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Items where Schools and Departments is "Journalism" and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 45.


Blumell, L., Qiu, Y. & Peaslee, R.M. (2016). Pacifying the dragon? How expatriate media professionals are gatekeeping in the Chinese media system. International Journal of Communication, 10, pp. 2402-2421.

Brooke, H. (2016). Citizen or subject? Freedom of information and the informed citizen in a democracy. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)

Brooke, H. (2016). Inside the Digital Revolution. Journal of International Affairs, 70, No(Winter), pp. 29-53.

Brooke, H. & Felle, T. (2016). Evidence submitted to the Independent Commission on Freedom of Information. .

Bunce, M. (2016). Foundations, philanthropy and international journalism. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 13(2/3), pp. 6-15.

Bunce, M. (2016). The International News Coverage of Africa: Beyond the ‘Single Story’. In: Bunce, M., Franks, S. & Paterson, C. (Eds.), Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century: From the ‘Heart of Darkness’ to ‘Africa Rising’. (pp. 17-29). UK: Routledge.

Bunce, M., Franks, S. & Paterson, C. (2016). INTRODUCTION: A New Africa’s Media Image? In: Bunce, M., Franks, S. & Paterson, C. (Eds.), Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century: From the ‘Heart of Darkness’ to ‘Africa Rising’. (pp. 1-14). UK: Routledge.


Chorley, M. J. & Mottershead, G. ORCID: 0000-0001-7552-0420 (2016). Are you talking to me? An analysis of journalism conversation on social media. Journalism Practice, 10(7), pp. 856-867. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2016.1166978

Cooper, G. ORCID: 0000-0003-2367-8626 (2016). Women War Correspondents in 2013. In: Ardener, S., Armitage-Woodward, F. & Sciama, L. (Eds.), War and Women Across Continents: Autobiographical and Biographical Experiences. (pp. 147-158). New York: Berghahn Books.


Eberwein, T. & Porlezza, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-1400-5879 (2016). Both Sides of the Story: Communication Ethics in Mediatized Worlds. Journal of Communication, 66(2), pp. 328-342. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12216


Felle, T. (2016). Digital Watchdogs? Data reporting and the traditional 'fourth estate' role for journalists. Journalism Theory, Practice and Criticism, 17(1), pp. 85-96. doi: 10.1177/1464884915593246

Felle, T. (2016). Digital watchdogs? Data reporting and the news media's traditional "fourth estate' function. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 17(1), pp. 85-96. doi: 10.1177/1464884915593246

Felle, T. (2016). Freedom of Information in the UK: Opportunity and Threat. Political Insight, 7(1), pp. 28-31. doi: 10.1177/2041905816637458

Franks, S. & O'Neill, D. (2016). Women reporting sport: Still a man’s game?. Journalism, 17(4), pp. 474-492. doi: 10.1177/1464884914561573


Harb, Z. (2016). Hezbollah, Al-Manar, and the Arab Revolts: Defiance or Survival? In: Zayani, M. & Mirgani, S. (Eds.), Bullets and Bulletins: Media and Politics in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings. (pp. 165-177). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190491550.003.0009

Hayes, K. & Felle, T. (2016). Going digital or going free? Ireland’s newspapers struggle for digital success as the print cliff looms. In: Mair, J, Clark, T, Fowler, N , Snoddy, R & Tait, R (Eds.), Last Words: How can journalism survive the decline of print? (pp. 23-31). Abramis.

Hellmueller, L., Mellado, C., Blumell, L. & Huemmer, J. (2016). The contextualization of the watchdog and civic journalistic roles: Reevaluating journalistic role performance in U.S. newspapers. Palabra Clave, 19(4), pp. 1072-1100. doi: 10.5294/pacla.2016.19.4.6

Hewett, J. (2016). Learning to teach data journalism: Innovation, influence and constraints. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 17(1), pp. 119-137. doi: 10.1177/1464884915612681

Honigsbaum, M. (2016). 'Tipping the Balance': Karl Friedrich Meyer, Latent Infections, and the Birth of Modern Ideas of Disease Ecology. Journal of the History of Biology, 49(2), pp. 261-309. doi: 10.1007/s10739-015-9430-7

Howell, L. & Singer, J. (2016). Pushy or a Princess? Women Experts and British Broadcast News. Journalism Practice, 11(9), pp. 1062-1078. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2016.1232173


Johnston, L. (2016). Reporting the Syria conflict on television (2011-2014): how the use of user generated content (UGC) has shaped BBC World News TV coverage and affected journalistic practices. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)


Kernan, M.A. (2016). Collaboration and aesthetic pedagogy: A theoretical analysis of creative group performances in a Masters programme in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership. Paper presented at the IFKAD 2016 – International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 15-17 Jun 2016, Dresden, Germany.

