Items where Author is "Lang, T."
Jones, A., Bridle, S., Denby, K. , Bhunnoo, R., Morton, D., Stanbrough, L., Coupe, B., Pilley, V., Benton, T., Falloon, P., Matthews, T. K., Hasnain, S., Heslop-Harrison, J. S., Beard, S., Pierce, J., Pretty, J., Zurek, M., Johnstone, A., Smith, P., Gunn, N., Watson, M., Pope, E., Tzachor, A., Douglas, C., Reynolds, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-1073-7394, Ward, N. S., Fredenburgh, J., Pettinger, C., Quested, T., Cordero, J. P., Mitchell, C., Bewick, C., Brown, C., Brown, C., Burgess, P. J., Challinor, A., Cottrell, A., Crocker, T., George, T., Godfray, C. J., Hails, R., Ingram, J., Lang, T., Lyon, F., Lusher, S., MacMillan, T., Newton, S., Pearson, S., Pritchard, S., Sanders, D., Sanderson Bellamy, A., Steven, M., Trickett, A., Voysey, A., Watson, C., Whitby, D. & Whiteside, K. (2023).
Scoping Potential Routes to UK Civil Unrest via the Food System: Results of a Structured Expert Elicitation.
Sustainability, 15(20),
article number 14783.
doi: 10.3390/su152014783
Cappuccio, F. P., Campbell, N. C., He, F. , Jacobson, M., MacGregor, G. A., Antman, E., Appel, L. J., Arcand, J., Blanco-Metzler, A., Cook, N., Guichon, J., L'Abbe, M., Lackland, D., Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344, McLean, R., Miglinas, M., Mitchell, I., Sacks, F. M., Sever, P. S., Stampfer, M., Strazzullo, P., Sunman, W., Webster, J., Whelton, P. K. & Willett, W. (2022).
Sodium and Health: Old Myths and a Controversy Based on Denial.
Current Nutrition Reports, 11(2),
pp. 172-184.
doi: 10.1007/s13668-021-00383-z
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2022).
UK food policy: implications for nutritionists.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 81(2),
pp. 176-189.
doi: 10.1017/s0029665122000817
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 & Lindgren, K-A. (2022).
Understanding the policy discourse within the formulation of the 2013 Indian National Food Security Act.
Food Security, 14(5),
pp. 1159-1173.
doi: 10.1007/s12571-022-01267-y
Parsons, K., Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 & Barling, D. (2021).
London’s food policy: Leveraging the policy sub-system, programme and plan.
Food Policy, 103,
article number 102037.
doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102037
den Boer, A. C. L., Kok, K. P. W., Gill, M. , Breda, J., Cahill, J., Callenius, C., Caron, P., Damianova, Z., Gurinovic, M., Lahteenmaki, L., Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344, Sonnino, R., Verburg, G., Westhoek, H., Cesuroglu, T., Regeer, B. J. & Broerse, J. E. W. (2021).
Research and innovation as a catalyst for food system transformation.
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 107,
pp. 150-156.
doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2020.09.021
Ingram, J., Ajates, R., Arnall, A. , Blake, L., Borrelli, R., Collier, R., de Frece, A., Häsler, B., Lang, T., Pope, H., Reed, K., Sykes, R., Wells, R. ORCID: 0000-0002-0329-2120 & White, R. (2020).
A future workforce of food-system analysts.
Nature Food, 1(1),
pp. 9-10.
doi: 10.1038/s43016-019-0003-3
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2019).
No-deal food planning in UK Brexit.
