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Number of items at this level: 36.


Drew, S. ORCID: 0000-0002-5797-0724 (2025). Safe in Leicester Town? Law's reach to those working for less than the National Minimum Wage. Industrial Law Journal, doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwaf004


Xiao, L. Y. ORCID: 0000-0003-0709-0777, Henderson, L. L., Yang, Y. & Newall, P. W. S. (2024). Gaming the system: suboptimal compliance with loot box probability disclosure regulations in China. Behavioural Public Policy, 8(3), pp. 590-616. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2021.23


Gondal, S. (2023). From the Jungle Book to Joint Enterprise - Adaptation of English Language Teaching Techniques to Law


Truxal, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-8282-2080 & Drew, S. ORCID: 0000-0002-5797-0724 (2022). Consumers, Air Carriers and Workers in the European Union: Two Sides of the Triangle. Air and Space Law, 47(Issue ), pp. 111-134. doi: 10.54648/aila2022007


Gondal, S. (2021). Limping marriages: a problem cured or hidden?. Family Law, 51(Septem), pp. 1180-1186.

Xiao, L. Y. (2021). Regulating loot boxes as gambling? Towards a combined legal and self-regulatory consumer protection approach. Interactive Entertainment Law Review, 4(1), pp. 27-47. doi: 10.4337/ielr.2021.01.02


Duncan, N. J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5841-8464, Field, R. & Strevens, C. (2020). Ethical Imperatives for Legal Educators to Promote Law Student Wellbeing. Legal Ethics, 23(1-2), pp. 65-88. doi: 10.1080/1460728x.2020.1834070

Duncan, N. J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5841-8464, Strevens, C. & Field, R. (2020). Resilience and student wellbeing in Higher Education: A theoretical basis for establishing law school responsibilities for helping our students to thrive. European Journal of Legal Education, 1(1), pp. 83-115.

Townley, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-0897-1990 (2020). A History of America law - a review. The Law Teacher, doi: 10.1080/03069400.2020.1762328

Townley, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-0897-1990 (2020). A History of American Law, by Lawrence M Friedman, Oxford University Press, 2019, 808 pp., £81 (paperback), ISBN 978-0190070885. The Law Teacher, 54(3), pp. 466-468. doi: 10.1080/03069400.2020.1762328

Xiao, L. Y. (2020). Which Implementations of Loot Boxes Constitute Gambling? A UK Legal Perspective on the Potential Harms of Random Reward Mechanisms. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20(1), pp. 437-454. doi: 10.1007/s11469-020-00372-3


Duncan, N. J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5841-8464 (2019). In-house lawyers’ ethics: institutional logics, legal risk and the tournament of influence. The Law Teacher, 53(3), pp. 385-387. doi: 10.1080/03069400.2019.1626568

Hodson, N., Earp, B., Townley, L. ORCID: 0000-0002-0897-1990 & Bewley, S. (2019). Defining and Regulating the Boundaries of Sex and Sexuality. Medical Law Review, 27(4), pp. 541-552. doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwz034

Xiao, L. Y. & Henderson, L. L. (2019). Towards an Ethical Game Design Solution to Loot Boxes: a Commentary on King and Delfabbro. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19(1), pp. 177-192. doi: 10.1007/s11469-019-00164-4


Duncan, N. J. (2018). A history of Australian legal education, by David Barker, Annandale, VA, The Federation Press, 2017, xii + 275 pp., £34.89 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-76002-142-9. The Law Teacher, 52(1), pp. 126-127. doi: 10.1080/03069400.2017.1413622

Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2018). Patterns of avoidance: Political questions before international courts. International Journal of Law in Context, 14(2), pp. 221-236. doi: 10.1017/s1744552318000046


Nag, S. (2017). Without access to justice, the law is a dead letter. Solicitors Journal, 161(30), pp. 30-31.

Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2017). Council of the European Union v. Front Populaire pour la Libération de la Saguia-El-Hamra et Du Rio de Oro (Front Polisario). American Journal of International Law, 111(3), pp. 731-738. doi: 10.1017/ajil.2017.50

Sime, S. (2017). Appeals after the Civil Courts Structure Review. Civil Justice Quarterly, 36(1), pp. 51-69.


Allbon, E. (2016). Connecting with clients - what tools work?. Australian Law Librarian, 23(1), pp. 4-13.

Duncan, N. J. (2016). Undertaking Peer Review. In: Ashford, C. & Guth, J. (Eds.), The Legal Academic's Handbook. (pp. 52-55). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fahey, E. (2016). 'On the Benefits of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations for the EU Legal Order: A Legal Perspective'. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 43(Issue 4), pp. 327-340. doi: 10.54648/leie2016017


Sime, S. (2015). Lord Dyson and the Implied Sanctions Doctrine. Civil Justice Quarterly, 34(3), pp. 267-284.

Sime, S. (2015). Res Judicata and ADR. Civil Justice Quarterly, 34(1), pp. 35-51.


Browne, J. & Sime, S. (2014). Arbitration: Blood Diamonds. The Resolver, August, pp. 10-14.

Browne, J. & Sime, S. (2014). Carat and stick tactics. The Resolver, 2014(August), pp. 10-13.

Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2014). The Court of Justice of the European Union: International or Domestic Court?. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, 3(3), pp. 696-718. doi: 10.7574/cjicl.03.03.231

Sime, S. (2014). Enforcement Against Goods: This Legislative Overload Must Stop. Civil Justice Quarterly, 33(3), pp. 1-15.

Sime, S. (2014). Sanctions After Mitchell. Civil Justice Quarterly, 33(2), pp. 135-158.

Truxal, S. (2014). Encouraging student participation with formative assessment and engagement in grading criteria: hybrid peer/self-assessment activity. Learning at City Journal, 4(2), pp. 18-24.


Odermatt, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-3033 (2013). Between Law and Reality: New Wars and Internationalised Armed Conflict. Amsterdam Law Forum, 5(19), pp. 19-32.

Sime, S. (2013). Offers to Settle: incentive, coercion, clarity. Civil Justice Quarterly, 32(2), pp. 182-197.


Nag, S (2011). Worked up. Solicitors Journal, 155(22), article number 17.


Temkin, J. (2010). "And always keep a-hold of nurse, for fear of finding something worse": Challenging rape myths in the courtroom. New Criminal Law Review, 13(4), pp. 710-734. doi: 10.1525/nclr.2010.13.4.710


Duncan, N.J., Baughan, P., Dymiotis-Wellington, C. , Halsall, S., Litosseliti, L. & Vielba, C. (2009). Promoting good academic practice through the curriculum and project work. In: SoTL Conference Proceedings. Teaching and Learning 7th London Scholarship of International Conference, London.


Krahé, B., Temkin, J., Bieneck, S. & Berger, A. (2008). Prospective lawyers' rape stereotypes and schematic decision making about rape cases. Psychology, Crime and Law, 14(5), pp. 461-479. doi: 10.1080/10683160801932380

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