Kernan, M.A. (2016). From 1899 to digital: The Arden Shakespeare, Shakespearean critical scholarship and the evolution of English as a discipline. Paper presented at the Shakespeare: Metamorphosis Festival, 25 Aug 2016, London, UK.

Kernan, M.A. (2016). The Second Arden Shakespeare Series: A theoretical discussion and analysis. Paper presented at the By the Book: Building Audiences for the Book in an Age of Media Proliferation, 23–24 Jun 2016, Florence, Italy.

Kernan, M.A. (2016). An exploration of Barnett’s analysis of the ‘ecological’ university (2011) and the potential contribution of arts-based pedagogy and knowledge. Paper presented at the Empowering the Intangible: Art of Management & Organization Conference 2016, 1-4 Sep 2016, Bled, Slovenia.

Kernan, M.A. (2016). The launch of the first series of the Arden Shakespeare in 1899: An exploration of Bourdieu’s concept of consecration. LOGOS, 27(2), pp. 32-47. doi: 10.1163/1878-4712-11112103

Kus, M., Eberwein, T., Porlezza, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-1400-5879 & Splendore, S. (2016). Training or Improvisation? Citizen journalists and their educational backgrounds-a comparative view. Journalism Practice, 11(2-3), pp. 355-372. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2016.1221737


Lashmar, P. ORCID: 0000-0001-9049-3985 (2016). Just move to a bigger flat. British Journalism Review, 27(3), pp. 53-58. doi: 10.1177/0956474816668803

Lonsdale, S. (2016). 'He Hath Sold His Heart to the Old Black Art': Kipling and his early Journalism. Kipling Journal, Septem(365), pp. 32-49.


Morriss, Agnieszka (2016). The BBC Polish Service during World War II. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)


Nel, F. P. (2016). Pressed to change: systematically reconsidering journalistic boundaries in the newsroom, boardroom and classroom. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)


O'Neill, D. & Franks, S. (2016). A sporting chance for women? Gender imbalance on the sports desks of UK national newspapers. Media Report to Women, 44(1), pp. 12-24.


Porlezza, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-1400-5879 & Splendore, S. (2016). Accountability and Transparency of Entrepreneurial Journalism: Unresolved ethical issues in crowdfunded journalism projects. Journalism Practice, 10(2), pp. 196-216. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1124731


Rodgers, J. (2016). The clues are in the history. British Journalism Review, 27(2), pp. 45-49. doi: 10.1177/0956474816652814

Rodriguez, N.S., Huemmer, J. & Blumell, L. (2016). Mobile masculinities: An investigation of networked masculinities in gay dating apps. Masculinities and Social Change, 5(3), pp. 241-267. doi: 10.17583/mcs.2016.2047


Samman, A. & Seabrooke, L. (2016). International Political Economy. In: Guillaume, X. & Bilgin, P. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology. . UK: Routledge.

Singer, J. (2016). The Journalist as Entrepreneur. In: Petersen, C. & Broersma, M. (Eds.), Rethinking Journalism: The societal role and relevance of journalism in a digital age. . UK: Routledge.

Singer, J. (2016). Transmission Creep: Media Effects Theories and Journalism Studies in a Digital Era. Journalism Studies, 19(2), pp. 209-226. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2016.1186498

Singer, J. (2016). Triangulating Methods in the Study of Journalistic Role Performance. In: Mellado, C., Hellmueller, L. & Donsbach, W. (Eds.), Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, Contexts, and Methods. (pp. 206-220). New York: Routledge.

Splendore, S., Di Salvo, P., Eberwein, T. , Groenhart, H., Kus, M. & Porlezza, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-1400-5879 (2016). Educational strategies in data journalism: A comparative study of six European countries. Journalism, 17(1), pp. 138-152. doi: 10.1177/1464884915612683


Tasiu Abubakar, A. (2016). Communicating violence: The media strategies of Boko Haram. In: Bunce, M., Franks, S. & Paterson, C. (Eds.), Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century: From the "Heart of Darkness" to "Africa Rising". (pp. 200-210). UK: Routledge.

Thurman, N., Cornia, A. & Kunert, J. (2016). Journalists in the UK. UK: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

Thurman, N. & Schapals, A. K. (2016). Live blogs, sources, and objectivity: The contradictions of real-time online reporting. In: Franklin, B. & Eldridge, S. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. (pp. 283-292). UK: Routledge.

Thurman, N., Schifferes, S., Fletcher, R. , Newman, N., Hunt, S. & Schapals, A. K. (2016). Giving computers a nose for news: exploring the limits of story detection and verification. Digital Journalism, 4(7), pp. 838-848. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1149436


Vos, T. P. & Singer, J. (2016). Media Discourse about Entrepreneurial Journalism: Implications for Journalistic Capital. Journalism Practice, 10, pp. 143-159. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1124730

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