City Research Online

Items where Schools and Departments is "Language & Communication Science" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 33.


Barnard, R. A., Cruice, M. & Playford, E. D. (2010). Strategies used in the pursuit of achievability during goal setting in rehabilitation. Qualitative Health Research, 20(2), pp. 239-250. doi: 10.1177/1049732309358327

Botting, N. (2010). "It's not (just) what you do, but the way that you do it": factors that determine narrative ability in atypical language learners. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(10), pp. 886-887. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2010.03651.x

Botting, N., Riches, N., Gaynor, M. & Morgan, G. (2010). Gesture production and comprehension in children with specific language impairment. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28(1), pp. 51-69. doi: 10.1348/026151009x482642


Cocks, N. & Cruice, M. (2010). The experiences and perspectives of overseas trained speech and language therapists working in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 12(3), pp. 271-282. doi: 10.3109/17549500903215318

Cruice, M., Hill, R., Worrall, L. & Hickson, L. (2010). Conceptualising quality of life for older people with aphasia. Aphasiology, 24(3), pp. 327-347. doi: 10.1080/02687030802565849

Cruice, M., Worrall, L. & Hickson, L. (2010). Health-related quality of life in people with aphasia: Implications for fluency disorders quality of life research. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35(3), pp. 173-189. doi: 10.1016/j.jfludis.2010.05.008


Eaton, E., Marshall, J. & Pring, T. (2010). "Like déjà vu all over again": Patterns of perseveration in two people with jargon aphasia. Aphasiology, 24(9), pp. 1017-1031. doi: 10.1080/02687030903249343


Harding, C., Faiman, A. & Wright, J. (2010). Evaluation of an intensive desensitisation, oral tolerance therapy and hunger provocation program for children who have had prolonged periods of tube feeds. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 8(4), pp. 268-276. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1609.2010.00184.x

Harding, C., Faiman, A. & Wright, J. (2010). A pilot project to evaluate intensive desensitisation, oral tolerance therapy and hunger provocation programme for children who have had prolonged tube feeds. International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care, 8(4), pp. 268-276. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1609.2010.00184.x

Hasson, N. & Botting, N. (2010). Dynamic assessment of children with language impairments: A pilot study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26(3), pp. 249-272. doi: 10.1177/0265659009349982

Henry, L. (2010). The episodic buffer in children with intellectual disabilities: An exploratory study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(6), pp. 1609-1614. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2010.04.025

Henry, L. & Bettenay, C. (2010). The assessment of executive functioning in children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 15(2), pp. 110-119. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-3588.2010.00557.x

Henry, L. & Winfield, J. (2010). Working memory and educational achievement in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(4), pp. 354-365. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01264.x

Herman, R. & Mann, W. (2010). Sign language assessment: Where are we now?. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Newsletter, 2010(Januar), pp. 22-23.

Herman, R., Woolfe, T., Roy, P. & Woll, B. (2010). Early vocabulary development in deaf native signers: a British Sign Language adaptation of the communicative development inventories. The Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry And Allied Disciplines, 51(3), pp. 322-331. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02151.x

Hilari, K., Northcott, S., Roy, P. , Marshall, J., Wiggins, R. D., Chataway, J. & Ames, D. (2010). Psychological distress after stroke and aphasia: the first six months. Clinical Rehabilitation, 24(2), pp. 181-190. doi: 10.1177/0269215509346090

Holland, R. & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (2010). The anterior temporal lobe semantic hub is a part of the language neural network: selective disruption of irregular past tense verbs by rTMS. Cerebral Cortex, 20(12), pp. 2771-2775. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhq020


Kerr, J., Hilari, K. & Litosseliti, L. (2010). Information needs after stroke: What to include and how to structure it on a website. A qualitative study using focus groups and card sorting. Aphasiology, 24(10), pp. 1170-1196. doi: 10.1080/02687030903383738

Knight, R.-A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7804-7250 (2010). Sounds for study: Speech and language therapy students' use and perception of exercise podcasts for phonetics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), pp. 269-276.

Knight, R.-A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7804-7250 (2010). Transcribing nonsense words: The effect of numbers of voices and repetitions. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 24(6), pp. 473-484. doi: 10.3109/02699200903491267

Knight, R.-A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7804-7250 (2010). The shape of nuclear falls and their effect on the perception of pitch and prominence: peaks vs. plateaux. Language and Speech, 51(3), pp. 223-244. doi: 10.1177/0023830908098541

Kyle, F. E. & Harris, M. (2010). Predictors of reading development in deaf children: A 3-year longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 107(3), pp. 229-243. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2010.04.011


Lee, M. T., Gibson, S. & Hilari, K. (2010). Gender differences in health-related quality of life following total laryngectomy. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45(3), pp. 287-294. doi: 10.3109/13682820902994218

Lind, S. E. (2010). Memory and the self in autism: A review and theoretical framework. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, 14(5), pp. 430-456. doi: 10.1177/1362361309358700

Lind, S. E. & Bowler, D. M. (2010). Episodic memory and episodic future thinking in adults with autism. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119(4), pp. 896-905. doi: 10.1037/a0020631

Lind, S. E. & Bowler, D. M. (2010). Impaired performance on see-know tasks amongst children with autism: Evidence of specific difficulties with theory of mind or domain-general task factors?. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(4), pp. 479-484. doi: 10.1007/s10803-009-0889-y


Mann, W. & Marshall, C. R. (2010). Building an Assessment Use Argument for sign language: the BSL Nonsense Sign Repetition Test. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(2), pp. 243-258. doi: 10.1080/13670050903474127

Mann, W., Marshall, C. R., Mason, K. & Morgan, G. (2010). The acquisition of Sign Language: The impact of phonetic complexity on phonology. Language Learning and Development, 6(1), pp. 60-86. doi: 10.1080/15475440903245951

Marien, P., Wackenier, P., De Surgeloose, D. , De Deyn, P. P. & Verhoeven, J. (2010). Developmental Coordination Disorder: Disruption of the Cerebello-Cerebral Network evidenced by SPECT. The Cerebellum, 9(3), pp. 405-410. doi: 10.1007/s12311-010-0177-6

Marshall, J., Hilari, K., Cruice, M. & Harrison, K. (2010). Communication. In: Williams, J., Perry, L. & Watkins, C. (Eds.), Acute Stroke Nursing. (pp. 184-204). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444318838.ch8

Mason, K., Rowley, K., Marshall, C. R. , Atkinson, J., Herman, R., Woll, B. & Morgan, G. (2010). Identifying specific language impairment in deaf children acquiring British Sign Language: Implications for theory and practice. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28(1), pp. 33-49. doi: 10.1348/026151009x484190


Seeff-Gabriel, B., Chiat, S. & Dodd, B. (2010). Sentence imitation as a tool in identifying expressive morphosyntactic difficulties in children with severe speech difficulties. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45(6), pp. 691-702. doi: 10.3109/13682820903509432


Verhoeven, J. & Marien, P. (2010). Neurogenic foreign accent syndrome: Articulatory setting, segments and prosody in a Dutch speaker. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 23(6), pp. 599-614. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2010.05.004

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