Items where Schools and Departments is "Engineering" and Year is 2017
Abay, T. Y. & Kyriacou, P. A. (2017). Photoplethysmography for blood volumes and oxygenation changes during intermittent vascular occlusions. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 32(3), pp. 447-455. doi: 10.1007/s10877-017-0030-2
Abro, F. I., Rajarajan, M., Chen, T. & Rahulamathavan, Y. (2017). Android application collusion demystified. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 759, pp. 176-187. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-65548-2_14
Al Zaili, J. ORCID: 0000-0003-4072-2107, Sayma, A. I.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2315-0004 & Iaria, D. (2017).
Reducing Levelised Cost of Energy and Environmental Impact of a Hybrid Microturbine-Based Concentrated Solar Power Plant.
Proceedings of Shanghai 2017 Global Power and Propulsion Forum 30th October–1st November, 2017.
2017Global Power and PropulsionForum, 30th October - 1st November 2017, Shanghai, China.
Alwis, L., Bustamante, H., Bremer, K. , Roth, B., Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). Evaluation of the durability and performance of FBG-based sensors for monitoring moisture in an aggressive gaseous waste sewer environment. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(16), pp. 3380-3386. doi: 10.1109/jlt.2016.2593260
Alwis, L., Bustamante, H., Bremer, K. , Roth, B., Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). A pilot study: Evaluation of sensor system design for optical fibre humidity sensors subjected to aggressive air sewer environment. In: 2016 IEEE SENSORS. . IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2016.7808482
Aminah, N. S., Themistos, C., Hidayat, R. , Djamal, M. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). Evolution of Surface Plasmon Supermodes in Metal-Clad Microwire and its Potential for Biosensing. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(21), pp. 4684-4691. doi: 10.1109/jlt.2017.2753318
Amiryar, M. E. & Pullen, K. R. (2017). A Review of Flywheel Energy Storage System Technologies and Their Applications. Applied Sciences, 7(3), article number 286. doi: 10.3390/app7030286
Apostolopoulou, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-9012-9910 & McCulloch, M. (2017).
Cascade Hydroelectric Power System Model and its Application to an Optimal Dispatch Design.
Paper presented at the IREP’2017 - 10th Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium, 27 Aug - 1 Sep 2017, Espinho, Portugal.
Arsalan, M., Qureshi, A., Khan, A. U. & Rajarajan, M. (2017). Protection of medical images and patient related information in healthcare: Using an intelligent and reversible watermarking technique. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 51, pp. 168-179. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.11.044
Arunkumar, S., Soyluoglu, B., Sensoy, M. , Srivatsa, M. & Rajarajan, M. (2017). Location attestation and access control for mobile devices using GeoXACML. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 80, pp. 181-188. doi: 10.1016/j.jnca.2016.11.028
Azabi, Y. O. (2017). Spiral photonic crystal fibers. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, Universtiy of London)
Barbur, J. L., Llapashtica, E., Connolly, D. M. , Sadler, J., Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). The EMAIL test – measurement of integrated saccade latency and visual processing times without eye-tracking. Aerospace medicine and human performance, 88(3), p298.
Belloni, C., Aouf, N. ORCID: 0000-0001-9291-4077, Merlet, T. & Le Caillec, J. (2017).
SAR image segmentation with GMMs.
International Conference on Radar Systems (Radar 2017).
International Conference on Radar Systems (Radar 2017), 23-26 Oct 2017, Belfast, UK.
Bhanushali, R., Ayre, D. & Yazdani Nezhad, H. ORCID: 0000-0003-0832-3579 (2017).
Tensile Response of Adhesively Bonded Composite-to-composite Single-lap Joints in the Presence of Bond Deficiency.
