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Literacy and phonological skills in oral deaf children and hearing children with a history of dyslexia

Herman, R. ORCID: 0000-0001-5732-9999, Kyle, F. E. ORCID: 0000-0003-2997-3167 & Roy, P. (2019). Literacy and phonological skills in oral deaf children and hearing children with a history of dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly, 54(4), pp. 553-575. doi: 10.1002/rrq.244


Oral deaf children and hearing children with dyslexia both experience literacy challenges, although their reasons differ. This paper explores the problems underlying poor literacy in each group and draws implications for reading interventions.

Data were collected using standardised literacy and phonological measures from 69 severe-profoundly prelingually-deaf children aged 10-11 years, all communicating with spoken language, and compared with equivalent data from 20 hearing children with a history of dyslexia matched on reading ability. Children were given a large battery of tasks assessing word and nonword reading, spelling, vocabulary and reading-related skills including lettersound knowledge, phonological awareness, rapid automated naming and verbal short-term memory. Striking similarities were observed for word reading, nonword reading and spelling across groups, and associations between the measures and reading-related skills were similar. However, differences between the two groups emerged in the strength of association between literacy and vocabulary. Regression analyses confirmed vocabulary as a key predictor of literacy in the oral deaf group.

These results suggest that not only children with a history of dyslexia but also oral deaf children who struggle with reading should receive specialist literacy support. Reading interventions for oral deaf children should target phonological and language skills within a fully integrated approach.

Publication Type: Article
Additional Information: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Herman, R. , Kyle, F. E. and Roy, P. (2019). Literacy and phonological skills in oral deaf children and hearing children with a history of dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly, which is to be published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Publisher Keywords: phonological awareness, Vocabulary, Assessment, Developmental Theories, Communication Disorders, Hearing Impairment, Language Acquisition, Language Development, Dyslexia, Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis, 2‐Childhood
Subjects: P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics
Departments: School of Health & Medical Sciences > Language & Communication Science
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