City Research Online

Items where City Author is "Van-Laer, Tom"

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Number of items: 39.


van Laer, T., Feiereisen, S. & Visconti, L. M. (2019). Storytelling in the Digital Era: Relevant Moderators of the Narrative Transportation Effect. Journal of Business Research, 96, pp. 135-146. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.053

van Laer, T. & Izberk-Bilgin, E. (2018). A Discourse Analysis of Pilgrimage Reviews. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(5-6), pp. 586-604. doi: 10.1080/0267257x.2018.1550434

van Laer, T., Visconti, L. M. & Feiereisen, S. (2018). Need for narrative. Journal of Management, 34(5-6), pp. 484-496. doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2018.1477817

Gordon, R., Ciorciari, J. & van Laer, T. (2018). Using EEG to Examine the Role of Attention, Working Memory, Emotion, and Imagination in Narrative Transportation. European Journal of Marketing, 52(1/2), pp. 92-117. doi: 10.1108/EJM-12-2016-0881

Farace, S., van Laer, T., de Ruyter, K. & Wetzels, M. (2017). Assessing the effect of narrative transportation, portrayed action, and photographic style on the likelihood to comment on posted selfies. European Journal of Marketing, 51(11/12), pp. 1961-1979. doi: 10.1108/ejm-03-2016-0158

van Laer, T. (2016). Why We Love A TV Thriller Like The Missing. Huffington Post,

van Laer, T. & Visconti, L. M. (2016). Brand story-making and digital conversations. Advances in Consumer Research, 44(1), pp. 105-106.

Ludwig, S., van Laer, T., de Ruyter, K. & Friedman, M. (2016). Untangling a web of lies: Exploring automated detection of deception in computer-mediated communication. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(2), pp. 511-541. doi: 10.1080/07421222.2016.1205927

Jiang, H. & van Laer, T. (2016). How Word of Mouth Influences the Storyteller: Does the Effect Replicate in China?. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 44, pp. 315-318.

van Laer, T. & Escalas, J.E. (2016). Narrative consumption in a digital world. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 44, pp. 103-107.

van Laer, T. (2014). The Means to Justify the End: Combating Cyber Harassment in Social Media. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(1), pp. 85-98. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1806-z

van Laer, T. (2014). Social media users won’t fight cyberbullying until they imagine what it’s like to be bullied. The Conversation,

van Laer, T., de Ruyter, K., Visconti, L. M. & Wetzels, M. (2014). The Extended Transportation-Imagery Model: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Narrative Transportation. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), pp. 797-817. doi: 10.1086/673383

van Laer, T., Visconti, L. M. & Feiereisen, S. (2014). Need for narrative. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 42, p758.

van Laer, T. (2013). The means to justify the end: How the way in which decisions to intervene are communicated to users can combat cyber harassment in social media. Advances in Consumer Research, 41(1), pp. 405-406.

van Laer, T., de Ruyter, K. & Cox, D. (2013). A Walk in Customers' Shoes: How Attentional Bias Modification Affects Ownership of Integrity-violating Social Media Posts. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(1), pp. 14-27. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2012.09.002

van Laer, T., de Ruyter, K. & Wetzels, M. (2012). Effects of narrative transportation on persuasion: A meta-analysis. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 40, pp. 579-581.

van Laer, T. & de Ruyter, K. (2010). In stories we trust: How narrative apologies provide cover for competitive vulnerability after integrity-violating blog posts. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27(2), pp. 164-174. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2009.12.010

Book Section

van Laer, T. & Lurie, I. (2018). The Seven Stages of the Digital Marketing Cycle. In: Contemporary Issues in Digital Marketing: New Paradigms, Perspectives and Practices. (pp. 115-142). Farringdon: Libri Publishing.