Procedia CIRP, 59,
pp. 139-143.
doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.09.021
Bianchi, G., Kovacevic, A. & Cipollone, R. (2017). Deforming grid generation for numerical simulations of fluid dynamics in sliding vane rotary machines. Advances in Engineering Software, 112, pp. 180-191. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2017.05.010
Bianchi, G., Kovacevic, A., Cipollone, R. , Murgia, S. & Contaldi, G. (2017). Grid generation methodology and CFD simulations in sliding vane compressors and expanders. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 232(1), article number 012053. doi: 10.1088/1757-899x/232/1/012053
Bobba, S. S. & Agrawal, A. (2017). Ultra-broad Mid-IR Supercontinuum Generation in Single, Bi and Tri Layer Graphene Nano-Plasmonic waveguides pumping at Low Input Peak Powers. Scientific Reports, 7(1), article number 10192. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10141-3
Brown, C. J., Goodey, R.J. ORCID: 0000-0002-9166-8393 & Rotter, J. M. (2017).
Bending of rectangular plates subject to non-uniform pressure distributions relevant to containment structures.
Paper presented at the Eurosteel 2017, 13-15 Sep 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
doi: 10.1002/cepa.140
Bruecker, C. & Mikulich, V. (2017). Sensing of minute airflow motions near walls using pappus-type nature-inspired sensors. PLoS One, 12(6), article number e0179253. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179253
Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020, Schnakenberg, U., Rockenbach, A. & Mikulich, V. (2017).
Effect of Cilia Orientation in Metachronal Transport of Microparticles.
World Journal of Mechanics, 07(01),
pp. 1-10.
doi: 10.4236/wjm.2017.71001
Buckney, D. (2017). Clearance management in twin screw compressors. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Budidha, K. & Kyriacou, P. A. (2017). In vivo investigation of ear canal pulse oximetry during hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 32(1), pp. 97-107. doi: 10.1007/s10877-017-9975-4
Buhl, S., Gleiss, F., Köhler, M. , Hartmann, F., Messig, D., Bruecker, C. & Hasse, C. (2017). A combined numerical and experimental study of the 3D tumble structure and piston boundary layer development during the intake stroke of a gasoline engine. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98(2), pp. 579-600. doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9754-1
Cabrera-Espana, F. (2017). Analysis of the optical properties of texturing patterns for design of Si solar cells. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, Universtiy of London)
Camara, A., Cristantielli, R., Astiz, M. A. & Malaga-Chuquitaype, C. (2017). Design of hysteretic dampers with optimal ductility for the transverse seismic control of cable-stayed bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(11), pp. 1811-1833. doi: 10.1002/eqe.2884
Camara, A., Vazquez, V. F., Ruiz-Teran, A. M. & Paje, S. E. (2017). Influence of the pavement surface on the vibrations induced by heavy traffic in road bridges. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(12), pp. 1099-1111. doi: 10.1139/cjce-2017-0310
Castillo-Rivera, S. & Tomas-Rodriguez, M. (2017). Helicopter flap/lag energy exchange study. Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(4), pp. 2933-2946. doi: 10.1007/s11071-017-3422-4
Chatterjee, S., Phillips, J. P. & Kyriacou, P. A. (2017). Investigating optical path in reflectance pulse oximetry using a multilayer monte carlo model. SPIE Proceedings, 10411, doi: 10.1117/12.2281612
Chen, Y., Vidakovic, M., Fabian, M. , Swift, M., Brun, L., Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). A temperature compensated fibre Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensor system for condition monitoring of electrified railway pantograph. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10323, article number 103236T. doi: 10.1117/12.2263998
Chermak, L., Aouf, N. ORCID: 0000-0001-9291-4077 & Richardson, M. (2017).
Scale robust IMU-assisted KLT for stereo visual odometry solution.
Robotica, 35(9),
pp. 1864-1887.
doi: 10.1017/s0263574716000552
Choo, K-K. R., Rana, O. F. & Rajarajan, M. (2017). Cloud Security Engineering: Theory, Practice and Future Research. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 5(3), pp. 372-374. doi: 10.1109/tcc.2016.2582278
Constantinou, L., Kyriacou, P. A. ORCID: 0000-0002-2868-485X & Triantis, I. (2017).
Towards an optimized tetrapolar electrical impedance lithium detection probe for bipolar disorder: A simulation study.