The Lancet, 394(10201),
pp. 814-815.
doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(19)31769-6
Willett, W., Rockström, J., Loken, B. , Springmann, M., Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344, Vermeulen, S., Garnett, T., Tilman, D., DeClerck, F., Wood, A., Jonell, M., Clark, M., Gordon, L. J., Fanzo, J., Hawkes, C.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5091-878X, Zurayk, R., Rivera, J. A., De Vries, W., Majele Sibanda, L., Afshin, A., Chaudhary, A., Herrero, M., Agustina, R., Branca, F., Lartey, A., Fan, S., Crona, B., Fox, E., Bignet, V., Troell, M., Lindahl, T., Singh, S., Cornell, S. E., Srinath Reddy, K., Narain, S., Nishtar, S. & Murray, C. J. L. (2019).
Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems.
Lancet, 393(10170),
pp. 447-492.
doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(18)31788-4
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 & McKee, M. (2018).
Brexit poses serious threats to the availability and affordability of food in the United Kingdom.
Journal of Public Health, 40(4),
doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy073
Mozaffarian, D., Angell, S. Y., Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 & Rivera, J. A. (2018).
Role of government policy in nutrition-barriers to and opportunities for healthier eating.
BMJ, 361,
article number k2426.
doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2426
Lang, T. & Mason, P. (2017). Sustainable diet policy development: implications of multi-criteria and other approaches, 2008-2017. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 77(3), pp. 331-346. doi: 10.1017/s0029665117004074
Reed, K., Collier, R., White, R. , Wells, R., Ingram, J., Borelli, R., Haesler, B., Caraher, M., Lang, T., Arnall, A., Ajates Gonzalez, R., Pope, H., Blake, L. & Sykes, R. (2017). Training Future Actors in the Food System: A new collaborative cross-institutional, interdisciplinary training programme for students. Exchanges: the Warwick Research Journal, 4(2), pp. 201-218.
Brunori, G., Galli, F., Barjolle, D. , Broekhuizen, R. V., Colombo, L., Giampietro, M., Kirwan, J., Lang, T., Mathijs, E., Maye, D., Roest, K. D., Rougoor, C., Schwarz, J., Schmitt, E., Smith, J., Stojanovic, Z., Tisenkopfs, T. & Touzard, J-M. (2016). Are Local Food Chains More Sustainable than Global Food Chains? Considerations for Assessment. Sustainability, 8(5), article number 449. doi: 10.3390/su8050449
Smith, J., Lang, T., Vorley, B. & Barling, D. (2016). Addressing Policy Challenges for More Sustainable Local–Global Food Chains: Policy Frameworks and Possible Food “Futures”. Sustainability, 8(4), article number 299. doi: 10.3390/su8040299
Macdiarmid, J. I., Lang, T. & Haines, A. (2016). Down with food waste. BMJ, 352, article number i1380. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i1380
Rayner, G. & Lang, T. (2015). What is the point of public health in the 21st century?. Public Health, 129(10), pp. 1309-1313. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.09.001
Brinsden, H. & Lang, T. (2015). Reflecting on ICN2: Was it a game changer?. Archives of Public Health, 73(1), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1186/s13690-015-0091-y
Wallinga, D., Rayner, G. & Lang, T. (2015). Antimicrobial resistance and biological governance: explanations for policy failure. Public Health, 129(10), pp. 1314-1325. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.08.012
Lang, T. & Rayner, G. (2015). Beyond the Golden Era of public health: charting a path from sanitarianism to ecological public health. Public Health, 129(10), pp. 1369-1382. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.07.042
Lang, T. (2015). Sustainable Diets: another hurdle or a better food future?,. Development, 57(2), pp. 240-256. doi: 10.1057/dev.2014.73
Seed, B., Lang, T., Caraher, M. & Ostry, A. (2014). Exploring Public Health's roles and limitations in advancing food security in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 105(5), e324-e329. doi: 10.17269/cjph.105.4414
Ashton, J. R., Middleton, J. & Lang, T. (2014). Open letter to Prime Minister David Cameron on food poverty in the UK. LANCET, 383(9929), article number 1631. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(14)60536-5
Gatley, A., Caraher, M. & Lang, T. (2014). A qualitative, cross cultural examination of attitudes and behaviour in relation to cooking habits in France and Britain. Appetite, 75, pp. 71-81. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2013.12.014
Seed, B., Lang, T., Caraher, M. & Ostry, A. (2013). Integrating food security into public health and provincial government departments in British Columbia, Canada. Agriculture and Human Values, 30(3), pp. 457-470. doi: 10.1007/s10460-013-9426-x
Lang, T. & Barling, D. (2013). Nutrition and sustainability: an emerging food policy discourse. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 72(1), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1017/s002966511200290x
Lang, T. & Barling, D. (2013). UK Food Policy: Can we get it on the right track?. Food Ethics, 8(3), pp. 4-7.