de Ruyter, K. & van Laer, T. (2014). It's the social, stupid! Leveraging the 4C markers of social in online service delivery. In: Rust, R. T. & Huang, M. H. (Eds.), Handbook of Service Marketing Research. (pp. 413-436). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9780857938855.00029

van Laer, T. & de Ruyter, K. (2012). In de schoenen van de klant: over de maakbaarheid van verantwoordelijke medewerkers. In: Bronner, A. E., Dekker, P., de Leeuw, E. , Paas, L. J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J. E. (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek: 37e Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie. (pp. 9-26). SpaarenHout Haarlem.

van Laer, T. & de Ruyter, K. (2011). Een betrouwbaar verhaal: hoe te reageren op negatieve blogs van klanten. In: Bronner, A. E., Dekker, P., de Leeuw, E. , Paas, L. J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J. E. (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek 2011 Jaarboek. (pp. 43-61). UNSPECIFIED.

Conference or Workshop Item

van Laer, T., Escalas, J.E., Ludwig, S. & van den Hende, E. A. (2017). What happens in Vegas stays on TripAdvisor? Computerized text analysis of narrativity in online consumer reviews. Paper presented at the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 04-06 Dec 2017, Melbourne Australia.

van Laer, T. (2016). What happens in Vegas stays on TripAdvisor? Automatic assessment of narrativity in big data and consumer responses. Paper presented at the Research Seminar, 16 Nov. 2016, University of Warwick, UK.

van Laer, T. (2016). What happens in Vegas stays on TripAdvisor?. Poster presented at the UNSPECIFIED, 21 Oct 2016, City University of London, London, UK.

van Laer, T. (2016). Computers evaluating screenplays? Automatic elicitation of narrativity from big data. Paper presented at the Big Data.Big Movies Coference, 22-23 Sep 2016, Potsdam and Berlin, Germany.

van Laer, T. (2016). The “magic” of money: Welcome to the story of finance. Paper presented at the Pint of Science, 23-25 May 2016, London, UK.

van Laer, T., Visconti, L. M. & Feiereisen, S. (2016). Need for narrative. Paper presented at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 6-9 July 2016, Lille, France.

van Laer, T., Feiereisen, S. & Visconti, L. M. (2016). Ethical Implications of Story Domain, Teller and Receiver for the Narrative Transportation Effect. Paper presented at the 45th Annual European Marketing Academy Conference, 24 - 27 May, 2016, Oslo, Norway.

van Laer, T. (2015). Uncovering the linguistic foundations of consumer stories. Paper presented at the Research Seminar, 17 Nov 2015, University of Melbourne, Australia.

van Laer, T. (2015). The six steps of an effective digital marketing strategy for academics and entrepreneurs alike. Paper presented at the WC2 Symposium 2015, 10 - 14 Aug 2015, London, UK.

van Laer, T. (2015). Narrative transportation: How it relates to “make-believe”. Paper presented at the Research Seminar, 2 Jun 2015, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

van Laer, T. (2015). The Extended Transportation-Imagery Model: A meta-analysis of the antecedents and consequences of consumers’ narrative transportation. Paper presented at the Research Seminar, 22 Jan. 2015, University of Sydney, Australia.

van Laer, T., Visconti, L. M. & Feiereisen, S. (2015). Need for Narrative. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy Conference, 2015, Leuven, Belgium.

Kiratli, N., de Ruyter, K. & van Laer, T. (2014). A Little Help from My Friends: Assessing the Adjustment of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to Corporate Social Responsibility. Paper presented at the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 01-03 Dec 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Internet Publication

van Laer, T. & Hennig-Thurau, T. (2015). The Hobbit box set released – and finally, the Jackson saga is over The Conversation.

van Laer, T. (2014). Our transportation into Game of Thrones could have ugly results The Conversation.


van Laer, T., Ludwig, S. & Escalas, J.E. (2017). Understanding the value of stories in experiential reviews. Cambridge, Massachussets: Marketing Science Institute.


van Laer, T. (2011). Return of the narrative: studies on transportation in social media. (Doctoral thesis, Maastricht University)

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