2017 IEEE SENSORS, 2017-D,
doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234225
Constantinou, L., Triantis, I., Hickey, M. & Kyriacou, P. A. (2017). On the merits of tetrapolar impedance spectroscopy for monitoring lithium concentration variations in human blood plasma. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(3), pp. 601-609. doi: 10.1109/tbme.2016.2570125
Costa, A., Loureiro, T., Passerini, F. , Lopez, S., Pietrushka, D., Klepal, M., Halikias, G. ORCID: 0000-0003-1260-1383, Meintanis, I.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1920-1801, Moustakidis, S.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1090-2177, Karcanias, N.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1889-6314, Bucholz, M. & Arias, I. (2017).
Development of Future EU District Heating and Cooling Network Solutions, Sharing Experiences and Fostering Collaborations.
Proceedings, 1(7),
article number 1105.
doi: 10.3390/proceedings1071105
Cristofaro, M., Edelbauer, W., Gavaises, M. ORCID: 0000-0003-0874-8534 & Koukouvinis, P.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3945-3707 (2017).
Numerical simulation of compressible cavitating two-phase flows with a pressure-based solver.
ILASS–Europe 2017, 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6-8 September 2017, Valencia, Spain.
doi: 10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4629
Dai, K., Sheng, C., Zhao, Z. , Yi, Z., Camara, A. & Bitsuamlak, G. (2017). Nonlinear response history analysis and collapse mode study of a wind turbine tower subjected to tropical cyclonic winds. Wind and Structures, 25(1), pp. 79-100. doi: 10.12989/was.2017.25.1.079
Dasari, B. L., Nouri, J. M., Brabazon, D. & Naher, S. (2017). Graphene and derivatives – Synthesis techniques, properties and their energy applications. Energy, 140(1), pp. 766-778. doi: 10.1016/
Dasari, B. L., Nouri, J. M., Brabazon, D. & Naher, S. (2017). Parametric study for graphene reinforced aluminum matrix composites production using Box Behnken design. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1892(1), article number 130006. doi: 10.1063/1.5008155
Davenport, J. J., Hickey, M., Phillips, J. P. & Kyriacou, P. A. (2017). Dual pO₂/pCO₂ fibre optic sensing film. The Analyst, 142(10), pp. 1711-1719. doi: 10.1039/c7an00173h
Del Bino, L., Silver, J., Stebbings, S. & Del'Haye, P. (2017). Symmetry Breaking of Counter-Propagating Light in a Nonlinear Resonator. Scientific Reports, 7(1), article number 43142. doi: 10.1038/srep43142
Demirol, E. & Ayoub, A. (2017). Inelastic Displacement Ratios of SSI Systems. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 96, pp. 104-114. doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2017.02.010
Dennis, R. & Pullen, K. R. (2017). Vehicles for rural transport services in sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 170(6), pp. 321-327. doi: 10.1680/jtran.15.00081
Di Gravio, G., Patriarca, R., Constantino, F. & Sikora, I. (2017). Safety Assessment For An ATM System Change: A Methodology For The ANSPs. PROMET - Traffic & Transportation, 29(1), pp. 99-107. doi: 10.7307/ptt.v29i1.2121
Dissanayake, K. P. W., Wu, W., Nguyen, H. , Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). Graphene oxide coated long period grating based fibre optic humidity sensor. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10323, article number 1032346. doi: 10.1117/12.2265465
Dissanayake, K. P. W., Wu, W., Nguyen, H. , Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). Graphene oxide-coated Long Period Grating-based fibre optic sensor for relative humidity and external refractive index. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(4), pp. 1145-1151. doi: 10.1109/jlt.2017.2756097
Divall, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-9212-5115, Goodey, R.J. & Stallebrass, S. E.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3747-9524 (2017).
Twin-tunnelling-induced changes to clay stiffnesses.
Géotechnique, 67(10),
pp. 906-913.
doi: 10.1680/jgeot.sip17.p.151
Divall, S. ORCID: 0000-0001-9212-5115, Taylor, R.N., Stallebrass, S. E. & Goodey, R.J. (2017).