Lang, T. & Barling, D. (2012). Food security and food sustainability: reformulating the debate. The Geographical Journal, 178(4), pp. 313-326. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2012.00480.x
Lang, T. & Rayner, G. (2012). Ecological public health: the 21st century's big idea? An essay by Tim Lang and Geof Rayner. BMJ, 345(aug21 ), article number e5466. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e5466
Nestle, M., James, W. P. T., Annan, R. , Margetts, B., Geissler, C., Kuhnlein, H., Schuftan, C., Cannon, G., Yngve, A., Popkin, B., Uauy, R., Jonsson, U., Rayner, G. & Lang, T. (2012). Looking into the future, what do we see?. World Nutrition, 3(4), pp. 119-163.
Lang, T. (2012). Public health and nutrition: where do we go?. World Nutrition, 3(4), pp. 92-118.
Rayner, G. & Lang, T. (2011). Is nudge an effective public health strategy to tackle obesity? No. BMJ, 342(apr13 ), article number d2177. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d2177
Lang, T. & Rayner, G. (2010). Corporate responsibility in public health. BMJ, 341(jul14 ), article number c3758. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3758
Lang, T. (2010). From value-for-money to values-for-money: Ethical food and policy in Europe. Environment and Planning A, 42(8), pp. 1814-1832. doi: 10.1068/a4258
Rayner, G. & Lang, T. (2010). A healthy choice?: Geof Rayner and Tim Lang examine whether the public health white paper can deliver what it promises in England. Primary Health Care, 21(1), article number 10.
Lang, T. (2010). Crisis? What Crisis? The Normality of the Current Food Crisis. Journal Of Agrarian Change, 10(1), pp. 87-97. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0366.2009.00250.x
Barling, D. & Lang, T. (2010). Food Policy in the UK: Reflections on Food 2030 before and after. Food Ethics, 5(2), pp. 4-7.
Lang, T. (2009). Reshaping the Food System for Ecological Public Health. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 4(3-4), pp. 315-335. doi: 10.1080/19320240903321227
Lang, T. (2009). What President Obama can do in the world. Public Health Nutrition, 12(04), pp. 581-583. doi: 10.1017/s1368980009005436
Gabriel, Y. & Lang, T. (2008). New Faces and New Masks of Today's Consumer. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(3), pp. 321-340. doi: 10.1177/1469540508095266
Keller, I. & Lang, T. (2008). Food-based dietary guidelines and implementation: lessons from four countries - Chile, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa. Public Health Nutrition, 11(8), pp. 867-874. doi: 10.1017/s1368980007001115
Barling, D., Lang, T. & Sharpe, R. (2008). Addressing the challenges of UK national food security. Living Earth, 234(Spring), pp. 14-19.
Barling, D., Lang, T. & Sharpe, R. (2008). Food Capacity: the root of the problem. Royal Society of Arts Journal, CLIV(5533), pp. 22-27.
