of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court 2010-2013. UK: UK IPO.


Kalintiri, A. (2015). The Allocation of the Legal Burden of Proof in Article 101 TFEU Cases: A ‘Clear’ Rule with Not-So-Clear Implications. Yearbook of European Law, 34(1), pp. 232-256. doi: 10.1093/yel/yev019


Loveland, I.D. (2015). The horizontal effect of Art 8 HRA in possession proceedings. European Human Rights Law Review, 2015(2), pp. 138-148.


Malagodi, M. (2015). Ivor Jennings's Constitutional Legacy beyond the Occidental-Oriental Divide. Journal of Law and Society, 42(1), pp. 102-126. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2015.00700.x

Malagodi, M. (2015). The Locus of Sovereign Authority in Nepal. In: Tushnet, M. & Khosla, M. (Eds.), Unstable Constitutionalism: Law and Politics in South Asia. (pp. 45-85). New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Masri, M. (2015). The Implications of the Acquisition of a New Nationality for the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees. Asian Journal of International Law, 5(2), pp. 356-386. doi: 10.1017/s2044251314000241

Masri, M. (2015). The Two-State Model and Israeli Constitutionalism: Impact on the Palestinian Citizens of Israel. Journal of Palestine Studies, 44(4), pp. 7-20. doi: 10.1525/jps.2015.44.4.7

McDonagh, L., Helmers, C. & Love, B. (2015). Is there a patent troll problem in the UK?. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal, 24(2), pp. 509-553.


Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2015). The EU's Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: An International Law Perspective. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 47, article number 59.

Owusu-Bempah, A. (2015). Prosecuting hate crime: procedural issues and the future of the aggravated offences. Legal Studies, 35(3), pp. 443-462. doi: 10.1111/lest.12072


Reece Thomas, K. ORCID: 0000-0001-9305-569X (2015). Enforcing against state assets:the case for restricting private creditor enforcement and how judges in England have used "context" when applying the "commercial purposes" test. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 2(1), pp. 1-26.

Reece Thomas, K. ORCID: 0000-0001-9305-569X (2015). State Immunity. Insight,

Renz, F. (2015). Consenting to gender? Trans spouses after same-sex marriage. In: Monk, D. & Barker, N. (Eds.), From Civil Partnership to Same Sex Marriage 2004 - 2014: Interdisciplinary Reflections. (pp. 83-97). UK: Routledge.


Stanton, J. ORCID: 0000-0001-5211-5617 (2015). Decentralisation and Empowerment under the Coalition Government: An Empirical Study of Local Councils in London. Journal of Planning and Environment Law(9), pp. 978-993.

Strumia, F. ORCID: 0000-0002-0361-7327 & Fumero, E. (2015). Stranieri Integrati e Cittadini Emarginati? Profili Evolutivi di una Nozione Sociale della Cittadinanza Europea. Materiali per uno Studio della Cultura Giuridica: Rivista fondata da Giovanni Tarello, XLV, pp. 423-440. doi: 10.1436/81402


Wolman, A. (2015). Sub-National Human Rights Institutions and Transgovernmental Networks. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 33(2), pp. 110-131. doi: 10.1080/18918131.2015.1044791


Zahn, R. & Mangan, D. (2015). Labour Standards and Sustainable Development: Unpicking the EU's Approach. The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31(3), pp. 233-241.

Zhao, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-8935-001X (2015). Carriers Beware! – Circumstances under Which Carriers Face Conflicting Liability Regimes. Journal of Navigation, 68(4), pp. 784-790. doi: 10.1017/s0373463315000247

Zhao, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-8935-001X (2015). Transportation, Cooperation and Harmonization, GATS as a Gateway to Integrating the UN’s Sea Cargo Regime into the WTO Framework. Pace International Law Review, 27(1), pp. 60-118.

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