Predictions of changes in pore-water pressure around tunnels in clay.
Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 4-5 April 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Efthymiou, E. & Camara, A. (2017). Effect of spatial variability of earthquakes on cable-stayed bridges. Paper presented at the X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 10-13 Sep 2017, Rome, Italy.
Elombo, A., Morstyn, T., Apostolopoulou, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-9012-9910 & McCulloch, M. D. (2017).
Residential Load Variability and Diversity at Different Sampling Time and Aggregation Scales.
pp. 1331-1336.
doi: 10.1109/AFRCON.2017.8095675
Emami, S. D., Lee, H. L., Rahman, M. M. , Abdullah, F., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Dashtabi, M. M. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). Evolution of Surface Acoustic Waves in an Optical Microfiber. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 53(5), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/jqe.2017.2747152
Fabian, M., Hind, D., Gerada, C. , Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). Multi-parameter monitoring of electrical machines using integrated fibre Bragg gratings. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10323, article number 1032311. doi: 10.1117/12.2264928
Faghih, F., Das, D. & Ayoub, A. (2017). Seismic behavior of fiber reinforced steel-concrete composite systems. Procedia Engineering, 171, pp. 899-908. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.386
Favier, J., Li, C., Kamps, L. , Revell, A., O Connor, J. & Brücker, C. (2017). The PELskin project—part I: fluid–structure interaction for a row of flexible flaps: a reference study in oscillating channel flow. Meccanica, 52(8), pp. 1767-1780. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0521-0
Fonseca, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-7654-6005 & Camara, A.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1675-2640 (2017).
Using advanced statistical tools to better understand students’ expectation of teaching.
Paper presented at the HEA Annual Conference 2017, 04-06 Jul 2017, Manchester, UK.
Fonseca, J. ORCID: 0000-0002-7654-6005, Sim, W. W., Shire, T. & O'Sullivan, C. (2017).
Fabric analysis of internally unstable soils.
25th meeting of European Working Group on Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams & their Foundations, EWG-IE.
25th Meeting of the European Working Group on internal erosion in embankment dams & their foundations, 4 - 7 September 2017, Delft.
Gajrani, J., Tripathi, M., Laxmi, V. , Gaur, M. S., Conti, M. & Rajarajan, M. (2017). sPECTRA: a Precise framEwork for analyzing CrypTographic vulneRabilities in Android apps. 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 48, pp. 854-860. doi: 10.1109/ccnc.2017.7983245
Gao, S., Guo, L., Fu, F. & Zhang, S.H. (2017). Capacity of semi-rigid composite joints in accommodating column loss. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 139(12), pp. 288-301. doi: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2017.09.029
Ghavami, M. (2017). Cycle analysis and optimisation of micro gas turbines for concentrated solar power. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Ghavami, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0772-7726, Alzaili, J.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4072-2107, Sayma, A. I.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2315-0004 & ASME (2017).
A Comparative Study of the Control Strategies for Pure Concentrated Solar Power Micro Gas Turbines.
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo.
ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 Jun 2017, Charlotte, NC USA.
doi: 10.1115/gt2017-63987
Ghosh, S. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). A Compact Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Using Composite Plasmonic Waveguide for Ethanol Vapor Sensing. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(14), pp. 3003-3011. doi: 10.1109/jlt.2017.2703827
Giaralis, A. & Petrini, F. (2017). Optimum design of the tuned mass-damper-inerter for serviceability limit state performance in wind-excited tall buildings. Procedia Engineering, 199, pp. 1773-1778. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.453
Giaralis, A. & Petrini, F. (2017). Wind-induced vibration mitigation in tall buildings using the tuned mass-damper-inerter (TMDI). Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(9), pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1061/(asce)st.1943-541x.0001863
Gkatzogias, K.I. (2017). Performance-based seismic design of concrete bridges for deformation control through advanced analysis tools and control devices. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, Universtiy of London)
Gkoktsi, K. & Giaralis, A. (2017). Assessment of sub-Nyquist deterministic and random data sampling techniques for operational modal analysis. Structural Health Monitoring, 16(5), pp. 630-646. doi: 10.1177/1475921717725029
Gkoktsi, K., Giaralis, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-2952-1171, Klis, R. , Dertimanis, V. & Chatzi, E. (2017).