Wrieden, W. L., Anderson, A. S., Longbottom, P. J. , Valentine, K., Stead, M., Caraher, M., Lang, T., Gray, B. & Dowler, E. (2007). The impact of a community-based food skills intervention on cooking confidence, food preparation methods and dietary choices - an exploratory trial. Public Health Nutrition, 10(2), pp. 203-211. doi: 10.1017/s1368980007246658
Barling, D., Lang, T. & Caraher, M. (2002). Joined-up food policy? The trials of governance, public policy and the food system. Social Policy & Administration, 36(6), pp. 556-574. doi: 10.1111/1467-9515.t01-1-00304
Robinson, N., Caraher, M. & Lang, T. (2000). Access to shops: The views of low-income shoppers. Health Education Journal, 59(2), pp. 121-136. doi: 10.1177/001789690005900202
Caraher, M. & Lang, T. (1999). Can't cook, won't cook: A review of cooking skills and their relevance to health promotion. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 37(3), pp. 89-100. doi: 10.1080/14635240.1999.10806104
Caraher, M., Dixon, P., Lang, T. & Carr-Hill, R. (1998). Access to healthy foods: Part I. Barriers to accessing healthy foods: Differentials by gender, social class, income and mode of transport. Health Education Journal, 57(3), pp. 191-201. doi: 10.1177/001789699805700302
Book Section
Lang, T., Wu, M. & Caraher, M. (2017). Meat and Policy: Charting a Course through the Complexity. In: d’Silva, J. & Webster, J. (Eds.), The Meat Crisis: developing more sustainable and ethical production and consumption. (pp. 317-334). Adingdon, UK: Routledge.
Lang, T. & Ingram, J. (2014). Food Security Twists and Turns: Why Food Systems need Complex Governance. In: O'Riordan, T. & Lenton, T. (Eds.), Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future. (pp. 81-103). British Academy Scholarship. doi: 10.5871/bacad/9780197265536.003.0005
Lang, T., Caraher, M. & Wu, M. (2010). Meat and Policy: Charting a Course Through the Complexity. In: D'Silva, J. & Webster, J. (Eds.), The Meat Crisis: Developing More Sustainable Production and Consumption. (pp. 254-274). Routledge.
Caraher, M. & Lang, T. (2005). Food, Health and Globalisation: Is Health Promotion Still Relevant? In: Scriven, A & Garman, S (Eds.), Promoting Health: Global Perspectives. (pp. 90-105). Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference or Workshop Item
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2017).
Towards Sustainable Production & Consumption.
Paper presented at the 10th European Public Health Conference, 1-4 Nov 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
Alder, J., Barling, D., Dugan, P. , Herren, H. R., Josupeit, H. & Lang, T. (2012). Avoiding Future Famines: Strengthening the Ecological Foundation of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems. A UNEP Synthesis Report. UNEP.
Lang, T., Millstone, E. & Marsden, T. (2017). A Food Brexit: time to get real – A Brexit Briefing. Brighton, UK: University of Sussex Science Policy Research Unit.
Working Paper
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344, Lewis, T., Marsden, T. & Millstone, E. (2018).
Feeding Britain: Food Security after Brexit.
London, UK: Food Research Collaboration.
McFarlane, G., Lewis, T. & Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2018).
Food, Brexit and Northern Ireland: Critical Issues.
London, UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Millstone, E. & Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2018).
Hormone-treated beef: Should Britain accept it after Brexit?.
London, UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Millstone, E. & Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344 (2018).
Weakening UK food law enforcement: a risky tactic in Brexit.
London, UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Lang, T. ORCID: 0000-0002-1184-8344, Millstone, E., Lewis, T. & MacFarlane, G. (2018).
Why Local Authorities should prepare Food Brexit Plans.
London, UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Bailey, A., Lang, T. & Schoen, V. (2016). Does the CAP still fit?. UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Lang, T. & Schoen, V. (2016). Food, the UK and the EU: Brexit or Bremain?. UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Lang, T. & Schoen, V. (2016). Horticulture in the UK: potential for meeting dietary guideline demands. UK: Food Research Collaboration.
Schoen, V. & Lang, T. (2015). Should the UK be concerned about sugar?. UK: Food Research Collaboration.