Vibration-based structural performance assessment via output-only sub-Nyquist/compressive wireless sensor data.
Paper presented at the 4th Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures- SMAR 2017, 13 - 15 September 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.
Glackin, C., Chollet, G., Dugan, N. , Cannings, N., Wall, J., Tahir, S. F., Ray, I. G. & Rajarajan, M. (2017). Privacy preserving encrypted phonetic search of speech data. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, pp. 6414-6418. doi: 10.1109/icassp.2017.7953391
Goodey, R.J., Brown, C. J. & Rotter, J. M. (2017). Rectangular steel silos: Finite element predictions of filling wall pressures. Engineering Structures, 132, pp. 61-69. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.11.023
Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2017). Measurement and modelling of the turbulent boundary layer near the attachment line of a swept wing. Aeronautical Journal, 121(1240), pp. 746-769. doi: 10.1017/aer.2017.30
Gulistan, A., Ghosh, S. ORCID: 0000-0002-1992-2289, Ramachandran, S. & Rahman, B. M.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6384-0961 (2017).
Efficient strategy to increase higher order inter-modal stability of a step index multimode fiber.
Optics Express, 25(24),
pp. 29714-29723.
doi: 10.1364/oe.25.029714
Habib, K., Jiang, W., Rahman, B. M. & Grattan, K. T. V. (2017). Energy efficiency of iron-boron-silicon metallic glasses in sulfuric acid solutions. Materials Research Express, 4(3), article number 035201. doi: 10.1088/2053-1591/aa60dc
Hashim, Z.Q., Constantinou, L., Kyriacou, P. A. & Triantis, I. (2017). A novel approach to transcutaneous localization of blood vessels using a dynamically reconfigurable electrode (DRE) array. In: 2016 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/BioCAS.2016.7833822
Hauerhof, E. (2017). The assessment of oil products tanker design methods and technologies to enhance the Energy Efficiency Design Index measure by means of computer simulation and trend analysis. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Holmes, C. S., Rane, S. & Wang, X. (2017). Manufacturing method and performance assessment for variable lead vacuum rotors. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 232, article number 12022. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012022
Huo, J., Zhang, J., Liu, Y. & Fu, F. (2017). Dynamic Behaviour and Catenary Action of Axially-restrained Steel Beam Under Impact Loading. Structures, 11, pp. 84-96. doi: 10.1016/j.istruc.2017.04.005
Idrees, F., Rajarajan, M., Conti, M. , Chen, T. & Rahulamathavan, Y. (2017). PIndroid: A novel Android malware detection system using ensemble learning methods. Computers and Security, 68, pp. 36-46. doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2017.03.011
Iezzi, M. & Read, M. G. ORCID: 0000-0002-7753-2457 (2017).
Enabling solid biomass fired small scale cogeneration systems with the twin screw wet steam expander technology.
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Online Proceedings 2017.
doi: 10.5071/25thEUBCE2017-ICO.12.2
Ioakim, Panagiotis (2017). A high precision accelerometer-based sensor unit for the acquisition of ultra low distortion seismic signals. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, Universtiy of London)
Ioannou, E. & Sayma, A. I. (2017). Full Annulus Numerical Study of Hot Streaks Propagation in a Hydrogen-rich Syngas-Fired Heavy Duty Axial Turbine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 231(5), pp. 344-356. doi: 10.1177/0957650917706861
Jawaid, M. M., Rajani, R., Liatsis, P. , Reyes-Aldasoro, C. C. ORCID: 0000-0002-9466-2018 & Slabaugh, G. G. (2017).
A Hybrid Energy Model for Region Based Curve Evolution - Application to CTA Coronary Segmentation.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 144,
pp. 189-202.
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2017.03.020
Jawaid, M. M., Rajani, R., Liatsis, P. , Reyes-Aldasoro, C. C. ORCID: 0000-0002-9466-2018 & Slabaugh, G. G. (2017).
Improved CTA Coronary Segmentation with a Volume-Specific Intensity Threshold.
Paper presented at the Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) 2017, 11 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, UK.
Jawaid, M. M., Riaz, A., Rajani, R. , Reyes-Aldasoro, C. C. ORCID: 0000-0002-9466-2018 & Slabaugh, G. G. (2017).
Framework for Detection and Localization of Coronary Non-Calcified Plaques in Cardiac CTA using Mean Radial Profiles.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 89,
pp. 84-95.
doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.07.021
Jawaid, M.M. (2017). Detection, localization and quantification of non-calcified coronary plaques in contrast enhanced CT angiography. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Jian, J. (2017). Ultrasound field measurement and modelling for non-destructive testing. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Jiang, W., Sun, X. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). Compact and fabrication-tolerant polarization splitter based on horizontal triple-slot waveguide. Applied Optics, 56(8), pp. 2119-2126. doi: 10.1364/ao.56.002119
Junoh, S. & Aouf, N. ORCID: 0000-0001-9291-4077 (2017).
Person Classification Leveraging Convolutional Neural Network for Obstacle Avoidance via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS), 3-5 Oct 2017, Linkoping, Sweden.
Kabir, I. R., Yin, D. & Naher, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-2047-5807 (2017).
3D Thermal Model of Laser Surface Glazing for H13 Tool Steel.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1892,
article number 130003.
doi: 10.1063/1.5008152
Kabir, I. R., Yin, D., Tamanna, N. & Naher, S. ORCID: 0000-0003-2047-5807 (2017).
3D Thermal Model of Laser Surface Glazing for Ti6Al4V alloy.
Applied Sciences,
Kamps, L., Geyer, T. F., Sarradj, E. & Brücker, C. (2017). Vortex shedding noise of a cylinder with hairy flaps. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 388, pp. 69-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.10.039
Karathanassis, I. K., Koukouvinis, P. & Gavaises, M. (2017). Comparative evaluation of phase-change mechanisms for the prediction of flashing flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 95, pp. 257-270. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.06.006
Karathanassis, I. K. ORCID: 0000-0001-9025-2866, Koukouvinis, P.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3945-3707, Lorenzi, M. , Kontolatis, E., Li, Z., Wang, J., Mitroglou, N. & Gavaises, M.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0874-8534 (2017).
High-speed X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging of String Cavitation in an Enlarged Diesel-Injector Orifice Replica.
ILASS–Europe 2017, 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6 - 8 September 2017, 6 - 8 September 2017 Valencia, Spain.
doi: 10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4996
Karathanassis, I. K., Papanicolaou, E., Belessiotis, V. & Bergeles, G. (2017). Design and experimental evaluation of a parabolic-trough concentrating photovoltaic/thermal (CPVT) system with high-efficiency cooling. Renewable Energy, 101, pp. 467-483. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2016.09.013
Karcanias, N. ORCID: 0000-0002-1889-6314, Livada, M. & Leventides, J. (2017).
System Properties of Implicit Passive Electrical Networks Descriptions.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1),
pp. 9242-9247.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1285
Karim, M. R., Ahmad, H. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). All-Normal Dispersion Chalcogenide PCF for Ultraflat Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(21), pp. 1792-1795. doi: 10.1109/lpt.2017.2752214
Karim, M. R., Ahmad, H. & Rahman, B. M. (2017). All-Normal-Dispersion Chalcogenide Waveguides for Ultraflat Supercontinuum Generation in the Mid-Infrared Region. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 53(2), pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/jqe.2017.2677380
Kassem, H. I. (2017). Flutter prediction of metallic and composite wings using coupled DSM-CFD models in transonic flow. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Kechagias-Stamatis, O. & Aouf, N. ORCID: 0000-0001-9291-4077 (2017).
Evaluating 3D local descriptors for future LIDAR missiles with automatic target recognition capabilities.
The Imaging Science Journal, 65(7),
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